inet_pton Subroutine


This function is deprecated for AF_INET6 in favor of theinet_pton6_zone Subroutine .


Library (libc.a)


int inet_pton (af, src, dst) 
int af;
const char *src;
void *dst;


This function converts an address in its standard text format into its numeric binary form. The af parameter specifies the family of the address.
Note: Only the AF_INET and AF_INET6 address families are supported.


Item Description
af Specifies the family of the address. This can be AF_INET or AF_INET6.
src Points to the string being passed in.
dst Points to a buffer where the function stores the numeric address. The address is returned in network byte order.

Return Values

If successful, one is returned. If unsuccessful, zero is returned if the input is not a valid IPv4 dotted-decimal string or a valid IPv6 address string; or a negative one with the errno global variable set to EAFNOSUPPORT if the af parameter is unknown. The calling application must ensure that the buffer referred to by the dst parameter is large enough to hold the numeric address (4 bytes for AF_INET or 16 bytes for AF_INET6).

If the af parameter is AF_INET, the function accepts a string in the standard IPv4 dotted-decimal form.

Where ddd is a one to three digit decimal number between 0 and 255.
Note: Many implementations of the existing inet_addr and inet_aton functions accept nonstandard input such as octal numbers, hexadecimal numbers, and fewer than four numbers. inet_pton does not accept these formats.

If the af parameter is AF_INET6, then the function accepts a string in one of the standard IPv6 text forms defined in the addressing architecture specification.