sethostid Subroutine


Sets the unique identifier of the current host.


Standard C Library (libc.a)


int sethostid ( HostID)
int HostID;


The sethostid subroutine allows a calling process with a root user ID to set a new 32-bit identifier for the current host. The sethostid subroutine enables an application program to reset the host ID.

All applications containing the sethostid subroutine must be compiled with the _BSD macro set to a specific value. Acceptable values are 43 and 44. In addition, all socket applications must include the BSD libbsd.a library.


Item Description
HostID Specifies the unique 32-bit identifier for the current host.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the sethostid subroutine returns a value of 0.

If the sethostid subroutine is unsuccessful, the subroutine handler performs the following functions:

Error Codes

The sethostid subroutine is unsuccessful if the following is true:

Error Description
EPERM The calling process did not have an effective user ID of root user.