pthread_getthrds_np Subroutine


Retrieves register and stack information for threads.


Threads Library (libpthreads.a)


#include <pthread.h>

int pthread_getthrds_np (thread, mode, buf, bufsize, regbuf, regbufsize)
pthread_t *ptid;
int mode;
struct __pthrdsinfo *buf;
int bufsize;
void *regbuf;
int *regbufsize;


The pthread_getthrds_np subroutine retrieves information on the state of the thread thread and its underlying kernel thread, including register and stack information.


Item Description
thread The pointer to the thread. On input it identifies the target thread of the operation, or 0 to operate on the first entry in the list of threads. On output it identifies the next entry in the list of threads, or 0 if the end of the list has been reached. pthread_getthrds_np can be used to traverse the whole list of threads by starting with thread pointing to 0 and calling pthread_getthrds_np repeatedly until it returns with thread pointing to 0.
mode Specifies the type of query. These values can be bitwise or'ed together to specify more than one type of query.
get general purpose registers
get special purpose registers
get floating point registers
get all of the above registers
get the kernel thread id
get the thread-local storage information.

This value can be or'ed with any value of the mode parameter. The thread-local storage information is returned to the caller in a caller-provided buffer, regbuf. If the buffer is too small for the data, the buffer is filled up to the end of the buffer and ERANGE is returned. The caller also provides the size of the buffer, regbufsize, which on return is changed to the size of the thread local storage information even if it does not fit into a buffer.

The thread-local storage information is returned in form of an array of touplets: memory address and TLS region (unique number assigned by the loader). The TLS region is also included in the loader info structure returned by loadquery. If you need any additional information such as TLS size, you can find it in that structure.
#typedef struct __pthrdstlsinfo{
        void *pti_vaddr;
        int   pti_region;
get the extended machine context
get everything (except for the extended context, which must be explicitly requested)
buf Specifies the address of the struct __pthrdsinfo structure that will be filled in by pthread_getthrds_np. On return, this structure holds the following data (depending on the type of query requested):
The thread's thread identifier
The thread's kernel thread id, or 0 if the thread does not have a kernel thread
The state of the thread, equal to one of the following:
The thread is running
The thread is ready to run
The thread is being initialized
The thread is sleeping
The thread is terminated
Error condition
1 if the thread is suspended, 0 if it is not
The return status of the thread
The thread's user stack pointer
The thread's context (register information)

If the PTHRDSINFO_QUERY_EXTCTX mode is requested, then the buf specifies the address of a _pthrdsinfox structure, which, in addition to all of the preceding information, also contains the following:

The thread's extended context (extended register state)
bufsize The size of the __pthrdsinfo or __pthrdsinfox structure in bytes.
regbuf The location of the buffer to hold the register save data and to pass the TLS information from the kernel if the thread is in a system call.
regbufsize The pointer to the size of the regbuf buffer. On input, it identifies the maximum size of the buffer in bytes. On output, it identifies the number of bytes of register save data and pass the TLS information. If the thread is not in a system call, there is no register save data returned from the kernel, and regbufsize is 0. If the size of the register save data is larger than the input value of regbufsize, the number of bytes specified by the input value of regbufsize is copied to regbuf, pthread_getthrds_np() returns ERANGE, and the output value of regbufsize specifies the number of bytes required to hold all of the register save data.

Return Values

If successful, the pthread_getthrds_np function returns zero. Otherwise, an error number is returned to indicate the error.

Error Codes

The pthread_getthrds_np function will fail if:

Item Description
EINVAL Either thread or buf is NULL, or bufsize is not equal to the size of the __pthrdsinfo structure in the library.
ESRCH No thread could be found corresponding to that specified by the thread ID thread.
ERANGE regbuf was not large enough to handle all of the register save data.
ENOMEM Insufficient memory exists to perform this operation.