strqget Utility


Obtains information about a queue or band of the queue.


strqget(q, what, pri, valp)
register queue_t * q;
qfields_t  what;
register unsigned char  pri;
long * valp;


The strqget utility allows modules and drivers to get information about a queue or particular band of the queue. The information is returned in the valp parameter. The fields that can be obtained are defined as follows:

This utility is part of STREAMS Kernel Extensions.

typedef enum qfileds {
        QHIWAT   = 0,
        QLOWAT   = 1,
        QMAXPSZ  = 2,
        QMINPSZ  = 3,
        QCOUNT   = 4,
        QFIRST   = 5,
        QLAST    = 6,
        QFLAG    = 7,
        QBAD     = 8
} qfields_t;


Item Description
q Specifies the queue about which to get information.
what Specifies the information to get from the queue.
pri Specifies the priority band about which to get information.
valp Contains the requested information on return.

Return Values

On success, the strqget utility returns a value of 0. Otherwise, it returns an error number.