bsr_free Kernel Service


Frees a Barrier Synchronization Register (BSR) resource previously allocated with the bsr_alloc kernel service.


#include <sys/adspace.h>

int bsr_free (
	int bsr_id,


Item Description
bsr_id BSR resource identifier as returned in the bsr_id field of the bsr_alloc call.


The bsr_free service releases a BSR allocation. The specific BSR resource being freed is identified by the unique identifier bsr_id from the corresponding bsr_alloc call.

It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that all prior attachments to the BSR resource, through rmmap_create calls, have been detached with corresponding rmmap_remove calls prior to freeing the BSR resource.

Execution Environment

The bsr_free service can only be called from the process environment.

Return Values

Item Description
0 A successful operation.
ENODEV The BSR facility is not present.
EINVAL BSR resource corresponding to bsr_id is invalid or not currently allocated.