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Case-Sensitivity in AIX®
ISO 9000
32-Bit and 64-Bit Support for the Single UNIX® Specification
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Kernel Services
__pag_getid System Call
__pag_getname System Call
__pag_getvalue System Call
__pag_setname System Call
__pag_setvalue System Call
acct_add_LL or acct_zero_LL Kernel Service
acct_get_projid Kernel Service
acct_get_usage Kernel Service
acct_interval_register or acct_interval_unregister Kernel Service
acct_put Kernel Service
add_domain_af Kernel Service
add_input_type Kernel Service
add_netisr Kernel Service
add_netopt Macro
as_att64 Kernel Service
as_det64 Kernel Service
as_geth Kernel Service
as_geth64 Kernel Service
as_getsrval64 Kernel Service
as_lw_att64 Kernel Service
as_lw_det64 Kernel Service
as_lw_pool_init Kernel Service
as_puth64 Kernel Service
as_seth64 Kernel Service
attach Device Queue Management Routine
audit_svcbcopy Kernel Service
audit_svcfinis Kernel Service
audit_svcstart Kernel Service
bawrite Kernel Service
bdwrite Kernel Service
bflush Kernel Service
bindprocessor Kernel Service
binval Kernel Service
blkflush Kernel Service
bread Kernel Service
breada Kernel Service
brelse Kernel Service
bsr_alloc Kernel Service
bsr_free Kernel Service
bsr_query Kernel Service
bwrite Kernel Service
cancel Device Queue Management Routine
cfgnadd Kernel Service
cfgncb Configuration Notification Control Block
cfgndel Kernel Service
check Device Queue Management Routine
clrbuf Kernel Service
clrjmpx Kernel Service
common_reclock Kernel Service
compare_and_swap Kernel Services
coprocessor_user_register Kernel Service
coprocessor_user_unregister Kernel Service
copyin Kernel Service
copyinstr Kernel Service
copyout Kernel Service
crcopy Kernel Service
crdup Kernel Service
creatp Kernel Service
crexport Kernel Service
crfree Kernel Service
crget Kernel Service
crhold Kernel Service
crref Kernel Service
crset Kernel Service
curtime Kernel Service
d_align Kernel Service
d_alloc_dmamem Kernel Service
d_cflush Kernel Service
delay Kernel Service
del_domain_af Kernel Service
del_input_type Kernel Service
del_netisr Kernel Service
del_netopt Macro
detach Device Queue Management Routine
devdump Kernel Service
devstrat Kernel Service
devswadd Kernel Service
devswchg Kernel Service
devswdel Kernel Service
devswqry Kernel Service
d_free_dmamem Kernel Service
disable_lock Kernel Service
disablement_checking_resume Kernel Service
disablement_checking_suspend Kernel Service
d_map_attr Kernel Service
d_map_clear Kernel Service
d_map_disable Kernel Service
d_map_enable Kernel Service
d_map_init Kernel Service
d_map_init_ext Kernel Service
d_map_list Kernel Service
d_map_page Kernel Service
d_map_slave Kernel Service
dmp_add Kernel Service
dmp_compspec and dmp_compext Kernel Services
dmp_ctl Kernel Service
dmp_del Kernel Service
dmp_eaddr, dmp_context, dmp_tid, dmp_pid, dmp_errbuf, dmp_mtrc, dmp_systrace, and dmp_ct Kernel Services
dmp_kernext Kernel Service
d_roundup Kernel Service
d_sync_mem Kernel Service
DTOM Macro for mbuf Kernel Services
d_unmap_list Kernel Service
d_unmap_slave Kernel Service
d_unmap_page Kernel Service
dr_reconfig System Call
e_assert_wait Kernel Service
e_block_thread Kernel Service
e_clear_wait Kernel Service
e_sleep Kernel Service
e_sleepl Kernel Service
e_sleep_thread Kernel Service
et_post Kernel Service
et_wait Kernel Service
e_wakeup, e_wakeup_one, or e_wakeup_w_result Kernel Service
e_wakeup_w_sig Kernel Service
eeh_broadcast Kernel Service
eeh_clear Kernel Service
eeh_disable_slot Kernel Service
eeh_enable_dma Kernel Service
eeh_enable_pio Kernel Service
eeh_enable_slot Kernel Service
