Common Printers Context-Sensitive Helps

The context-sensitive helps in this file are used by both the SMIT and Web-based System Manager applications.

Specify a name for each type of print queue you want to create. A print queue name can be a maximum of 20 characters long, and may consist of any combination of the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_' (underscore), '-' (minus), '+' (plus), and '@' (at).

Select one of the existing printers listed if it is the printer that the print queue should use. Select the add option if you want to define a new printer for the print queue.

Specifies the device name of the printer.

Select a printer manufacturer from the list. If the printer manufacturer is not listed, select Other for generic printer choices.

Select the type of printer from the list. If the printer type is not listed, select Other for generic printer choices.

Select the printer interface.

Displays print queues that are currently associated with this printer.

Specifies the name of the new queue being added. The print queue name can be a maximum of 20 characters in length and may consist of any combination of the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_' (underscore), '-' (minus), '+' (plus), and '@' (at).

Specifies model information that identifies the remote printer. When a list of print queues is displayed, the text is displayed next to the print queue name to help identify the print queue.

Examples include IBM 4039 LaserPrinter (PostScript); HP LaserJet on 2nd Floor; PostScript Printer.

Displays the status of the print server subsystem.

Specifies the long version filter used to translate the remote queue status report. The default value, /usr/lpd/aixlong, indicates that the remote printer and queue are for AIX Version 3 long format. Other options are /usr/lpd/bsdlong, /usr/lpd/aixv2long, and /usr/lpd/attlong.

If this queue will be a remote type, specify the long version filter used to translate the remote queue status format. If the remote server is running AIX Version 3 or AIX Version 4 (or BOS-X Version 3), use /usr/lpd/aixlong. Other possible remote server types are AIX Version 2 (/usr/lpd/aixv2long), BSD (/usr/lpd/bsdlong), or System V (/usr/lpd/attlong). For other types of remote servers, a customized filter must be available.

The fileset, printers.rte, must be installed to list all the filter choices. If some of the filter choices are not in the list, you can install the printers.rte fileset in Install Software Manager, or you can install the Client bundle in Easy Install.

Specifies the short version filter used to translate the remote queue status report. The default value, /usr/lpd/aixshort, indicates that the remote printer and queue are for AIX Version 3 short format. Other options are /usr/lpd/bsdshort, /usr/lpd/aixv2short, and /usr/lpd/attshort.

If this queue will be a remote type, specify the short version filter used to translate the remote queue status format. If the remote server is running AIX Version 3 or AIX Version 4 (or BOS-X Version 3), use /usr/lpd/aixshort. Other possible remote server types are AIX Version 2 (/usr/lpd/aixv2short), BSD (/usr/lpd/bsdshort), or System V (/usr/lpd/attshort). For other types of remote servers, a customized filter must be available.

The fileset, printers.rte, must be installed to list all the filter choices. If some of the filter choices are not in the list, you can install the printers.rte fileset in Install Software Manager, or you can install the Client bundle in Easy Install.

Specifies the combination of typestyle and pitch to be used. Select a value from the list.

Specifies emphasized print for the print job.

Specifies double-strike print for the print job.

Specifies double-high print for the print job.

Specifies double-wide print for the print job.

Specifies the number of blank lines for the top margin of each page.

Specifies the number of blank lines for the bottom margin of each page.

Specifies that lines longer than the margins allow will be truncated or wrapped.

Select landscape (page width greater than page height) or portrait (page height greater than page width) for page orientation.

Select the place from which the printer will obtain paper for the print job. Use the List feature to select from a list of paper sources.

Select the paper size to be used for the print job. Use the List feature to select from a list of paper sizes.

This value overrides the default paper size for the selected paper source, and may require that you manually load paper of the specified size into the printer.

Specifies whether to use the coordinate system to calculate the points that are to be drawn on the page. The default bases the coordinate system on the printable area of the page. When the whole page coordinate system is used, calculations are based on the entire page.

For example, a printer may be able to print only 64 lines per page, due to the size of the printable area. If a print file has been formatted at 66 lines per page, selecting Whole Page Coordinate system causes the output to be printed as if the printer were printing 66 lines per page. The first and last lines of each page are not printed because they fall outside of the printable area. This printing attribute is useful when the first and last lines of each page are blank.

Specifies whether default settings for the printer should be restored after the print job is finished.

Specifies whether a form feed should be sent after each file. Selecting this option starts each file or new job at the top of the next page.

Specifies a text string to use as the page header when pr is specified as the preprocessing filter name.

Select the level of print job processing diagnostics. Use the List feature to select from a list of diagnostic levels.

Specifies the name of the adapter to which the printer is attached.

Specifies location codes. Location codes of 00-00-S1-00 or 00-00-S2-00 mean that the printer or plotter device is connected to the standard I/O serial ports s1 or s2, respectively.

