disablement_checking_resume Kernel Service


Indicates the end of a disabled code path that was exempted from detection of excessive interrupt disablement.


#include <sys/intr.h>

void disablement_checking_resume(long prev_state)


Item Description
prev_state Specifies the disablement detection state to be restored. This value is returned by the disablement_checking_suspend kernel service.


The disablement_checking_resume service restores the disablement detection state to the value passed as prev_state. This service must be called after reenabling interrupts at the end of an INTMAX critical section, not within it. This is because, in the case of an INTMAX critical section, the tick counting will have been deferred by the total disablement until the moment of enablement.

This service must be used in conjunction with the disablement_checking_suspend kernel service, which temporarily stops disablement detection.

Note: Error checking, including that for excessive interrupt disablement, can be enabled or disabled by the errctrl command.

Execution Environment

The disablement_checking_resume service can be called from either the process or the interrupt environments.