Character Set Description (charmap) Source File Format


Defines character symbols as character encodings.


The character set description (charmap) source file defines character symbols as character encodings. The /usr/lib/nls/charmap directory contains charmap source files for supported locales. The localedef command recognizes two sections in charmap source files, the CHARMAP section and the CHARSETID section:

Item Description
CHARMAP Maps symbolic character names to code points. This section must precede all other sections, and is mandatory.
CHARSETID Maps the code points within the code set to a character set ID. This sections is optional.

The CHARMAP Section

The CHARMAP section of the charmap file maps symbolic character names to code points. All supported code sets have the portable character set as a proper subset. Only symbols that are not defined in the portable character set must be defined in the CHARMAP section. The portable character set consists of the following character symbols (listed by their standardized symbolic names) and encodings:

Symbol Name Code (hexadecimal)
<NUL> 000
<SOH>> 001
<STX> 002
<ETX> 003
<EOT> 004
<ENQ> 005
<ACK> 006
<alert> 007
<backspace> 008
<tab> 009
<new-line> 00A
<vertical-tab> 00B
<form-feed> 00C
<carriage-return> 00D
<SO> 00E
<SI> 00F
<DLE> 010
<DC1> 011
<DC2> 012
<DC3> 013
<DC4> 014
<NAK> 015
<SYN> 016
<ETB> 017
<CAN> 018
<EM> 019
<SUB> 01A
<ESC> 01B
<IS4> 01C
<IS3> 01D
<IS2> 01E
<IS1> 01F
<space> 020
<exclamation-mark> 021
<quotation-mark> 022
<number-sign> 023
<dollar-sign> 024
<percent> 025
<ampersand> 026
<apostrophe> 027
<left-parenthesis> 028
<right-parenthesis> 029
<asterisk> 02A
<plus-sign> 02B
<comma> 02C
<hyphen> 02D
<period> 02E
<slash> 02F
<zero> 030
<one> 031
<two> 032
<three> 033
<four> 034
<five> 035
<six> 036
<seven> 037
<eight> 038
<nine> 039
<colon> 03A
<semi-colon> 03B
<less-than> 03C
<equal-sign> 03D
<greater-than> 03E
<question-mark> 03F
<commercial-at> 040
<A> 041
<B> 042
<C> 043
<D> 044
<E> 045
<F> 046
<G> 047
<H> 048
<I> 049
<J> 04A
<K> 04B
<L> 04C
<M> 04D
<N> 04E
<O> 04F
<P> 050
<Q> 051
<R> 052
<S> 053
<T> 054
<U> 055
<V> 056
<W> 057
<X> 058
<Y> 059
<Z> 05A
<left-bracket> 05B
<backslash> 05C
<right-bracket> 05D
<circumflex> 05E
<underscore> 05F
<grave-accent> 060
<a> 061
<b> 062
<c> 063
<d> 064
<e> 065
<f> 066
<g> 067
<h> 068
<i> 069
<j> 06A
<k> 06B
<l> 06C
<m> 06D
<n> 06E
<o> 06F
<p> 070
<q> 071
<r> 072
<s> 073
<t> 074
<u> 075
<v> 076
<w> 077
<x> 078
<y> 079
<z> 07A
<left-brace> 07B
<vertical-line> 07C
<right-brace> 07D
<tilde> 07E
<DEL> 07F

The CHARMAP section contains the following sections:


The following is an example of a portion of a possible CHARMAP section from a charmap file:

<code_set_name>          ISO8859-1
<mb_cur_max>             1
<mb_cur_min>             1
<escape_char>            \
<comment_char>           #
<NUL>                        \x00
<SOH>                        \x01
<STX>                        \x02
<ETX>                        \x03
<EOT>                        \x04
<ENQ>                        \x05
<ACK>                        \x06
<alert>                      \x07
<backspace                   \x09
<tab>                        \x09
<newline>                    \x0a
<vertical-tab>               \x0b
<form-feed>                  \x0c
<carriage-return>            \x0d


The CHARSETID section maps the code points within the code set to a character set ID. The CHARSETID section contains the following sections:

Character set ID mappings are defined by listing symbolic names or code points for symbolic names and their associated character set IDs. The following are possible formats for a character set ID mapping statement:

<character_symbol>                               number
<character_symbol>...<character_symbol>          number
character_constant                               number
character_constant...character_constant          number

The <character_symbol> used must have previously been defined in the CHARMAP section. The character_constant must follow the format described for the CHARMAP section.

Individual character set mappings are accomplished by indicating either the symbolic name (defined in the CHARMAP section or the portable character set) followed by the character set ID, or the code point associated with a symbolic name followed by the character set ID value. Symbolic names and code points must be separated from a character set ID value by one or more blank characters. Ranges of code points can be mapped to a character set ID value by indicating appropriate combinations of symbolic names and code point values as endpoints to the range, separated by ... (ellipsis) to indicate the intermediate characters, and followed by the character set ID for the range. The first endpoint value must be less than or equal to the second end point value.


The following is an example of a portion of a possible CHARSETID section from a charmap file:

<space>...<nobreakspace>           0
<tilde>...<y-diaeresis>            1