System Environments Context-Sensitive Helps

The context-sensitive helps in this file are used by both the SMIT and Web-based System Manager applications.

Displays the current date and time on your system and the fields for setting new date, time, and time zone values. You must have root user authority to apply any changes you make to date and time information.

Ends system operation. You must have root user authority to shut down the system.

Writes a message to all users who are logged in.

Specifies the maximum number of fixed licenses on the system. Valid values for this option are positive integers from 1 to 32767.

Specifies a message to be sent to all logged-in users.

The displayed value is the size of the system dump stored in the dump device.

The displayed value indicates the date of the most recent system dump.

Specifies the size in bytes of the blocks to be used in this process. A block is a group of records that is recorded, processed, or sent as a unit.

Specifies the device or file name in which the system dump resides.

Specifies the file name to which you want to copy the dump.

Displays the name of language translations (including their code set) not installed on your system.

To install a language translation, select it from the list and click OK.

Displays the current software source. You can enter or select from the associated list other input devices (such as CD-ROMs, tapes, diskettes, or local and remote files and directories) that contain the language environment elements. Be sure that the installation media is inserted correctly or is available to you.

To enter an input device, specify the full path to a software source or medium, and the system will install the appropriate software for you.

Provides the field in which to select a language translation. You cannot enter a value in this field. Use the list to display the language translations currently installed on your system and select an option from the list.

The applications listed are currently supported by the language translation and are displayed in a list containing the product description, the current level of the application, and the product name, which is the application's file name (for example,

Console Logging

Specify the fully qualified path name of the file where console output should be logged. You can use the alog command to view the console log file.

Specify the size of the console log file. This size is the maximum amount of data that the file can hold at any time. The value is rounded to the next multiple of 4096 bytes. When the file is created, the space is automatically reserved whether or not it is used.

This value determines whether data is copied to the console log file. If the verbosity value is not 0, any output sent to the console device is also written to the console log file. If the verbosity value is 0, no information is written to the console log file.

This value determines whether every message written to the console is prefixed with the EFFECTIVE user ID of the generating process. If the verbosity value is not 0, each message displays on the console after the EFFECTIVE user ID of the generating process. If the verbosity value is 0, messages display without the EFFECTIVE user ID.

Selecting this option displays the current contents of the console log file.

SYS0 Attributes

The number of processes each user can use at one time. This limit does not apply to a root user. The default number is 128. Increasing this number takes effect immediately and is preserved through a boot. Decreasing this number takes effect at the next system boot.

The maximum number of pages allowed in the block I/O buffer cache. The buffer cache is used for reads and writes to block special files, but is used minimally by the file system. The actual upper limit is dependent upon the amount of real memory. A large increase in the number above its default value may have adverse effects on system performance. The default value is 20.

The maximum amount of real memory, in Kbytes, allowed for allocation to mbufs. The actual upper limit is dependent upon the amount of real memory. The default value is 0. The netstat -m command can be used to obtain information about mbuf usage. If a large number of requests for memory is being denied, the value for this attribute may need to be increased. A value of 0 indicates that the system will determine the value based on current real memory size.

Indicates whether the system automatically reboots after a system crash. The default is "True".

Indicates whether I/O history is to be continuously maintained. This information is utilized by the iostat command to display disk I/O statistics. The default is "false".

The amount of real memory, in Kbytes, that the system can use.

The name of the primary dump device.

The name of the secondary dump device.

The system keylock setting at time of system boot. The possible values are service, normal, and secure.

The size of the system data cache in bytes.

The size of the system instruction cache in bytes.

The high water mark for pending write-behind I/Os per file. This attribute, along with the low water mark for pending write-behind I/Os per file attribute, may be used in a multiprogramming environment to balance and control the I/O activity associated with file system write behind. The high water mark specifies the number of write-behind I/Os per file at which additional blocks write. The low water mark specifies the number of pending write-behind I/Os per file at which previously blocked writes are allowed to proceed. The possible values for the high water mark range from 0 to 32767. The possible values for the low water mark range from 0 to 32766. If set to a value other than zero, the low water mark value must be less than the high water mark value. If the high water mark is set at 0, the low water mark must also be 0. When both values are 0, no controls are placed on file system write-behind activity. By default, the high water mark is set to 8193 and the low water mark is set to 4096. The default values are changed only after a system performance analysis indicates making the change would improve performance.

The low water mark for pending write-behind I/Os per file. This attribute, along with the high water mark for pending write-behind I/Os per file attribute, may be used in a multiprogramming environment to balance and control the I/O activity associated with file system write behind. The high water mark specifies the number of write-behind I/Os per file at which additional blocks write. The low water mark specifies the number of pending write-behind I/Os per file at which previously blocked writes are allowed to proceed. The possible values for the high water mark range from 0 to 32767. The possible values for the low water mark range from 0 to 32766. If set to a value other than zero, the low water mark value must be less than the high water mark value. If the high water mark is set at 0, the low water mark must also be 0. When both values are 0, no controls are placed on file system write-behind activity. By default, the high water mark is set to 8193 and the low water mark is set to 4096. The default values are changed only after a system performance analysis indicates making the change would improve performance.

Corrects single bit ECC errors. Memory scrubbing operates in the background with the least favored priority. Consequently, it has minimal effect on the overall performance of the system. In addition, memory scrubbing prevents single bit errors from becoming double bit errors, which are fatal to the system. Memory scrubbing is not supported on the Diskless Workstation and, RS/6000 models Model.220, Model.230 and Model.250.

Remote Boot


Indicates whether this port is enabled to reboot the machine when it receives the REMOTE reboot STRING and, if so, whether or not to take a system dump prior to rebooting.

No Remote reboot is disabled
reboot Remote reboot is enabled
dump Remote reboot is enabled and prior to rebooting, a system dump will be taken on the primary dump device.


Indicates whether this port is enabled to reboot the machine when it receives the REMOTE reboot STRING and, if it is, whether to perform a system dump prior to rebooting.

No Remote reboot is disabled
reboot Remote reboot is enabled
dump Indicates that remote reboot is enabled and that a system dump will be performed on the primary dump device before rebooting.


The remote reboot string that the serial port scans for when the remote reboot feature is enabled. When the remote reboot feature is enabled and this string is received on the port, the system reboots. The reboot string has a maximum length of 16 characters and cannot contain a space, colon, equal sign, null, new line, or cntrl-\ character.

Manage Remote Reboot Facility

Allows you to reboot the system through an integrated serial port. The system reboots when the REMOTE reboot STRING is received at the port, followed by a confirmation response of "1". This facility is useful when the system does not otherwise respond but is capable of servicing serial port interrupts.

You can enable remote reboot on only one integrated serial port at a time. You must provide your own external security for the port. Otherwise, file systems will not be synchronized and data that has not been flushed can be lost.

To prevent an unnecessary reboot, do not use the port for any other purpose, especially file transfer, when you enable remote reboot.