idlok Subroutine


Allows curses to use the hardware insert/delete line feature.


Curses Library (libcurses.a)


#include <curses.h>

idlok( Window,  Flag)
WINDOW *Window;
bool Flag;


The idlok subroutine enables curses to use the hardware insert/delete line feature for terminals so equipped. If this feature is disabled, curses cannot use it. The insert/delete line feature is always considered. Enable this option only if your application needs the insert/delete line feature; for example, for a screen editor. If the insert/delete line feature cannot be used, curses will redraw the changed portions of all lines that do not match the desired line.


Item Description
Flag Specifies whether to enable curses to use the hardware insert/delete line feature (True) or not (False).
Window Specifies the window it will affect.


  1. To enable curses to use the hardware insert/delete line feature in stdscr, enter:
    idlok(stdscr, TRUE);
  2. To force curses not to use the hardware insert/delete line feature in the user-defined window my_window , enter:
    idlok(my_window, FALSE);