x25sdefs.h File for X.25


Contains the structures used by the X.25 application programming interface (API).


The /usr/include/x25sdefs.h file defines the following structures used by X.25 subroutines.

Miscellaneous Structures

Item Description
cb_link_name_struct Used to indicate the name of the X.25 port.
cb_msg_struct Used to indicate the type of message being received.
ctr_array_struct Used to store the counter values and identifiers for use with the x25_ctr_wait structure.

Structures Used to Establish Calls and Transfer Data

Item Description
cb_call_struct Used for calls made and accepted.
cb_data_struct Used for data transferred during a call.
cb_fac_struct Used for information about optional facilities being used.
cb_pvc_alloc_struct Used to indicate the logical channel number and port assigned to a permanent virtual circuit (PVC).

Structures Used to Clear, Interrupt and Reset Calls

Item Description
cb_clear_struct Used for calls being cleared.
cb_int_data_struct Used for data sent or received in an interrupt packet.
cb_res_struct Used for data sent or received in a reset-request packet.

Structures Used to Manage X.25 Communications

Item Description
cb_circuit_info_struct Used for information about a virtual circuit.
  Used for information about an X.25 adapter.
cb_link_stats_struct, x25_query_data, and x25_stats Used for statistics for an X.25 port.