eeh_init Kernel Service
eeh_init_multifunc Kernel Service
eeh_read_slot_state Kernel Service
eeh_reset_slot Kernel Service
eeh_slot_error Kernel Service
enque Kernel Service
errresume Kernel Service
errsave or errlast Kernel Service
fetch_and_add Kernel Services
fetch_and_and or fetch_and_or Kernel Services
fidtovp Kernel Service
find_input_type Kernel Service
fp_access Kernel Service
fp_close Kernel Service
fp_close Kernel Service for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
fp_fstat Kernel Service
fp_fsync Kernel Service
fp_getdevno Kernel Service
fp_getf Kernel Service
fp_hold Kernel Service
fp_ioctl Kernel Service
fp_ioctl Kernel Service for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
fp_ioctlx Kernel Service
fp_lseek, fp_llseek Kernel Service
fp_open Kernel Service
fp_open Kernel Service for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
fp_opendev Kernel Service
fp_poll Kernel Service
fp_read Kernel Service
fp_readv Kernel Service
fp_rwuio Kernel Service
fp_select Kernel Service
fp_select Kernel Service notify Routine
fp_write Kernel Service
fp_write Kernel Service for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
fp_writev Kernel Service
fubyte Kernel Service
fuword Kernel Service
getblk Kernel Service
getc Kernel Service
getcb Kernel Service
getcbp Kernel Service
getcf Kernel Service
getcx Kernel Service
geteblk Kernel Service
geterror Kernel Service
getexcept Kernel Service
getfslimit Kernel Service
get_pag or get_pag64 Kernel Service
getpid Kernel Service
getppidx Kernel Service
getuerror Kernel Service
getufdflags and setufdflags Kernel Services
get_umask Kernel Service
gfsadd Kernel Service
gfsdel Kernel Service
gn_closecnt Subroutine
gn_common_memcntl Subroutine
gn_mapcnt Subroutine
gn_opencnt Subroutine
gn_unmapcnt Subroutine
groupmember, groupmember_cr Subroutines
heap_create Kernel Service
heap_destroy Kernel Service
heap_modify Kernel Service
hkeyset_add, hkeyset_replace, hkeyset_restore, or hkeyset_get Kernel Service
hkeyset_restore_userkeys Kernel Service
hkeyset_update_userkeys Kernel Service
i_clear Kernel Service
i_disable Kernel Service
i_enable Kernel Service
i_eoi Kernel Service
ifa_ifwithaddr Kernel Service
ifa_ifwithdstaddr Kernel Service
ifa_ifwithnet Kernel Service
if_attach Kernel Service
if_detach Kernel Service
if_down Kernel Service
if_nostat Kernel Service
ifunit Kernel Service
i_init Kernel Service
i_mask Kernel Service
init_heap Kernel Service
initp Kernel Service
initp Kernel Service func Subroutine
io_map Kernel Service
io_map_clear Kernel Service
io_map_init Kernel Service
io_unmap Kernel Service
iodone Kernel Service
iostadd Kernel Service
iostdel Kernel Service
iowait Kernel Service
ip_fltr_in_hook, ip_fltr_out_hook, ipsec_decap_hook, inbound_fw, outbound_fw Kernel Service
i_pollsched Kernel Service
i_reset Kernel Service
i_sched Kernel Service
i_unmask Kernel Service
ldata_alloc Kernel Service
ldata_create Kernel Service
ldata_destroy Kernel Service
ldata_free Kernel Service
ldata_grow Kernel Service
ldmp_bufest, ldmp_timeleft, ldmp_xmalloc, ldmp_xmfree, and ldmp_errstr Kernel Services
ldmp_freeparms Kernel Service
ldmp_setupparms Kernel Service
IS64U Kernel Service
k_cpuextintr_ctl Kernel Service
kcap_is_set and kcap_is_set_cr Kernel Service
kcid_curproc Kernel Service
kcred_genpagvalue Kernel Service
kcred_getcap Kernel Service
kcred_getgroups Kernel Service
kcred_getpag or kcred_getpag64 Kernel Service
kcred_getpagid Kernel Service
kcred_getpaginfo Kernel Service
kcred_getpagname Kernel Service
kcred_getppriv Kernel Service
kcred_getpriv Kernel Service
kcred_setcap Kernel Service
kcred_setgroups Kernel Service
