Devices Context-Sensitive Helps

The context-sensitive helps in this file are used by both the SMIT and websm applications.

Specifies the baud rate, in bits per second, for line 1. The possible values depend on the type of cabling selected. For 4-wire cabling, valid values are: 230K, 460K. For 8-wire cabling, valid values are 9600, 14.4K, 19.2K, 38.4K, 57.6K, 64K, 76.8K, 115K, 230K, 460K, 920K, 1.2M.

Specifies the type of cabling being used (4-wire or 8-wire) for line 1. Possible values are 4 or 8.

Specifies the baud rate, in bits per second, for line 2. The possible values depend on the type of cabling selected. For 4-wire cabling, valid values are 230K, 460K. For 8-wire cabling, valid values are 9600, 14.4K, 19.2K, 38.4K, 57.6K, 64K, 76.8K, 115K, 230K, 460K, 920K, 1.2M.

Specifies the type of cabling being used (4-wire or 8-wire) for line 2. Possible values are 4 or 8.

Specifies the communication mode. Possible values depend on how the Remote Async Node is attached. For 4-wire or 8-wire direct cabling, choose "direct". For EIA-232 synchronous modem attachment, select "232_sync_modem". For EIA-422 synchronous modem attachment, select "422_sync_modem".

128-Port Asynchronous Adapters are automatically configured into the system at boot time with default characteristics which typically do not require change. You can change the characteristics of a 128-port asynchronous adapter such as controller line cable types.

Identifies the adapter device. (The value of the field cannot be changed.)


Displays the unique physical volume identifier of the physical volume of a disk. If the disk is not a physical volume, this field value will be none.

Indicates whether the disk is to be configured into the system as a physical volume. If configured as a physical volume, it will be configured using the same device name on subsequent system restarts. It can also be used for allocating logical volumes. If the disk has previously been assigned a physical volume identifier, it will be configured into the system as a physical volume regardless of the setting of this field.

Indicates whether the disk drive supports queuing and, if so, the type of queuing the drive uses. The "none" value indicates that the system does not queue multiple transactions at the drive but sends them to be processed one at a time. The "ordered" value indicates that the system can queue multiple transactions to the disk and that the drive processes the transactions in the order that it receives them. However, the system can reorder transactions even if the "ordered" value is selected. The "simple" value indicates that the system can queue multiple transactions at the drive and that the drive can process the transactions in a more efficient order than that which they arrived in.

Set this attribute according to the drive manufacturer's recommendation. For drives that do not support command tag queuing, set this value to "none".

Indicates how the SCSI disk should handle its queue of transactions if an error occurs. When this attribute is Yes, the SCSI disk clears all transactions from its command queue when an error occurs. If this attribute is No, the transactions remain on the queue. The system determines if a SCSI disk supports the Qerr bit and, if so, sets it based on the value of this attribute. If the SCSI disk does not support the Qerr bit, the system uses the value of the "Device CLEARS Its Queue on Error" attribute to determine how to configure the drive. The Yes value is the recommended value for all SCSI disks that support the Qerr bit. The system ignores this attribute if the disk drive does not support command tag queuing.

Indicates to the system how the disk handles its queue of transactions if an error occurs (when the SCSI disk drive does not support the Qerr bit). When Yes, this attribute indicates that the SCSI disk drive clears its queue when an error occurs. When set to No, this attribute indicates that the disk drive does not clear its command queue when an error occurs. The system uses this attribute only if the system determines that the drive does not support the Qerr bit. If the SCSI disk supports the Qerr bit, the system uses the value of the "Use Qerr Bit" attribute to determine how to configure the drive. Unless the drive manufacturer indicates otherwise, set this attribute to No. The system ignores this attribute if the disk drive does not support command tag queuing.

Specifies whether the power source that the disk is drawing its power from is on battery backup. If this field is set to a value of Yes, the device driver can allow disk activity to continue during an Early Power Off Warning (EPOW) if instructed to do so by the system. If this field is set to a value of No, the device driver assumes all disk activity should cease during an EPOW. The default value is No.

Indicates the maximum number of transactions that the SCSI disk driver can every have outstanding at the SCSI adapter driver. A command to a file system on a SCSI disk or to the raw disk causes the SCSI disk driver to generate one or more transactions. These transactions are then sent to the SCSI adapter driver, which sends them to the SCSI adapter, which in turn sends them to the disk itself.

For transactions that are queued at the SCSI adapter driver to be queued to the disk, both the SCSI adapter and SCSI disk must support command tag queuing, and the "Queuing TYPE" attribute must be set to either "simple" or "ordered". Do not change this attribute without understanding the SCSI-2 specification for command tag queuing because some settings can degrade performance. For drives that support command tag queuing, this value should not exceed the drive's queue size. You may need to determine the best value by trial and error.


