sec_getsemsec Subroutine


Gets the security attributes of a semaphore identifier.


Standard C library (libc.a)


#include <sys/mac.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
int sec_getsemsec (semid, ipcsec)
int semid;
ipc_sec_t *ipcsec;


The sec_getsemsec subroutine retrieves the security attributes associated with the semaphore that is specified by the semid parameter. The returned security attributes are stored in the structure that is pointed to by the ipcsec parameter. For a successful completion of the subroutine, the calling process must have MAC and DAC READ access to the semaphore.


Item Description
semid Specifies the semaphore.
ipcsec Points to an ipc_sec_t structure.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Successful
-1 Unsuccessful

Error Codes

Item Description
EACCES The calling process does not have permissions or privileges.
EFAULT The address that the ipcsec parameter points to is not valid.
EINVAL The semaphore that the semid parameter specifies is not valid.