ispaths File


Defines the location of all databases in a library.


The ispaths file contains a block of information (a stanza) for each database in a library. A library consists of up to 63 standalone or cross-linked databases. The ispaths file for the default database library resides in the /usr/lpp/info/data directory. The ispaths files for other public libraries may reside in the /usr/lpp/info/data/LibraryName directory, and contain a stanza of information for each database in the library.

Each stanza must have the following format:

Line Explanation of Content
id DatabaseNumber Represents the number of the database. This number can be between 0 and 1462, with a maximum of 1563 databases in a library. (Database number 1563 is reserved for the help database.)
Note: The order of databases in the ispaths file must match the order of databases in the dbnames file used during the build process.
primnav TRUE (Optional.) Indicates whether the database contains any of the primary navigation articles. The primnav line can be set to TRUE for only one database in the library. Omit this line unless its value is TRUE.
browseTRUE (Optional.) Indicates whether the entire library is browse enabled with the browse button displayed in the reading window. Omit this line if its value is not TRUE.
glossary TRUE (Optional.) Indicates whether the database contains glossary entries. The glossary line can be set to TRUE for only one database in the library. Omit this line unless its value is TRUE.
name Database Specifies the name of the database.
title DatabaseTitle Specifies the title that is assigned to the database. This title is displayed in the search results window (the Match Lists window) and the Database selection window helps users narrow their searches.
key DatabasePath/DatabaseName.key Specifies the full path name of the database .key file.
romDatabasePath /DatabaseName.rom Specifies the full path name of the database .rom file.

The optional field browse can be specified in any of the stanzas, and its value will be applied to the entire library. The browse field does not need to be specified in each stanza for each library that has browse capability.


The following is an example of an ispaths file for a sample database.

The isprime file for this database specifies these primary navigation articles:

All the top-level lists reside in the navigation database.

#         info Navigation Database
id        0
primenav  TRUE
browse    TRUE
name      nav
title     Navigation
key       /usr/lpp/info/%L/nav/nav.key
rom       /usr/lpp/info/%L/nav/nav.rom

#       info System Calls Database
id      1
name    calls
title   System Calls
key     /usr/lpp/info/%L/calls/calls.key
rom     /usr/lpp/info/%L/calls/calls.rom

#       info Subroutines Database
id      2
name    subs
title   Subroutines
key     /usr/lpp/info/%L/subs/subs.key
rom     /usr/lpp/info/%L/subs/subs.rom

#       info Special Files Database
id      3
name    file
title   Special Files
key     /usr/lpp/info/%L/file/file.key
rom     /usr/lpp/info/%L/file/file.rom

#       info File Formats Database
id      4
name    fls
title   File Formats
key     /usr/lpp/info/%L/fls/fls.key
rom     /usr/lpp/info/%L/fls/fls.rom

#       info Commands Database
id      5
name    cmds
title   Commands
key     /usr/lpp/info/%L/cmds/cmds.key
rom     /usr/lpp/info/%L/cmds/cmds.rom

#       info Book Contents Database
id      6
name    books
title   Content Lists
key     /usr/lpp/info/%L/books/books.key
rom     /usr/lpp/info/%L/books/books.rom

#       info Education Database
id      7
name    educ
title   Education
key     /usr/lpp/info/%L/educ/educ.key
rom     /usr/lpp/info/%L/educ/educ.rom


Item Description
/usr/lpp/info/data/ispaths Contains the ispaths file for the operating system library.
/usr/lpp/info/data/LibraryName/ispaths Contains the ispaths file for the LibraryName library.
/usr/lpp/info/data/LibraryName/isprime Contains the names and numbers of button labels for the primary navigation articles in LibraryName.