ttyslot Subroutine


Finds the slot in the utmp file for the current user.


Standard C Library (libc.a)


#include <stdlib.h>
int ttyslot (void)


The ttyslot subroutine returns the index of the current user's entry in the /etc/utmp file. The ttyslot subroutine scans the /etc/utmp file for the name of the terminal associated with the standard input, the standard output, or the error output file descriptors (0, 1, or 2).

The ttyslot subroutine returns -1 if an error is encountered while searching for the terminal name, or if none of the first three file descriptors (0, 1, and 2) is associated with a terminal device.


Item Description
/etc/inittab The path to the inittab file, which controls the initialization process.
/etc/utmp The path to the utmp file, which contains a record of users logged in to the system.