Indicates the maximum number of seconds the system will allow the device to finish processing for a read/write SCSI command. If a read/write SCSI command takes longer than this time, the system will initiate error recovery actions. Do not change this attribute unless you are familiar with SCSI commands and the given SCSI device. If the value for this attribute is too small, unnecessary error recovery actions occur and system performance is degraded. If the value of this attribute is too large, defective devices may cause lengthy delays.

Identifies the logical name of the device.

Identifies the predefined device type of the read/write optical drive.

Identifies the type of drive interface. This is the same as the predefined device subclass of the read/write optical drive.

Indicates the maximum number of seconds the system will allow the device to finish processing for a start unit SCSI command. If a start unit SCSI command takes longer than this time, the system will initiate error recovery actions. Do not change this attribute unless you are familiar with SCSI commands and the given SCSI device. If the value for this attribute is too small, unnecessary error recovery actions occur and system performance is degraded. If the value of this attribute is too large, defective devices may cause lengthy delays.

Indicates the maximum number of seconds the system will allow the device to finish processing for a reassign SCSI command. If a reassign SCSI command takes longer than this time, the system will initiate error recovery actions. Do not change this attribute unless you are familiar with SCSI commands and the given SCSI device. If the value for this attribute is too small, unnecessary error recovery actions occur and system performance is degraded. If the value of this attribute is too large, defective devices may cause lengthy delays.

Indicates whether a read/write optical drive that is attached to a SCSI bus and shared by two systems is accessible by only one system at a time. This attribute should be set to Yes in situations where you need to prevent one system from accessing the device while the other system has the device open. The default value is Yes.

Indicates if a drive's media will be locked in the drive while the device is open. When this attribute is set to the Yes value, ejection of the media will be prevented if the device is open (that is, a file system from the media is mounted). If the device is not open, then media ejection will be permitted. This feature is primarily for eliminating the potential of data corruption that can occur if writeable media is interchanged while the system is writing to the media. It is recommended that if writeable media is used in the drive, this attribute should be set to Yes. When this attribute is set to the No value, the media can be removed even if the system is in the process of writing to the media. The default value is "Yes".

Indicates the maximum number of seconds the system will allow the device to finish processing for a Format Unit SCSI command. If a Format Unit SCSI command takes longer than this time, the system will initiate error recovery actions. Do not change this attribute unless you are familiar with SCSI commands and the given SCSI device. If the value for this attribute is too small, unnecessary error recovery actions occur and system performance is degraded. If the value of this attribute is too large, defective devices may cause lengthy delays.

Low Function Terminal (LFT)

Specify the monitor screen width in millimeters.

Displays all fonts configured in your system, selects the active font, and adds a font to your system.

Specifies the full path name of the font to be loaded.

Defined as a psuedo terminal device that emulates a tty on a graphics display.

Indicates that the operating system supports three natively attached keyboards: the 101-key keyboard, 102-key keyboard, and 106-key keyboard. Each of these keyboards differs slightly in its layout and function.

A software keyboard mapping table is loaded by the LFT during its configuration. This table maps a key position to an ASCII character, function, or string of characters.

One default software keyboard is selected at installation. A customized keyboard can be used as the system default after keyboard reconfiguration.

Specify or select either the absolute path name of the keyboard map file or just the file name. If just the file name is given, then the directory /usr/lib/nls/loc will prefix the file name.

Each keyboard is defined by a locale. Each locale is named by its locale definition source file name. These files are named for the language, territory, and code set information they describe. The locale definition source files that define the keyboards are:

LOCALE......LANGUAGE..............COUNTRY..............CODE SET

En_GB.......English...............Great Britain........IBM-850
en_GB.......English...............Great Britain........ISO8859-1
En_US.......English...............United States........IBM-850
en_US.......English...............United States........ISO8859-1
Zh_TW.......Traditional Chinese...Republic of China....big5
zh_TW.......Traditional Chinese...Republic of China....IBM-eucTW. 
Zh_CN.......Simplified Chinese....Republic of China....GBK

Specifies the default physical screen size of a monitor attached to a selected adapter. Both the width and the height can be modified. Both values are specified in millimeters and are stored in the Object Database Manager (ODM).

Supports natively attached displays configured during system initialization. You can set several characteristics for display stations such as the default display, screen size, and screen refresh rate.

Specify the monitor screen height in millimeters.

Selects the appropriate output mode for the display attached to the chosen graphics adapter. Output mode includes:

If the "Display Type" field does not match the display attached to the chosen graphics adapter, return to the previous menu to select the correct display type.

The selected resolution and refresh rate will not take effect until AIXwindows is restarted.

The selection is listed in one of the following ways:

width x heigth @ refresh_rate 


Automatic Indicates that the output device, screen resolution and refresh rate are automatically selected by the device driver. Output device may be a CRT or LCD or both.

In addition, the selection may include one or more of the following suffices:

_ISO ISO compliant mode.
_NotPreset Not factory preset mode.
_CRT CRT only output mode.
_pan output mode supported with panning.

Select the font to be active on the next system restart.

Specifies the identifier number for a particular font to be chosen as the default font. To see a list of the fonts available to the LFT, use the "lsfont" command.