kcred_setpag or kcred_setpag64 Kernel Service
kcred_setpagname Kernel Service
kcred_setppriv Kernel Service
kcred_setpriv Kernel Service
kern_soaccept Kernel Service
kern_sobind Kernel Service
kern_soclose Kernel Service
kern_soconnect Kernel Service
kern_socreate Kernel Service
kern_sogetopt Kernel Service
kern_solisten Kernel Service
kern_soreceive Kernel Service
kern_soreserve Kernel Service
kern_sosend Kernel Service
kern_sosetopt Kernel Service
kern_soshutdown Kernel Service
kgethostname Kernel Service
kgetpname Kernel Service
kgetrlimit64 Kernel Service
kgetsystemcfg Kernel Service
kgettickd Kernel Service
kkey_assign_private Kernel Service
kkeyset_add_key Kernel Service
kkeyset_add_set Kernel Service
kkeyset_create Kernel Service
kkeyset_delete Kernel Service
kkeyset_remove_key Kernel Service
kkeyset_remove_set Kernel Service
kkeyset_to_hkeyset Kernel Service
klpar_get_info Kernel Service
kmod_entrypt Kernel Service
kmod_load Kernel Service
kmod_unload Kernel Service
kmod_util Kernel Service
kmsgctl Kernel Service
kmsgget Kernel Service
kmsgrcv Kernel Service
kmsgsnd Kernel Service
kra_attachrset Subroutine
kra_creatp Subroutine
kra_detachrset Subroutine
kra_getrset Subroutine
krs_alloc Subroutine
krs_free Subroutine
krs_getassociativity Subroutine
krs_get_homesrad Subroutine
krs_getinfo Subroutine
krs_getpartition Subroutine
krs_getrad Subroutine
krs_init Subroutine
krs_numrads Subroutine
krs_op Subroutine
krs_setpartition Subroutine
ksettickd Kernel Service
ksettimer Kernel Service
kthread_kill Kernel Service
kthread_start Kernel Service
kvmgetinfo Kernel Service
kwpar_checkpoint_status Kernel Service
kwpar_getname Kernel Service
kwpar_getrootpath Kernel Service
kwpar_isappwpar Kernel Service
kwpar_r2vmap_devno Kernel Service
kwpar_r2vmap_pid Kernel Service
kwpar_r2vmap_tid Kernel Service
kwpar_regdevno Kernel Service
kwpar_reghook Kernel Service
kwpar_unregdevno Kernel Service
kwpar_unreghook Kernel Service
kwpar_v2rmap_devno Kernel Service
kwpar_v2rmap_pid Kernel Service
kwpar_v2rmap_tid Kernel Service
limit_sigs or sigsetmask Kernel Service
livedump Kernel Service
lock_alloc Kernel Service
lock_clear_recursive Kernel Service
lock_done Kernel Service
lock_free Kernel Service
lock_init Kernel Service
lock_islocked Kernel Service
lockl Kernel Service
lock_mine Kernel Service
lock_read or lock_try_read Kernel Service
lock_read_to_write or lock_try_read_to_write Kernel Service
lock_set_recursive Kernel Service
lock_write or lock_try_write Kernel Service
lock_write_to_read Kernel Service
loifp Kernel Service
longjmpx Kernel Service
lookupvp, lookupname, lookupname_cur Kernel Services
looutput Kernel Service
ltpin Kernel Service
ltunpin Kernel Service
m_adj Kernel Service
mbreq Structure for mbuf Kernel Services
mbstat Structure for mbuf Kernel Services
m_cat Kernel Service
m_clattach Kernel Service
m_clget Macro for mbuf Kernel Services
m_clgetm Kernel Service
m_collapse Kernel Service
m_copy Macro for mbuf Kernel Services
m_copydata Kernel Service
m_copym Kernel Service
m_dereg Kernel Service
m_free Kernel Service
m_freem Kernel Service
m_get Kernel Service
m_getclr Kernel Service
m_getclust Macro for mbuf Kernel Services
m_getclustm Kernel Service
m_gethdr Kernel Service
M_HASCL Macro for mbuf Kernel Services
m_pullup Kernel Service
m_reg Kernel Service
md_restart_block_read Kernel Service
md_restart_block_upd Kernel Service
MTOCL Macro for mbuf Kernel Services
MTOD Macro for mbuf Kernel Services
M_XMEMD Macro for mbuf Kernel Services
mycpu Kernel Service
net_attach Kernel Service
net_detach Kernel Service
net_error Kernel Service
net_sleep Kernel Service
net_start Kernel Service
net_start_done Kernel Service
