Network Installation Manager Context-Sensitive Helps

The context-sensitive helps in this file are used by both the SMIT and Web-based System Manager applications.

Specify the location of the IPL ROM emulation image you want to transfer to the target device.

Select the type of configuration for this machine. Select "Uniprocessor" if the machine executes instructions sequentially. Select "Multiprocessor" if the machine has two or more processors with common access to main storage.

Specify information you want to associate with the machine whose characteristics you might have changed. Consider including the date or time any changes were made, or the name of the user who made the changes. The information you supply might be helpful to future administrators of the same NIM environment.

Specify the subnet mask of the network you want to add to the NIM environment in dotted decimal Internet Protocol (IP) address format (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where nnn is a number between 0 and 255).

Specify the hostname or the TCP/IP address of the gateway used by the originating network to communicate with the specified destination network.

Specify the hostname or the TCP/IP address of the gateway the destination network uses to transmit back to the originating network.

Specify the network adapter hardware address of the network interface you are adding to the NIM environment, in hexademical format (for example, 10005aa88f94).

A value of zero may be specified when defining NIM machine objects. This is useful when a machine is not active and the hardware address cannot be obtained, or when defining a large number of machines. If zero is used to specify a machine's network adapter hardware address, BOOTP requests initiated from the IPL ROM menus from a system console on the machine must have an IP address specified. A BOOTP request that broadcasts packets without an IP address will not work for a NIM client whose machine object has been defined with a network adapter address of zero.

Shows the selected machine group's NIM name and allows you to make changes.

Shows the selected network's NIM name and allows you to make changes.

The name you choose must be unique among NIM objects, and it must comply with these restrictions:

Shows the selected network's Internet Protocol (IP) address and allows you to make changes.

Shows the subnet mask of the selected network and allows you to make changes. A subnet mask is a set of four bytes.

Displays the type of network whose characteristics you are viewing or changing.

Specify any information you want to associate with the network. Consider detailing the date, time, or name of the user who created the network. The information may be helpful to future administrators of the same NIM environment.

Displays the Network state (Nstate) of the selected network.

Specify the unique name you want to give to the group being added to the NIM environment. The name you choose must be unique among NIM objects, and it must comply with these restrictions:

Specify any information you want to associate with the group. Consider detailing certain aspects such as the date and time the group was created or changed, or the name of the user who created or changed the group. The information you supply may be helpful to future administrators of your NIM environment.

Specify the size (in MB) of the paging space that you want allocated for the diskless or dataless client.

Displays a list of NIM resources that are currently allocated to this machine or machine group and can be deallocated.

Specify any information you want to associate with the resource whose characteristics you may have changed. Consider detailing certain aspects of the changes such as the date or time any changes were made, or the name of the user who changed the characteristics of the resource object.

The information you supply may be helpful to future administrators of the same NIM environment.