Specifies the number of times per second a key that is held down will repeat. Any integer between 2 and 30 can be specified. The default rate is 20 repeats per second for both the 101 and 102 keyboards. The default rate for the 106-key keyboard is 10 repeats per second.

Specifies the delay in milliseconds before a key that is held down begins to repeat. The possible options are 250, 500, 750, and 1000. The default value is 500 milliseconds.

Specifies the volume of the keyboard alarm (or beep). The options are:

Specifies the volume of the keyboard clicker. The options are:

This option is ignored on workstations that do not have a keyboard clicker.

Identifies extended physical characteristics of the keyboard. Possible values are "none", indicating that there are no extended physical characteristics, and "nonum", indicating that there is no numeric keypad for this keyboard.

Specify the number of minutes that should elapse before dimming the display when there is no activity from input devices (for example, the keyboard and the mouse). The default is 20 minutes. A value of 0 disables Display Power Management. Changes take effect at next IPL.

Specify the number of minutes that should elapse before display power is suspended when there is no activity from input devices (for example, the keyboard and mouse). The default is 30 minutes. Changes take effect at next IPL.

Specify the number of minutes that should elapse before display power is turned off when there is no activity from input devices (for example, the keyboard and mouse). The default is 40 minutes. Changes will take effect next IPL.

The selected display adapter supports multiple refresh rates of 60 or 77 hertz. The monitor attached to the adapter may or may not support both of these refresh rates. Make sure the selected monitor supports the refresh rate chosen before executing this command or the display will be unreadable. The selected refresh rate will not take effect until the next system restart.

Selects the type of display.

Provides operator input primarily to graphic applications. This includes the workstation keyboard.

Identifies the logical name of the device.

Select a display type that matches the hardware specifications of your display.

Identifies the display type.

Selects the appropriate display resolution and refresh rate for the monitor attached to the chosen graphics adapter.

If the Display Type field does not match the monitor attached to the chosen graphics adapter, return to the previous menu to select the right monitor type on the Select the Display Type menu option.

If the current monitor was not attached to the graphics card during the latest system start, the display resolution and refresh rate list might not be correct for the current monitor. A system reboot with the current monitor attached is necessary to ensure a valid list.

The selected resolution and refresh rate will not take effect until X is restarted. X can be restarted by logging out of CDE and clicking Reset Login Screen.

(*) The list of possible display resolutions and refresh rates uses the following annotations:

Multiport Model 2 Adapter

Identifies the I/O port address used by the driver to communicate with the adapter. The selected value should match the DIP switch setting on the adapter card. Valid values are "0x2A0" through "0x3EA0" (skip by 0x400). The default value is "0x6A0".

Four-port Selectable Multiport Model 2 Adapter (ISA).

The starting address of the shared memory region used by the driver and adapter. The valid values are 0xC0000 through 0xDE0000 (skip by 0x2000). The default value is 0xE2000.

The interrupt level used by the driver to communicate with the adapter. The value should match the DIP switch setting on the adapter card. Valid values are 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12. The default value is 7.

You cannot change this attribute. The value for the Multiport Model 2 adapter is set at priority 2.

You cannot change this attribute. The Window Size hardware attribute for the Multiport Model 2 adapter is 0x2000.

Identifies the logical name of the adapter.

Token-Ring Adapters

Specifies the interrupt level used by the driver to communicate with the adapter. The value must match that set when the adapter was last configured using switches 7 and 8 of the second switch block on the adapter and must not conflict with an interrupt level chosen for any other device. Valid values are 3, 6, 7, and 9.

Identifies the logical name of the adapter.

Indicates whether or not the configuration changes being made should be applied only to the database or to both the database and the current device operation. For devices that are in use and cannot be changed, this allows the database to be changed for the device so that the changes take effect the next time the system is rebooted.

Specifies the starting address of the 8K BIOS shared memory region used by the driver and adapter. The value must match that set when the adapter was last configured using switches 1-6 of the second switch block on the adapter and must not conflict with a memory region chosen for any other ISA device. Valid values are "0xcc000" and "0xdc000".

Specifies the I/O port address used by the driver to communicate with the adapter. The value must match that set when the adapter was last configured using switch 9 of the second switch block on the adapter and must not conflict with an I/O port address of any other device. Note that the I/O address also indicates whether the adapter is to be primary or secondary. If you have two adapters in your system, one must be configured as primary and one as secondary. Valid values are 0xa20 (primary) and 0xa24 (secondary).

Defines the starting address of the shared memory region used by the driver and adapter. The size of the region is configurable. 64K is recommended if you are only using one adapter, and 32K if you are using two or have other ISA adapters and need more available shared memory regions. The value must not conflict with any other memory region chosen for any other ISA device. Valid values are "0xc0000" and "0xd0000".

