__pag_getvalue System Call


Invokes the kcred_getpag kernel service and returns the PAG value.


int __pag_getvalue (type)
int type;


Given a PAG type, the __pag_getvalue system call invokes the kcred_getpag kernel service and returns the PAG value for the value of the type parameter.


Item Description
type An int value indicating the desired PAG.

Return Values

If successful, the value of the PAG (or 0 when there is no value for that PAG type) is returned. If unsuccessful, -1 is returned and the errno global variable is set to a value reflecting the cause of the error.

Error Codes

Item Description
EINVAL The type parameter is less than 0 or greater than the maximum PAG type value.
ENOENT The type parameter doesn't reference and existing PAG type.
Note: It is not an error for a defined PAG to not have a value in the current process' credentials.