wcslen, or wcsnlen Subroutine


Determines the number of characters in a wide-character string.


Standard C Library (libc.a)


#include <wcstr.h>

size_t wcslen( WcString) const wchar_t *WcString;

size_t wcsnlen( WcString, maxlen)

const wchar_t *WcString;

size_t maxlen


The wcslen subroutine computes the number of wchar_t characters in the string pointed to by the WcString parameter.

The wcsnlen subroutine computes the smaller of the number of wide characters in the string pointed by WcString, not including the terminating null wide character code, and the value of maxlen. The wcsnlen subroutine does not examine more than the first maxlen characters of the wide character string pointed to by WcString.


Item Description
WcString Specifies a wide-character string.

Return Values

The wcslen subroutine returns the number of wchar_t characters that precede the terminating wchar_t null character.

The wcsnlen subroutine returns an integer containing the smaller of either the length of the wide character string pointed to by WcString or maxlen.