A location code of 00-00-0P-00 means that the parallel printer is connected to the standard I/O parallel port.

Any other location code specifies a device that is connected to an adapter card other than the Standard I/O Planar. For these printers and plotters, the location code format is AA-BB-CC-DD, where AA-BB indicates the location code of the controlling adapter card.

A value of 00 for the AA field means the adapter card is located in the CPU drawer or system unit, depending on the type of system. Any other value for the AA field indicates that the card is located in an I/O expansion drawer. In that case, the first digit identifies the I/O bus and the second digit identifies the slot number on the bus.

The first digit of the BB field identifies the I/O bus containing the adapter card. If the card is in the CPU drawer or system unit, this digit will be 0 for the standard I/O bus or 1 for the optional I/O bus. If the card is in an I/O expansion drawer, this digit is 0. The second digit identifies the slot number on the I/O bus (or slot number in the I/O expansion drawer) that contains the card.

The CC field identifies the connector on the adapter card to which the asynchronous distribution box is connected. Possible values are 01, 02, 03, and 04. The DD field identifies the port number on the asynchronous distribution box to which the printer or plotter is attached.

Specifies the type of printer interface.

Specifies the name of the printer on the print queue to Xstations.

Specifies a short text description of the printer.

Specifies the current status of the device. Valid values are "available," which indicates that the device is configured in the system and ready to use, and "defined," which indicates that the device is defined to the system but not configured.

Specifies the name of the Xstation to which the printer will be attached.

Specifies the number of lines per page. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that page boundaries should be ignored.

Specifies page headings added when converting ASCII files to PostScript output so that they can be printed on a PostScript printer.

Specifies two columns when converting ASCII files to PostScript output so that they can be printed on a PostScript printer.

Specifies gaudy mode when converting ASCII files to PostScript output so that they can be printed on a PostScript printer. Gaudy mode is characterized by elaborate page headings (if page headings are selected) and a separator line between columns (if two-column printing is selected).

Specifies whether to generate a list of characters that are not in the selected font when converting ASCII files to PostScript output so that they can be printed on a PostScript printer. If this option is selected, the list of characters (if any) will be detected as output to standard error during print job processing, and will be mailed to the print job submitter.

Specifies the text height, in points, for the PostScript output produced when converting ASCII files so that they can be printed on a PostScript printer. A point is approximatly 1/72 of an inch.

Specifies the type style, or typeface, for the PostScript output produced when converting ASCII files so that they can be printed on a PostScript printer. Use the List feature to select from a list of type styles.

If the PostScript printer does not have access to a font for the requested type style, it may substitute a different type style (usually Courier).

Specifies the level of print quality. Use the List feature to select from a list of print quality levels. Print quality levels such as 300 and 600 represent 300 dots-per-inch and 600 dots-per-inch, respectively.

When you specify a higher print quality level, printing speed is slower.

Specifies the name of the printer whose characteristics are displayed.

Specifies the name of the print queue where the job is to be sent.

Select the paper size. Use the List feature to select from a list of paper sizes. The default is letter size.

Select the paper source for the separator page. Use the List feature to select from a list of paper sources. The default is tray 1.

Specifies user names, separated by commas, who will receive a message when the printer requires attention. A null string represents the user who submitted the print job being printed. If no value is entered, only the user who submitted the print job receives a message.

Example: sue (only user sue will receive a message)

Example: ,jim@helpdesk (both the print job submitter and jim@helpdesk will receive a message).

Specifies a string of alphanumeric flag letters that indicate command line flags that are prohibited for print jobs. If a print job specifies one or more of the prohibited flags, it will be rejected.

The flag names are the same as used with the qprt command. The following flags cannot be prohibited: -c, -m, -n, -r, -B, -D, -M, -P, -R, -T. Other flags that are not defined for the particular printer type also cannot be prohibited.

Example: jJ (rejects print jobs with the -j or -J flags specified).

Select the width in characters of the printable area of the header page. The string of flag values specified in the FLAG VALUES field at the bottom of the header page is line-wrapped (divided into multiple lines) based on this value. The default is 77.

Specifies the order in which a printer prints the requests in a queue. Printing can be done by first-come-first-served (FCFS) order, in which printers process the queued jobs in the order that they are submitted, or shortest-job-next (SJN) order, in which printers process the shortest jobs in the queue first.

Specifies the priority level, a number assigned to a print job, which indicates the order for printing the job. The priority level can be any whole number from 0 to 30. The default priority level (number) is 15. The maximum priority level that can be set by ordinary users is 20, although the maximum priority level that can be set by users with root authority is 30. Larger numbers indicate higher priorities.

Priority can be changed only on local print jobs.

Specifies the print queue to which the job will be moved. Use the List feature to select from a list of print queues.