Common NIS Context-Sensitive Helps

The context-sensitive helps in this file are used by both the SMIT and Web-based System Manager.

Prompts the NIS slave servers to copy updated NIS maps.

Specify a domain name for the maps. The maps for the specified domain must exist.

Specify the map to be transferred to the slave servers of the master servers.

Makes a Network Information Service (NIS) map.

Default NIS maps are created during installation from the following files if they are available on the master server:

Specify the name of a map that will be transferred from an NIS master server.

Specify a domain for the map.

Gets the map from host specified, regardless of map information that identifies the master.

Specify the slave server host names for this master server. These slave server hosts must be configured after the master server has been configured.

Allows overwriting of any existing maps for the current NIS domain.

Prevents further action if errors are encountered while building new maps.

Displays the current domain name for this slave server. A slave server belongs in one and only one domain at any given time.

Specify the host name of the master server. The chslave command re-invokes the ypinit command to retrieve maps from the master server. The ypserv daemon is re-started after the ypinit command has completed successfully. The master server specified can be the master server currently in use or a new master server that is configured and running.

Force this NIS client to use a specific NIS server. This field is required when there is no NIS server on the networks directly connected to the client.

Change or show the process this NIS client will use to locate a NIS server.

Specifies the server that this NIS client will use instead of broadcasting for one. This field is required when there is no NIS server on the networks directly connected to the client.

Select "Create or change an NIS+ client configuration" to start or change the configuration of an NIS+ client.

Select "Remove the NIS client configuration" to delete the client configuration and stop the NIS client daemon.

Displays the configuration status of the NIS+ client.

Select whether to create, change, or remove the NIS+ client configuration. The current configuration status is displayed.

Select "Create or change an NIS+ client configuration" to start or change the configuration of an NIS+ client.

Select "Remove the NIS+ client configuration" to delete the client configuration and stop the NIS+ client daemon.

Select this option to perform configuration, start up, shut down, and system management tasks for Network Information Service Plus.

Select this option to remove the NIS+ client configuration from this machine.

The NIS+ domain name for this system. Note: The NIS+ domain name is NOT the same as the internet domain name.

Select whether to initialize the NIS+ client. The default is to initialize the client machine.

Specify the host name of the NIS+ server that will serve this client.

Specify the IP address of the NIS+ server that will serve this client. This information is required if you are initializing the NIS+ client.

Select whether to add DES credentials for NIS+ principals. The default is to not add credentials.

Select whether to write over any existing credential entries in the credentials table. The default is to not overwrite the entries.

Select whether to initialize an NIS+ user. The default is to not initialize.

Displays the configuration status of the NIS+ server.

Select whether to create, change, or remove the NIS+ server configuration. The current configuration status is displayed.

Select "Create or change an NIS+ server configuration" to start or change the NIS+ daemons configuration of a master server. The master server is a host that maintains NIS maps for each domain. Each domain contains only one master server.

Select "Create or change an NIS+ server configuration" to start or change configuration of a slave server. The slave server is a host that maintains replicas of NIS maps. It is used to provide services when the master server is unavailable and to balance the processing load. Each domain can have multiple slave servers, but each domain should have at least one.

Select "Remove the NIS server configuration" to remove the server configuration, remove all maps, and stop all NIS daemons.

Select this option to remove the NIS+ server configuration from this machine.

The NIS+ Master Server is the single host that maintains the NIS+ authoritative maps.

Select whether the specified host will be set up as a root or non-root master server. The default is root.

Specify the NIS+ groupname for the new domain. The default group is admin.<domain>.

Specify the host name for the NIS+ server. It must be a valid host in the local domain. To specify a host outside of your local domain, use the fully qualified host name, for example,

Select whether to set up the specified host as a replica server. The default is to not set up a replica server.

Select whether the NIS+ server will be set up to be compatible with NIS. The default is to not set up NIS(yp) compatibility.

Select whether command output will be shown in detail in the working dialog. The default is to not show verbose output.

Select whether to populate the NIS+ tables from local files or from NIS maps.

Specify the directory path, for example /etc, where the files (such as passwd and group) are stored. The default is the current working directory.

Specify the NIS domain from which to copy the NIS maps. The default domain name is the same as the local domain name.

Specify the NIS server host name from which to copy the NIS maps. This host must exist in either the NIS+ hosts table or the /etc/hosts file. If the host name is not defined, you can use a fully qualified host name path.

Specify the IP address of the NIS(yp) server, for example,

If you are populating the NIS+ server tables from NIS maps, select whether to overwrite existing local NIS maps. The default is to not overwrite the maps.

Select whether to update the NIS+ tables with information such as adds, deletes, and modifies from local files or maps. The default is to not update the table entries.

From the drop-down list, select the authentication level to use for the NIS+ client. The default selection is DES authenticated.

