SLPFindSrvs Subroutine


Issues the query for services on the language-specific SLPHandle and returns the results through the callback.


SLPError SLPFindSrvs(SLPHandle  hSLP,
                        const char *pcServiceType,
                        const char *pcScopeList,
                        const char *pcSearchFilter,
                        SLPSrvURLCallback callback,
                        void *pvCookie);


The SLPFindSrvs subroutine issues the query for services on the language-specific SLPHandle and returns the results through the callback. The parameters determine the results


Item Description
hSLP The language-specific SLPHandle on which to search for services.
pcServiceType The Service Type String, including authority string if any, for the request, which can be discovered using SLPSrvTypes(). This could be, for example, "service:printer:lpr" or "service:nfs". This cannot be the empty string ("").
pcScopeList A pointer to a char containing a comma-separated list of scope names. This cannot be the empty string ("").
pcSearchFilter A query formulated of attribute pattern matching expressions in the form of a LDAPv3 Search Filter. If this filter is empty (""), all services of the requested type in the specified scopes are returned.
callback A callback function through which the results of the operation are reported.
pvCookie Memory passed to the callback code from the client. Can be NULL.

Return Values

If SLPFindSrvs is successful, it returns SLP_OK. If an error occurs in starting the operation, one of the SLPError codes is returned.