Defines the size of the shared memory region used by the driver and adapter. The value must match that set when the adapter was last configured using switches 10 and 11 of the second switch block on the adapter. The larger the region, the better the performance: at 8K it is not possible to receive large packets from the network. 64K is recommended if you are only using one adapter, and 32K if you are using two or have other ISA adapters and need more available shared memory regions. Valid values are 0x2000 (8K), 0x4000 (16K), 0x8000 (32K), and 0x10000 (64K).

Indicates the ring speed of the Token-Ring network to which the adapter is attached. This attribute must be set to match the speed at which the network is currently running. An incorrect value can cause the network to become inoperable. Valid values are 4 for a 4 Mbps ring and 16 for a 16 Mbps ring. The default value is 4.

Set this attribute to the Yes value to place ATTENTION MAC frames received by the adapter in the receive queue for the application to read. If you specify the No value, the ATTENTION MAC frames are ignored. The default value is No.

Set this attribute to the Yes value to place the BEACON MAC frames received by the adapter in the receive queue for the application to read. If you specify the No value, the BEACON MAC frames are ignored. The default value is No.

Set this attribute to the Yes value to indicate that the address of the adapter, as it appears on the LAN network, is the one specified by the "ALTERNATE TOKEN-RING address" attribute. If you specify the No value, the unique adapter address written in a ROM on the adapter card is used. The default value is No.

Allows the adapter unique address, as it appears on the LAN network, to be changed. The value entered must be a token-ring address of 12 hexadecimal digits and must not be the same as the address of any other token-ring adapter. There is no default value. This field has no effect unless the "Enable ALTERNATE TOKEN-RING address" attribute is set to the Yes value, in which case this field must be filled in. To change the alternate token-ring address, enter 0x followed by the 12-digit address. All 12 hexadecimal digits, including leading zeros, must be entered.

Note: Token-Ring addresses use a big-endian/MSB/non-canonical form. Token-Ring frames are defined by the sequence in which the frames are transmitted on the medium. For network addresses, this means that the Individual/Group (I/G) bit is transmitted first, followed by the Universal/Local (U/L) administered bit, and the address is then defined accordingly.

Indicates a byte offset into a receive buffer where a data packet received across the network is placed. Valid values range from 0 through 128. The default value is 92.

Indicates the size of the adapter's priority transmit queue. Valid values range from 32 through 160. The default value is 32.

Indicates the size of the adapter's receive queue.

Indicates the number of transmit requests that can be queued for transmission by the device driver.

Indicates the number of receive buffers that can be queued by the device driver for the application to read. Valid values range from 20 through 150. The default value is 30.

Indicates the number of status blocks that can be queued by the device driver for the application to read. Valid values range from 3 through 20. The default value is 10.

Ethernet Adapters

The interrupt level used by the driver to communicate with the adapter. The value must match that set when the adapter was last configured using firmware (SMS diskette) and must not conflict with an interrupt level chosen for any other device. Valid values are 5, 7, 9, and 11.

Identifies the logical name of the adapter.

Indicates the number of transmit requests that can be queued for transmission by the device driver when the hardware transmit queue is full. The default value is 64.

Defines the starting address of the 16K shared memory region used by the driver and adapter. The shared memory region chosen must not conflict with a memory region chosen for any other ISA device. Valid values are 0xc0000, 0xc4000, 0xc8000, 0xcc000, 0xd0000, 0xd4000, 0xd8000, and 0xdc000.

Defines the I/O port address used by the driver to communicate with the adapter. The value must match that set when the adapter was last configured using firmware (SMS diskette) and must not conflict with an I/O port address of any other device. Valid values are 0x240, 0x280, 0x2C0, 0x300, 0x320, 0x340, and 0x360.

Indicates the connection type to be used on the back of the adapter. Valid values are "bnc" (10BASE2), "dix" (AUI/10BASE5), and "tp" (10BASE-T).

Setting this attribute to the Yes value indicates that the address of the adapter, as it appears on the LAN network, is the one specified by the "ALTERNATE ETHERNET address" attribute. If you specify the No value, the unique adapter address written in a ROM on the adapter card is used. The default value is No.

Allows the adapter unique address, as it appears on the LAN network, to be changed. The value entered must be an Ethernet address of 12 hexadecimal digits and must not be the same as the address of any other Ethernet adapter. There is no default value. This field has no effect unless the "Enable ALTERNATE ETHERNET address" attribute is set to the Yes value, in which case this field must be filled in. A typical Ethernet address is: 0x02608C000001.

All 12 hexadecimal digits, including leading zeros, must be entered.

Indicates a byte offset into a receive buffer where a data packet received across the network is placed. Valid values range from 0 through 128. The default value is 92.

Indicates the size of the adapter's transmit queue. Valid values are 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256. The default value is 64.

Indicates whether the adapter is operating in full-duplex or half-duplex mode. If this field is set to Yes, the device driver programs the adapter to operate in full-duplex mode. The default is No (operate in half-duplex mode).

