as_geth Kernel Service


Obtains a handle to the virtual memory object for the specified address given in the specified address space.


#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <sys/vmuser.h> #include <sys/adspace.h> vmhandle_t as_geth (Adspacep, Addr) adspace_t *Adspacep; caddr_t Addr;


Item Description
Adspacep Points to the address space structure to obtain the virtual memory object handle from.
Addr Specifies the virtual memory address that should be used to determine the virtual memory object handle for the specified address space.


The as_geth kernel service is used to obtain a handle to the virtual memory object corresponding to a virtual memory address in a particular address space. This handle can then be used with the vm_att kernel service to make the object addressable in another address space.

This service can also be called from the interrupt environment.

Execution Environment

The as_geth kernel service can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

The as_geth kernel service always succeeds and returns the appropriate handle.