uuid_create or uuid_create_nil Subroutine


Creates a universally unique identifier (UUID).


Standard C Library (libc.a)


#include <uuid.h>

void uuid_create (uuid, status )
void uuid_create_nil (uuid, status)
uuid_t *uuid;
unsigned32 *status


The uuid_create subroutine creates a new binary UUID, and stores it in the location pointed to by uuid. In case of success, the uuid_create_nil subroutine will set the location pointed to by the status to uuid_s_ok. The uuid parameter must not be NULL and point to a valid location.


Item Description
uuid Points to the location where the universally unique identifier will be stored.
status Points to the location where the status of uuid_create_nil will be stored.

Return Values

If successful, a value of 1 is returned. If unsuccessful, a value of -1 is returned.