Indicates the number of receive buffers to be allocated on the adapter for receiving data. Note that the transmit and receive buffer pools are allocated from fixed-sized on-board memory. Increasing the receive buffer pool size results in a smaller transmit buffer pool size while decreasing the receive buffer pool size results in a larger transmit buffer pool size. The maximum number of buffers that can be allocated for either transmit or receive is 74. Valid values range from 16 through 64. The default is 37.

Indicates the number of receive buffers that can be queued by the device driver for the application to read. Valid values range from 20 through 150. The default value is 30.

Indicates the number of status blocks that can be queued up by the device driver for the application to read. Valid values range from 3 through 20. The default value is 5.

Indicates which one of the external connectors on the adapter is being used. There are two connectors: a 15-pin DIX connector selected with the value of "dix" and a BNC connector selected with the value of "bnc". The default value is "bnc".

Indicates the byte offset in the data packet where the "Ethertype" field is located. Valid values range from 1 through 1514. The default value is 12.

Indicates the byte offset in the data packet where the "802.3 Ethertype" field is located. Valid values range from 1 through 1514. The default value is 14.

Indicates whether or not the configuration changes being made should be applied only to the database or to both the database and the current device operation.

Indicates the external connectors that are used on the adapter. Two adapter configurations are available. Card model A has both AUI and twisted-pair (10BaseT) ports. Card model B has a BNC (10Base2) port only. Valid values are:

aui - Selects the AUI port.

tp - Selects the twisted-pair (10BaseT) port.

bnc - Selects the BNC port.

auto - (autosense) Allows the adapter to determine the active port based on the link pass state of the twisted-pair port. For card model B, a value of "auto" selects the BNC port.

The default value is "auto".

Indicates whether or not the full duplex mode for RJ-45 (10BaseT) port of card model A is enabled. A value of Yes is only valid for direct attachment using the RJ-45 port to a full duplex 10BaseT Ethernet network. Full duplex will not operate correctly with the AUI or the BNC port selected. The default value is No.

Specifies the adapter's transmit interrupt mode of operation. Valid values are:

0 - Delay. Notification of transmit completion is sent based on the number of packets transmitted. See Transmit Interrupt Threshold.

1 - Immediate. Notification of transmit completion is sent immediately upon completion of transmit.

2 - Poll. The device driver queries the adapter for transmit status based on the number of packets transmitted. See Transmit Poll Threshold.

Note: This attribute should be used for performance tuning only.

Specifies the adapter's receive interrupt mode of operation. Valid values are:

0 - Delay. Notification of an incoming packet is sent based on the number of packets currently in the receive queue. See Receive Interrupt Threshold and Receive Interval.

1 - Immediate. Notification of incoming packet is sent immediately upon receipt of the packet.

Note: This attribute should be used for performance tuning only.

Specifies the frequency in which the device driver polls the adapter for completed transmit packets while in transmit poll interrupt mode. The device driver polls for completed transmit status when the number of outstanding transmitted packets exceeds this threshold. Valid values range from 0 through 31.

Note: This attribute should be used for performance tuning only.

Specifies the frequency of transmit complete interrupts generated by the adapter while operating in transmit delay interrupt mode. The adapter issues an interrupt when the number of transmitted packets exceeds this threshold. Valid values range from 0 through 31.

Note: This attribute should be used for performance tuning only.

Specifies the frequency of receive complete interrupts generated by the adapter while operating in receive delay interrupt mode. The adapter issues an interrupt when the number of received packets exceeds this threshold. Valid values range from 0 through 31.

Note: This attribute should be used for performance tuning only.

Specifies the maximum amount of time between receive interrupts while in receive delay interrupt mode. The adapter generates a receive interrupt within 2 ** (ReceiveInterval  +  7) / 10 microseconds after the last received packet, regardless of the value of the Receive Interrupt Threshold. This timer is reset to 0 by the adapter after each packet is received.

Indicates the speed at which the adapter attempts to operate.

Select "auto-negotiation" when you want the adapter to determine the speed at which to run across the network.

If the network does not support auto-negotiation, you should select a specific speed. If you do not select the speed correctly, the adapter might not function properly.

The possible values include:

10 Mbps with half duplex.

10 Mbps with full duplex.

100 Mbps with half duplex.

100 Mbps with full duplex.

Specify the setting for Inter Packet Gap (IPG) in terms of bit rate. The default value is 96, which results in an IPG of 9.6 microseconds for a 10 Mb media speed and 0.96 microseconds for a 100 Mb media speed. Each unit of bit rate introduces an IPG of 100 nanoseconds for a 10 Mb media speed and 10 nanoseconds for a 100 Mb media speed.

Network Terminal Accelerator (Ethernet) Adapters

Allows you to configure the channel attributes of a specific adapter. The global mode settings apply to all channels on a given adapter. In most cases, the default values are appropriate and should not be changed.

Sets the number of channels on the adapter. In general, adapters should be configured with enough channels to support the anticipated usage, plus a few extra in case devices need to be added on short notice. The maximum number of channels is determined by the model of adapter (256 or 2048) and the amount of swap space on your host machine.