net_wakeup Kernel Service
net_xmit Kernel Service
net_xmit_trace Kernel Service
NLuprintf Kernel Service
ns_add_demux Network Kernel Service
ns_add_filter Network Service
ns_add_status Network Service
ns_alloc Network Service
ns_attach Network Service
ns_del_demux Network Service
ns_del_filter Network Service
ns_del_status Network Service
ns_detach Network Service
ns_free Network Service
panic Kernel Service
pci_cfgrw Kernel Service
pfctlinput Kernel Service
pffindproto Kernel Service
pgsignal Kernel Service
pidsig Kernel Service
pin Kernel Service
pin_context_stack or unpin_context_stack Kernel Service
pincf Kernel Service
pincode Kernel Service
pio_assist Kernel Service
Process State-Change Notification Routine
proch_reg Kernel Service
proch_unreg Kernel Service
prochadd Kernel Service
prochdel Kernel Service
probe or kprobe Kernel Service
purblk Kernel Service
putc Kernel Service
putcb Kernel Service
putcbp Kernel Service
putcf Kernel Service
putcfl Kernel Service
putcx Kernel Service
query_proc_info Kernel Service
RAS_BLOCK_NULL Exported Data Structure
ras_control Exported Kernel Service
ras_customize Exported Kernel Service
ras_path_control Exported Kernel Services
ras_register and ras_unregister Exported Kernel Services
ras_ret_query_parms Kernel Service
raschk_eaddr_hkeyset Kernel Service
raschk_eaddr_kkey Kernel Service
raw_input Kernel Service
raw_usrreq Kernel Service
reconfig_register, reconfig_register_ext, reconfig_unregister, or reconfig_complete, reconfig_register_list Kernel Service
refmon Kernel Service
register_HA_handler Kernel Service
rmalloc Kernel Service
rmfree Kernel Service
rmmap_create Kernel Service
rmmap_getwimg Kernel Service
rmmap_remove Kernel Service
rtalloc Kernel Service
rtalloc_gr Kernel Service
rtfree Kernel Service
rtinit Kernel Service
rtredirect Kernel Service
rtrequest Kernel Service
rtrequest_gr Kernel Service
rusage_incr Kernel Service
schednetisr Kernel Service
selnotify Kernel Service
selreg Kernel Service
set_pag or set_pag64 Kernel Service
setioctlrv Subroutine
setjmpx Kernel Service
setpinit Kernel Service
setuerror Kernel Service
shutdown_notify_reg Kernel Service
shutdown_notify_unreg Kernel Service
sig_chk Kernel Service
simple_lock or simple_lock_try Kernel Service
simple_lock_init Kernel Service
simple_unlock Kernel Service
sleep Kernel Service
subyte Kernel Service
suser Kernel Service
suword Kernel Service
talloc Kernel Service
tfree Kernel Service
thread_create Kernel Service
thread_self Kernel Service
thread_setsched Kernel Service
thread_set_smt_priority or thread_read_smt_priority System Call
thread_terminate Kernel Service
timeout Kernel Service
timeoutcf Subroutine for Kernel Services
trc_ishookon Exported Kernel Service
trcgenk Kernel Service
trcgenkt Kernel Service
trcgenkt Kernel Service for Data Link Control (DLC) Devices
tstart Kernel Service
tstop Kernel Service
tuning Kernel Service
ue_proc_check Kernel Service
ue_proc_register Subroutine
ue_proc_unregister Subroutine
uexadd Kernel Service
User-Mode Exception Handler for the uexadd Kernel Service
uexblock Kernel Service
uexclear Kernel Service
uexdel Kernel Service
ufdcreate Kernel Service
ufdgetf Kernel Service
ufdhold and ufdrele Kernel Service
uiomove Kernel Service
unlock_enable Kernel Service
unlockl Kernel Service
unpin Kernel Service
unpincode Kernel Service
unregister_HA_handler Kernel Service
untimeout Kernel Service
uphysio Kernel Service
uphysio Kernel Service mincnt Routine
uprintf Kernel Service
ureadc Kernel Service
uwritec Kernel Service
validate_pag or validate_pag64 Kernel Service
vec_clear Kernel Service
vec_init Kernel Service
vfsrele Kernel Service
vm_att Kernel Service
