rs_getpartition Subroutine


Gets the partition resource set to which a process is attached.


Standard C library (libc.a)


#include <sys/rset.h>
int rs_getpartition (pid, rset)
pid_t pid;
rsethandle_t rset;


The rs_getpartition subroutine returns the partition resource set attached to the specified process. A process ID value of RS_MYSELF indicates the partition resource set attached to the current process is requested.

The return value from the rs_getpartition subroutine indicates the type of resource set returned.

A value of RS_PARTITION_RSET indicates the process has a partition resource set that is set explicitly. This may be set with the rs_setpartition subroutine or through the use of WLM work classes with resource sets.

A value of RS_DEFAULT_RSET indicates the process did not have an explicitly set partition resource set. The system default resource set is returned.


Item Description
pid Specifies the process ID whose partition rset is requested.
rset Specifies the resource set to receive the process' partition resource set.

Return Values

If successful, a value of RS_PARTITION_RSET, or RS_DEFAULT_RSET is returned. If unsuccessful, a value of -1 is returned and the global errno variable is set to indicate the error.

Error Codes

The rs_getpartition subroutine is unsuccessful if one or more of the following are true:
Item Description
EFAULT Invalid address.
ESRCH The process identified by the pid parameter does not exist.