wlm_initialize Subroutine


Prepares Workload Manager (WLM) for use by an application.


Workload Manager Library (libwlm.a)


#include <sys/wlm.h>

int wlm_initialize ( flags)

int flags;


The wlm_initialize subroutine initializes the WLM API for use with an application program. It is mandatory to call wlm_initialize prior to using the WLM API. Otherwise, all other WLM API function calls return an error.


Item Description
flags Specifies that the format is the same as the versflag field of the wlm_args structure. The value for the argument must have the version number in the upper 4 bits (WLM_VERSION) possibly or'ed with a flag in the lower 28 bits.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the wlm_initialize subroutine returns a value of 0. If the wlm_initialize subroutine is unsuccessful a non-0 value is returned.

Error Codes

There are two possible error codes returned by wlm_initialize:
Item Description
BADVERSION The value of the flags parameter is not a supported version number.
WLMINITED There has already been a previous call to wlm_initialize.