Select whether to populate the NIS+ credential table using DES credentials. The default is to not populate the table.

Check this box to start the cachemgr daemon, then select when to start it. This daemon caches location information about the most frequented directories in the namespace. The default state of the checkbox is "unselected".

Check this box to start the keyserv daemon, then select when to start it. The default state of the checkbox is "unselected".

Check this box to stop the cachemgr daemon, then select when to stop it. This daemon caches location information about the most frequented directories in the namespace. The default state of the checkbox is "unselected".

Check this box to stop the keyserv daemon, then select when to stop it. The default state of the checkbox is "unselected".

Select an option to change the NIS+ domain name immediately and at every subsequent system startup, immediately, or both without making permanent changes to the system. The default is to change the domain name immediately and on every subsequent system startup (Both).

Specify the new name for the NIS+ domain.

Select when to restart the NIS+ daemons and set the new domain name.

Specify the name of the user you are creating.

Select the type of user account you want to create. The default is to create a virtual NIS+ user and permanent user account.

Select this option to add users locally, remotely (NIS+), or a combination of both.

Select this option to delete users locally, remotely (NIS+), or a combination of both.

Specify the user name that you want to delete or click on the List... button to select a name from a list.

Displays a list of user names that you can select for deleting.

Select the type of user account you are deleting.

Specify the fully qualified name of the NIS+ group that you are creating. For example,

The period must be included at the end of the NIS+ domain name. In this example, the group is admin and it has been added to the domain

Select this button to add the specified NIS+ group and refresh and display the new group in the list.

Displays a list of currently existing NIS+ groups.

Select this button to remove the selected NIS+ group from the current list of NIS+ groups and refresh and redisplay the list.

Select this button to display the contents of all fields in the selected group.

Displays the name of the group selected from the "Existing NIS+ Groups" listbox.

Specify the member name you are adding to an existing group. You can specify a user name, for example, cordova, or an entity name such as a machine name, for example ender. In either case, the default domain will be used. Otherwise, if you type, the machine named ender will be added to the group in the domain.

Select this button to add the specified member to the NIS+ group and refresh and display the members list.

Displays a list of currently existing members in the selected group.

Select this button to remove the specified member from the NIS+ group and refresh and display the members list.

Select this option to create an NIS+ group.

Select this option to delete an existing NIS+ group.

Select this option to add a member to an existing NIS+ group.

Select this option to remove a member from an existing NIS+ group.

Select this option to list the members in an existing NIS+ group.

Displays a list of credential entries from the credentials table. You can select one or more entry from the list to delete.

Select this button to open the Create Credential Information dialog where you can create credentials to add to the credentials table.

Select this button to delete the selected entry from the credentials table.

Specify the user ID for which you are adding local credentials.

Specify the client workstation name or the client user name for which you are adding credentials.

Specify the Secure-RPC-netname. This is the portion of the credential to identify the NIS+ principal.

Specify the client workstation name or the client user name for which you are adding credentials.

Specify the client workstation name or the client user name for which you are removing credentials.

Select which type of credential to create. You can create both LOCAL and DES credential information for a principal user. The default is DES.

Specify the host name of the NIS+ client or NIS+ principal for which NIS+ credentials are being created. For both DES and Local types, the principal name must be in the following format:


For example, The period must be included at the end of the NIS+ domain name.

Specify the user ID for which the credential is being created. The user ID is the user's UID. For example, if the UID for user cordova is 1001, you would type 1001 in this field.

Specify the Secure RPC netname that identifies the user or workstation for which this credential is being created. The Secure RPC netname is a name whose syntax is determined by the Secure RPC protocol. It does not follow NIS+ naming conventions.

The Secure RPC netname must be in the following format:


For example, if the UID for user cordova is 1001, the input would be The period must be included at the end of the NIS+ domain name.

Select which manner to use to update the server keys or IP address.

Specify the name of the NIS+ server.

Specify the name of the directory.

Specify the name of the NIS+ domain.

Select this option to run the nisupdkeys command to update the specified directory object.

Select this option to run the nisupdkeys command to update a directory object for the specified directory.

Select this option to run the nisupdkeys command to update a directory object for the specified server.

Select this option to run the nisupdkeys command to update all directory objects for the specified server..

Select this option to clear all the public keys.

Select this option to update all the IP addresses in the domain.

Select this option to update the IP address of the specified server.

Select this option to execute the nisls command to show root directory contents.

Select this option to display the contents of the root directory objects.

Select this option to display the characteristics of the root directory objects.

Specify the NIS+ directory whose contents you want to see.

Displays the known set of currently existing NIS+ objects. You can select one object at a time to displays its contents.

Displays the known set of currently existing NIS+ objects. You can select one object at a time to display its characteristics.