srcstattxt_r Subroutine


Gets the status text representation for an SRC status code.


System Resource Controller Library (libsrc.a)


#include <spc.h> 

char *srcstattxt_r (StatusCode, Text)
short StatusCode;
char *Text;


The srcstattxt_r subroutine, given an SRC status code, gets the text representation and returns it in a caller-supplied buffer. This routine is threadsafe and reentrant.


Item Description
StatusCode Specifies an SRC status code to be translated into meaningful text.
Text Points to a caller-supplied buffer where the text will be returned. If the length of the text is unknown, the maximum text length can be used when allocating the buffer. The maximum text length is SRC_STAT_MAX in /usr/include/spc.h (64 bytes).

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the srcstattxt_r subroutine returns the address of the caller-supplied buffer. Otherwise, no text is returned and the subroutine returns NULL.