garbagedlines Subroutine


Discards and replaces a number of lines in a window.


Curses Library (libcurses.a)


#include <curses.h>

garbagedlines(Window,  BegLine, NumLines)
WINDOW * Window;
int BegLine,  NumLines;


The garbagedlines subroutine discards and replaces lines in a window. The Begline parameter specifies the beginning line number and the Numlines parameter specifies the number of lines to discard. Curses discards and replaces the specified lines before adding more data.

Uses this subroutine for applications that need to redraw a line that is garbled. Lines may become garbled as the result of noisy communication lines. Instead of refreshing the entire display, use the garbagedlines subroutine to refresh a portion of the display and to avoid even more communication noise.


Item Description
Window Points to a window.
BegLine Identifies the beginning line in a range of lines to discard.
NumLines Specifies the total number of lines in a range of lines to discard and replace.


To discard and replace 5 lines in the mywin window starting with line 10, use:


WINDOW *mywin; garbagedlines(mywin, 10, 5);