The default value is 64.

Detects certain classes of hardware failures and should normally be set to Yes. The default value is Yes.

Set this value to Yes to execute an extensive test of on-board memory at system startup, or whenever the adapter is reset. This test clears and resets the on-board memory.

Setting this value to No causes the test to not execute at system startup, and the adapter configuration software automatically collects a memory dump from the board and places a compressed dump file in /usr/tmp. Unless a memory dump is required for diagnostic purposes, this option should be set to Yes.

The default value is Yes.

Affects the keep alive timeouts in the on-board TCP protocol and should be set to "long". This option also determines the version of microcode downloaded to the adapter. When set to "long", the /usr/lib/microcode/ (where "xxx" is the microcode version number) is downloaded.

When set to "short", the /usr/lib/microcode/ is downloaded.

The default value is "long".

When set to No, the adapter denies telnet connection requests if there are no unused channels available to accept a new telnet session.

When set to Yes, the adapter accepts connections even when no channels are available. In this mode, a message is sent informing users that no sessions are available and the connection is dropped.

The default value is No.

Set this option to Yes to keep a channel open after a remote user disconnects. As a result, a new user can connect to a session kept open by a previous user.

Set this option to No to ensure a new session is started for each new user connection. The default value is No.

Set this option to Yes to drop network connections when the host closes the associated HTY device.

Set this option to No to maintain a channel's network connection after the host has closed the HTY device.

The default value is Yes.

Set this option to "disabled" unless specialized software, such as the /usr/sbin/getty_hty command, is being used to open HTY devices.

If you are using the getty_hty command, this option must be set to "Enabled". When enabled, the adapter does not begin transferring user data until all the environment data is received from the remote user.

The default value is "Disabled".

Set this option to "Enabled" to generate window size change (SIGWINCH) events to user processes.

When set to "Disabled", SIGWINCH events are not generated.

The default value is "Enabled".

Affects the on-board processing of telnet IP (Interrupt Process), AO (Abort Output), EC (Erase Character), and EL (Erase Line) sequences received from a terminal server.

The default setting of "fixed mapping" should not be changed unless you require special processing with these sequences.

When set to Yes, the adapter attempts to negotiate binary mode whenever a new telnet connection is established.

Set this option to No unless your application requires binary mode by default. The default value is No.

When set to No, the telnet binary mode forces the adapter on-board character processing into raw (no processing) mode.

When set to Yes, the on-board character processing options remain in effect when telnet is in binary mode.

The default value is No.

When set to No, NUL characters are not inserted after CR characters. In most cases, the host sends an LF character after the CR to form the newline sequence.

Some terminal servers require a NUL character following the CR character, whether or not the subsequent character is an LF. In such cases, set the option to Yes to force the adapter to inset the NUL character after the CR character.

The default value is No.

Controls the treatment of user environment information that the rlogin protocol embeds in its data stream.

Set this option to "strip" to acknowledge the connection with the remote user and strips the environment information from the input. Specialized software, such as the /usr/sbin/getty_hty command can request a copy of the environment information if the user environment events option is enabled. The "delay" and "save" options require additional host processing and should not be used.

The default value is "strip".

Allows configuration of the TCP/IP network attributes of the adapter HTY interface.

Specify the Internet address of the adapter HTY interface. You can specify the network interface address by name or use the Internet dotted decimal notation (for example,

Turns promiscuous mode on or off. When set to on, the adapter acts as a network monitor and receives all well-formed frames, regardless of their destination address.

Configures the adapter for either IEEE 802.3 or Ethernet operation. To place the adapter in 802.3 mode, select the 802 keyword. To place the adapter in Ethernet mode, select the "enet" keyword.

Use the network mask to specify how much of the network interface address to reserve for subdividing networks into subnetworks. Specify the network mask in dotted decimal form (for example, or hexadecimal form with the prefix "0x" (for example, 0xffff0000).

The network mask includes both the network part of the local address and the subnet part, which is taken from the host field of the address. The mask contains 1s (ones) for the bit positions in the 32-bit address that are reserved for the network and subnet parts, and 0s (zeros) for the bit positions that specify the host. The mask should contain at least the standard network portion and the subnet segment should be contiguous with the network segment.

Specifies the address that represents broadcasts to the network. By default, the Broadcast parameter is the address in which the host part appears as all 1s (ones).

Allows configuration of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent for the adapter. The SNMP agent manages the adapter and its associated software, not the host computer. The SNMP agent responds to SNMP protocol Data Units (PDUs) received from the network.

Allows you to configure the attributes of the adapter that are related to the MLI interface.

HTY Devices

Represents a logical input/output device that corresponds to one channel on the Network Terminal Accelerator adapter. The HTY is a child device of the adapter.

After the initial installation, the adapter is configured with a default number of channels (64) without any child devices. You can choose which child devices to configure on which adapter channels at any time after the initial installation. You can change the number of channels configured on each adapter after installation and after you have configured the child devices. The following rules apply to reconfiguring adapter channels and child devices:

Add one or more HTY devices to specified channels on the adapter. This process creates a device ( /dev/hty*) with a state of "available" (online).

