strncollen Subroutine


Returns the number of collation values for a given string.


Standard C Library (libc.a)


include <string.h>

int strncollen ( String,  Number)
const char *String;
const int Number;


The strncollen subroutine returns the number of collation values for a given string pointed to by the String parameter. The count of collation values is terminated when either a null character is encountered or when the number of bytes indicated by the Number parameter have been examined.

The collation values are set by the setlocale subroutine for the LC_COLLATE category. For example, if the locale is set to Es_ES (Spanish spoken in Spain) for the LC_COLLATE category, where `ch' has one collation value, then strncollen ('abchd', 5) returns 4.

In German, the <Sharp-S> character has two collation values, so substituting the <Sharp-S> character for B in the following example, strncollen ('straBa', 6) returns 7.

If a character has no collation value, its collation length is 0.


Item Description
Number The number of bytes in a string to be examined.
String Pointer to a string to be examined for collation value.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the strncollen subroutine returns the collation value for a given string, pointed to by the String parameter.