Common NFS Context-Sensitive Helps

The context-sensitive helps in this file are used by both SMIT and by File Systems in the Storage application.

Specify the number of server daemons to run, based on the load you expect the server to handle. Each daemon handles one request at a time. The default is 8.

Specify the number of biod daemons that are allowed to work on a particular file system. The biod daemons handle client requests. The default number of daemons is 6 (six).

Specify the name of the user who is to get a new or changed key.

Specify the pathname or location of the alternate exports file, which is used to determine those directories that are to be exported (made available to be mounted by a client). The alternate exports file will have the same format and syntax as the /etc/exports file. An alternate exports file would be used by a systems administrator who did not want to place entries in the system default /etc/exports file.

Specify the path name of the directory that will be exported. You cannot export a directory that is either a parent directory or a subdirectory of one that is currently exported and within the same file system.

Specifies a directory as the NFS Server public directory.

Select a read-write, read-only, or read-mostly permission for the directory.

Specify whether you want to require clients to use a more secure protocol when accessing the directory.

Specify a value for this option to use the UID parameter as the effective user ID if a request comes from an unknown user. The default value of this option is -2. Root users (UID 0) are always considered unknown by the NFS server, unless they are included in the root option. Setting the value of UID to -1 disables anonymous access.

Specify the name of the remote host that is exporting the directory.

Specify the path name of the directory that is to be mounted.

Specify the mount point for the remote directory.

Select a read-write or read-only permission for the directory.

Select a foreground (fg) mount attempt or a background (bg) mount attempt. If you select a background attempt and it fails, the mount will be retried in the background.

Select a soft mount if you want the system to return an error if the server does not respond. Select a hard mount if the client should continue to try until the server responds. The hard mount is the default.

Specify whether you want to allow keyboard actions to interrupt a hard mount.

Specify the name of the mount group of which this mounted directory is a part.

Specify the parameters for the automount daemon. The automount daemon accepts the following parameters:

-m parameter: Suppresses initialization of directory-mapname pairs listed in the auto.master NIS database.

-n parameter: Disables dynamic mounts of file systems that were previously mounted.

-T parameter: Expands each NFS call and displays it on the standard output.

-tl duration parameter: Specifies a duration, in seconds, that a looked-up name remains cached when not in use. The default is 5 minutes.

-tm interval parameter: Specifies an interval, in seconds, between attempts to mount a file system. The default is 30 seconds.

-tw interval parameter: Specifies an interval, in seconds, between attempts to dismount file systems that have exceeded their cached times. The default is 60 seconds.

Specify the number of times to retry a mount. The default is 1000.

Specify the Internet Protocol port number for the server.

Specify the size of the read buffer in bytes.

Specify the size of the write buffer in bytes.

Specify that the mount command uses Data Encryption Standard (DES) for NFS transaction.

Specify this option to indicate if SUID and SGID programs are allowed on the file system. The default is yes.

Specify this option to indicate if device access through this mount is allowed. The default is yes. If you set this option to no, the device cannot be opened on this mount point.

Specify the length of the NFS timeout in tenths of a second.

Configure a CacheFS file system. A CacheFS file system is a general purpose file system caching mechanism that may improve NFS server performance and scalability by reducing server and network load. CacheFS provides the ability to cache one file system on another.

Administer a CacheFS file system. Selecting this option allows you to create a CacheFS file system, change or show the properties of the selected CacheFS, remove a selected CacheFS, or run a consistency check on a selected CacheFS.

Allows you to select whether you want to mount backing to an NFS file system or to a CDROM file system.

Selecting this option allows you to check the integrity of the specified CacheFS file system.

Selecting this option allows you to create a cache file system. A CacheFS file system is a general purpose file system caching mechanism that may improve NFS server performance and scalability by reducing server and network load. CacheFS provides the ability to cache one file system on another.

Selecting this option allows you to change one or more properties of the selected cache file system.

Selecting this option allows you to remove a selected cache file system.

Checks to ensure that the data in the cache file system is consistent with the data in the backing file system.

Specify the name of the directory where the cache resides.

Specify the maximum percentage of blocks in the cache directory that this cache will be allowed to use.

Specify the minimum percentage of blocks in the cache directory that this cache will be allowed to use.

Specify the percentage of blocks in the cache that can be used before deleting older entries in the cache.

Specify the maximum percentage of files in the cache directory that this cache will be allowed to use.

Specify the minimum percentage of files in the cache directory that this cache will be allowed to use.

Specify the percentage of files in the cache that can be used before deleting older entries in the cache.

Specifies in megabytes the maximum possible file size that will be allowed for this cache.

Specifies the path name of the selected cache directory for which you want to change or show the properties.

Displays the cache ID for this cache. This ID is used internally by the kernel to manage caches.

Specify the cache ID to remove. This ID can be obtained using the "Change / Show Attributes of a Cache File System" option.

Specify the path name of the cached file system to remove.

Specify the name of the remote file system to check.

Specify the name of the cache for the remote file system.

Allows you to mount a remote file system using cacheFS.

Allows you to mount a CDROM file system using cacheFS.

Specify the local path name of the file system to be mounted.

Specify the remote path name of the file system to be mounted.

Specify the NFS server for the remote file system.

Specify any mount options.

Specify the local name of the NFS-mounted file system which is already mounted. If the file system is not already mounted, leave this field blank.

Specifies whether the mount should be made now, when the system is rebooted, or both.

Specify the name of the CDROM device.

Specify whether you want to automatically remount the file system when the system reboots.

Specify the path name of the cache to be checked.