Specify the channels on which to create the HTY child devices by entering one of the following:

Remove one or more child devices from the adapter.

Specify the channels whose child devices you wish to delete by entering one of the following:

The definitions of all child devices (whether HTY, tty, or lp) are deleted from the specified channels. Channels that have no child devices configured are left unchanged.

Displays the current assignment of channels to an adapter.

Displays the connection status and channel configuration for the specified channels on an adapter.

Specify the channels for which information is displayed by entering one of the following:

Reset the specified channel by terminating current activity on the channel. Any data buffered in the queues is flushed and the channel is closed.

Specify the HTY device name corresponding to the channel that you wish to reset (for example, "hty15").

Configure the call type, protocol port, service, and Internet address for an individual channel.

Note: To preserve this channel configuration when the system is restarted, you must add the equivalent ntx_chaddr or ntx_pserv commands to the /etc/rc.ntx file.

Configure the call type for an individual channel.

A call-in channel accepts connections to an assigned Internet address and protocol port. A call-out channel requests a connection to a specific destination and service.

The default configuration for a channel using the internet address assigned to the adapter HTY interface is call-in. The default protocol port number is 0, which accepts connections from any of the three supported services: telnet, rlogin, or nop.

Select one of the three supported services (telnet, rlogin, or nop) to enable a channel as call-out.

Do not specify a service for a call-in channel.

Specify a number greater than 2048 for the optional protocol port number.

For a call-in channel, specify the local protocol port number. This protocol port number must also be associated with a service using the ntx_pserv command. If you do not specify a number, the port is set to 0.

For a call-out channel, specify the remote protocol port number. This protocol port number must be associated (at the remote host) with the service specified for the channel being configured. If you do not specify a number, the default port number for the specified service is used.

Specify the dotted decimal Internet address for the channel.

For a call-in channel, specify "default" to use the address already assigned to the adapter HTY interface, or specify a different local address for this channel. If you specify the "default" keyword, you also must enter a protocol port number.

For a call-out channel, specify the remote address to which to connect.

Specify the individual channel to be configured by entering one of the following:

Displays or sets the state of the adapter's SNMP agent.

Select the state of the adapter's SNMP agent. The default value is on.

Configures the adapter's SNMP community profile. A community is a set of network management stations (NMSs) that have access to the SNMP agent. A community profile consists of community names and their respective permissions that determine the access to the agent's management information base (MIB) objects.

The default community profile for the adapter is the public community with read-only access to the entire MIB.

Specify the dot notation string for the management information base (MIB) object for which access permissions are being set. You can specify an ID for a leaf object or an MIB subtree. If the ID specifies a subtree, access includes all elements of that tree. If you do not specify an ID, access permissions include the whole MIB. Refer to RFC 1213 (MIB-II) to determine the MIB ID for an object.

Specify the community name that you wish to add to the community profile.

Select one of the following access modes for the specified community and object ID:

The default mode is Read only.

Select the SNMP community to be deleted from the community profile for the adapter. The community is not explicitly removed from the profile, but is marked na (No access) for the entire management information base (MIB).

Configures the adapter's SNMP agent with an authentication list of network management stations (NMSs) from which it will accept protocol data units (PDUs). An NMS is a host on the network that can query an SNMP agent by sending a PDU.

By default, the agent accepts SNMP PDUs from any host on the network and responds to any of the requests allowed by the community profile configured for an adapter.

Specify the host name or the Internet address of an network management station (NMS) to add to or delete from the NMS authentication list. The host must be accessible on the network.

Select No if the specified host is being added to the network management station (NMS) authentication list. Select Yes if the specified host is being deleted from the NMS authentication list.

Configures the adapter's SNMP agent to transmit SNMP traps. A trap is an unsolicited SNMP protocol data unit (PDU) that the agent transmits when specific events occur.

By default, the agent does not generate trap PDUs.

Select either the specific or generic trap type. Specific traps are enterprise-specific and are unique to the adapter. Generic traps are supported by all SNMP agents compliant with RFC 1157.

Select No if the specified host is being enabled to receive the trap protocol data unit (PDU). Select Yes of the specified host is being disabled from receiving the trap PDU.

Select the trap name or numeric identifier of the trap protocol data unit (PDU) to be sent to the specified network management station (NMS).

If you selected the specific trap type, select one of the following:

If you seleted the generic trap type, select one of the following:

Select No if the specified host is being enabled to receive the trap protocol data unit (PDU). Select Yes if the specified host is being disabled from receiving the trap PDU.

Specify the community that is to receive the specified trap protocol data unit (PDU).

Specify the host name or the Internet address of the network management station (NMS) that is to receive the specified trap protocol data unit (PDU).

Configures the adapter's SNMP agent with site-specific information that is stored in the agent's management information base (MIB).

