rpmatch Subroutine


Determines whether the response to a question is affirmative or negative.


Standard C Library (libc. a)


#include <stdlib.h>

int rpmatch ( Response)
const char *Response;


The rpmatch subroutine determines whether the expression in the Response parameter matches the affirmative or negative response specified by the LC_MESSAGES category in the current locale. Both expressions can be extended regular expressions.


Item Description
Response Specifies input entered in response to a question that requires an affirmative or negative reply.

Return Values

This subroutine returns a value of 1 if the expression in the Response parameter matches the locale's affirmative expression. It returns a value of 0 if the expression in the Response parameter matches the locale's negative expression. If neither expression matches the expression in the Response parameter, a -1 is returned.


The following example shows an affirmative expression in the En_US locale. This example matches any expression in the Response parameter that begins with a y or Y followed by zero or more alphabetic characters, or it matches the letter o followed by the letter k.

^[yY][:alpha:]* | ok