Appendix B. ODM Error Codes

When an ODM subroutine is unsuccessful, a value of -1 is returned and the odmerrno variable is set to one of the following values:

ODMI_BAD_CLASSNAME The specified object class name does not match the object class name in the file. Check path name and permissions.
ODMI_BAD_CLXNNAME The specified collection name does not match the collection name in the file.
ODMI_BAD_CRIT The specified search criteria is incorrectly formed. Make sure the criteria contains only valid descriptor names and the search values are correct. For information on qualifying criteria, see "Understanding ODM Object Searches" in AIX® Version 6.1 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.
ODMI_BAD_LOCK Cannot set a lock on the file. Check path name and permissions.
ODMI_BAD_TIMEOUT The time-out value was not valid. It must be a positive integer.
ODMI_BAD_TOKEN Cannot create or open the lock file. Check path name and permissions.
ODMI_CLASS_DNE The specified object class does not exist. Check path name and permissions.
ODMI_CLASS_EXISTS The specified object class already exists. An object class must not exist when it is created.
ODMI_CLASS_PERMS The object class cannot be opened because of the file permissions.
ODMI_CLXNMAGICNO_ERR The specified collection is not a valid object class collection.
ODMI_FORK Cannot fork the child process. Make sure the child process is executable and try again.
ODMI_INTERNAL_ERR An internal consistency problem occurred. Make sure the object class is valid or contact the person responsible for the system.
ODMI_INVALID_CLASS The specified file is not an object class.
ODMI_INVALID_CLXN Either the specified collection is not a valid object class collection or the collection does not contain consistent data.
ODMI_INVALID_PATH The specified path does not exist on the file system. Make sure the path is accessible.
ODMI_LINK_NOT_FOUND The object class that is accessed could not be opened. Make sure the linked object class is accessible.
ODMI_LOCK_BLOCKED Cannot grant the lock. Another process already has the lock.
ODMI_LOCK_ENV Cannot retrieve or set the lock environment variable. Remove some environment variables and try again.
ODMI_LOCK_ID The lock identifier does not refer to a valid lock. The lock identifier must be the same as what was returned from the odm_lock subroutine.
ODMI_MAGICNO_ERR The class symbol does not identify a valid object class.
ODMI_MALLOC_ERR Cannot allocate sufficient storage. Try again later or contact the person responsible for the system.
ODMI_NO_OBJECT The specified object identifier did not refer to a valid object.
ODMI_OPEN_ERR Cannot open the object class. Check path name and permissions.
ODMI_OPEN_PIPE Cannot open a pipe to a child process. Make sure the child process is executable and try again.
ODMI_PARAMS The parameters passed to the subroutine were not correct. Make sure there are the correct number of parameters and that they are valid.
ODMI_READ_ONLY The specified object class is opened as read-only and cannot be modified.
ODMI_READ_PIPE Cannot read from the pipe of the child process. Make sure the child process is executable and try again.
ODMI_TOOMANYCLASSES Too many object classes have been accessed. An application can only access less than 1024 object classes.
ODMI_UNLINKCLASS_ERR Cannot remove the object class from the file system. Check path name and permissions.
ODMI_UNLINKCLXN_ERR Cannot remove the object class collection from the file system. Check path name and permissions.
ODMI_UNLOCK Cannot unlock the lock file. Make sure the lock file exists.

Related Information

List of ODM Commands and Subroutines in AIX® Version 6.1 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.

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