meta Subroutine


Enables/disables meta-keys.


Curses Library (libcurses.a)


#include <curses.h>

int meta(WINDOW *win,
bool bf);


Initially, whether the terminal returns 7 or 8 significant bits on input depends on the control mode of the display driver. To force 8 bits to be returned, invoke the meta subroutine (win, TRUE). To force 7 bits to be returned, invoke the meta subroutine (win, FALSE). The win argument is always ignored.

If the terminfo capabilities smm (meta_on) and rmm (meta_off) are defined for the terminal, smm is sent to the terminal when meta (win, TRUE) is called and rmm is sent when meta (win, FALSE) is called.


Item Description

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the meta subroutine returns OK. Otherwise, it returns ERR.


  1. To request an 8-bit character return when using a getch routine, enter:
    WINDOW *some_window;
    meta(some_window, TRUE);
  2. To strip the highest bit off the character returns in the user-defined window my_window, enter:
    WINDOW *some_window;
    meta(some_window, FALSE);