vm_cflush Kernel Service
vm_det Kernel Service
vm_flushp Kernel Service
vm_galloc Kernel Service
vm_gfree Kernel Service
vm_guatt Kernel Service
vm_gudet Kernel Service
vm_handle Kernel Service
vm_invalidatep Kernel Service
vm_ioaccessp Kernel Service
vm_makep Kernel Service
vm_mem_policy System Call
vm_mount Kernel Service
vm_mounte Kernel Service
vm_move Kernel Service
vm_mvc Kernel Service
vm_pattr System Call and kvm_pattr Kernel Service
vm_protect_kkey Kernel Service
vm_protectp Kernel Service
vm_qmodify Kernel Service
vm_qpages Kernel Service
vm_readp Kernel Service
vm_release Kernel Service
vm_releasep Kernel Service
vm_segmap Kernel Service
vm_setdevid Kernel Service
vm_setseg_kkey Kernel Service
vm_thrpgio_pop Kernel Service
vm_thrpgio_push Kernel Service
vms_create Kernel Service
vms_delete Kernel Service
vms_iowait, vms_iowaitf Kernel Services
vm_uiomove Kernel Service
vm_umount Kernel Service
vm_write Kernel Service
vm_writep Kernel Service
vn_free Kernel Service
vn_get Kernel Service
waitcfree Kernel Service
waitq Kernel Service
WPAR_CKPT_QUERY (Checkpoint Query) Device Driver ioctl Operation
w_clear Kernel Service
w_init Kernel Service
w_start Kernel Service
w_stop Kernel Service
xlate_create Kernel Service
xlate_pin Kernel Service
xlate_remove Kernel Service
xlate_unpin Kernel Service
xm_det Kernel Service
xm_mapin Kernel Service
xm_maxmap Kernel Service
xmalloc Kernel Service
xmattach Kernel Service
xmdetach Kernel Service
xmemdma Kernel Service
xmemdma64 Kernel Service
xmempin Kernel Service
xmemunpin Kernel Service
xmemzero Kernel Service
xmemin Kernel Service
xmemout Kernel Service
xmempsize Kernel Service
xmfree Kernel Service
xmgethkeyset Kernel Service
xmsethkeyset Kernel Service
Device Driver Operations
Standard Parameters to Device Driver Entry Points
buf Structure
bufx Structure
Character Lists Structure
uio Structure
ddclose Device Driver Entry Point
ddconfig Device Driver Entry Point
dddump Device Driver Entry Point
ddioctl Device Driver Entry Point
ddmpx Device Driver Entry Point
ddopen Device Driver Entry Point
ddread Device Driver Entry Point
ddrevoke Device Driver Entry Point
ddselect Device Driver Entry Point
ddstrategy Device Driver Entry Point
ddwrite Device Driver Entry Point
Select/Poll Logic for ddwrite and ddread Routines
File System Operations
List of Virtual File System Operations
vfs_aclxcntl Entry Point
vfs_cntl Entry Point
vfs_hold or vfs_unhold Kernel Service
vfs_init Entry Point
vfs_mount Entry Point
vfs_root Entry Point
vfs_search Kernel Service
vfs_statfs Entry Point
vfs_sync Entry Point
vfs_umount Entry Point
vfs_vget Entry Point
vnop_access Entry Point
vnop_close Entry Point
vnop_create Entry Point
vnop_create_attr Entry Point
vnop_fclear Entry Point
vnop_fid Entry Point
vnop_finfo Entry Point
vnop_fsync, vnop_fsync_range Entry Points
vnop_ftrunc Entry Point
vnop_getacl Entry Point
vnop_getattr Entry Point
vnop_getxacl Entry Point
vnop_hold Entry Point
vnop_ioctl Entry Point
vnop_link Entry Point
vnop_lockctl Entry Point
vnop_lookup Entry Point
vnop_map Entry Point
vnop_map_lloff Entry Point
vnop_memcntl Entry Point
vnop_mkdir Entry Point
vnop_mknod Entry Point
vnop_open Entry Point
vnop_rdwr, vnop_rdwr_attr Entry Points
vnop_readdir Entry Point
vnop_readdir_eofp Entry Point
vnop_readlink Entry Point
vnop_rele Entry Point
vnop_remove Entry Point
vnop_rename Entry Point
vnop_revoke Entry Point
vnop_rmdir Entry Point
vnop_seek Entry Point
vnop_select Entry Point
vnop_setacl Entry Point
vnop_setattr Entry Point
vnop_setxacl Entry Point
vnop_strategy Entry Point
vnop_symlink Entry Point
vnop_unmap Entry Point
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