Specify the contact person for the adapter's network node. This string can be up to 79 characters in length.

Specify the physical location of the adapter's network node. This string can be up to 79 characters in length.

Specify the name (assigned by the system administrator) of the adapter's network node. By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. This string can be up to 79 characters in length.

CDROM Drives

Indicates a CD-ROM drive attached to a SCSI bus shared by two systems can be used by both systems at the same time. In situations where this is not desired, possibly due to the nature of the data on the CD placed in the drive, you can set this attribute to the Yes value. This prevents one system from accessing the device while the other system has the device open. The default value is No.

Indicates the device supports the SCSI-2 Play Audio commands for CD-ROM. The No value indicates the device does not support these SCSI commands. Do not change this attribute without understanding SCSI commands and the given device.

Indicates the MODE SELECT density code needed to set the device to read CD-ROM XA data mode 2 form1 from the media via the character special file (/dev/rcd*) and/or the block special file (/dev/cd*). This value is one byte in length and is represented using decimal notation. The system will use a 2048 byte block size for this data mode. Refer to the specific CD-ROM drive SCSI specification to obtain this value. This data mode can be enabled via an application that uses the DK_CD_MODE ioctl for this device. Do not change this attribute without understanding SCSI commands and the given SCSI device.

Indicates the MODE SELECT density code needed to set the device to read CD-ROM XA data mode 2 form 2 from the media via the character special file (/dev/rcd*). The system will use a 2336 byte block size for this data mode. Refer to the specific CD-ROM drive SCSI specification to obtain this value. This data mode can only be enabled via an application that uses the DK_CD_MODE ioctl for this device. When enabled, reads will only be supported via the character special file for the device and must be on 2336 byte boundaries. Do not change this attribute without understanding SCSI commands and the given SCSI device.

Indicates the MODE SELECT density code needed to set the device to read CD-DA data from the media via the character special file (/dev/rcd*) . The system will use a 2352 byte block size for CD-DA. Refer to the specific CD-ROM drive SCSI specification to obtain this value. This data mode can only be enabled via an application that uses the DK_CD_MODE ioctl for this device. When enabled, reads will only be supported via the character special file for the device and must be on 2352 byte boundaries. Do not change this attribute without understanding SCSI commands and the given SCSI device.

Indicates the maximum number of seconds the system will allow the device to finish processing for a read SCSI command. If a read SCSI command takes longer than this time, the system initiates error recovery actions. Do not change this attribute unless you are familiar with SCSI commands and the given SCSI device. If the value for this attribute is too small, unnecessary error recovery actions occur and system performance is degraded. If the value of this attribute is too large, defective devices may cause lengthy delays.

Indicates the block size to use when reading and/or writing to the device. Data is transferred to and from devices in blocks of data. Journaled File Systems (JFS), Logical Volumes, and CD-ROM file systems (CDRFS) require a block size of 512 KB; they do not support other block sizes. Other block sizes are provided only for user-specific applications or file systems that do not require a block size of 512 KB.

Diskette Drives

Indicates the size and capacity of the diskette drive. A value of 3.5inch indicates a 3.5-inch 1.44 megabyte drive. A value of 3.5inch4Mb indicates a 3.5-inch 2.88 megabyte drive. A value of 5.25inch indicates a 5.25-inch drive.

Identifies the logical name of the device.

Indicates the port on the adapter card to which the diskette drive is attached. The diskette ports on the standard I/O planar are 0 and 1.


Indicates the number of transmit requests that can be queued up by the device driver prior to being added to the adapter's transmit queue. Items are in units of buffers rather than frames to allow finer control of the system resources. Valid values range from 3 through 250. The default is 30.

Identifies the logical name of the adapter.

Setting this attribute to the Yes value indicates that the address of the adapter, as it appears on the LAN network, is the one specified by the ALTERNATE FDDI Source address attribute. If you specify the No value, the unique adapter address written in a ROM on the adapter card is used. The default value is No.

Allows the unique address of the adapter, as it appears on the LAN network, to be changed. The value entered must be a FDDI address of 12 hexadecimal digits (6 bytes) and have a group address bit set to 0 and a local address bit set to 1. The group address bit is the high-order bit of the high-order byte; the local address bit is the second highest order bit of the high-order byte. The address must not be the same as any other FDDI adapter on the ring. This field has no effect unless the Enable ALTERNATE FDDI Source address attribute is set to the Yes value, in which case, this field must be filled in. To change the alternate FDDI Source address, enter 0x followed by the 12-digit address. All 12 hexadecimal digits must be entered. The valid values range from 0x400000000000 through 0x7fffffffffff. The default value is 0x400000000000.

Allows you to set the local TVX Lower Bound attribute on the adapter. This is similar in effect to the control exercised by the fddiMAC 54 frame in the 7.2 SMT standard. This command provides indirect local write access to the TVX attribute on the adapter. The TVX will be set to the minimum supported value that is greater than the TVX Lower Bound attribute. The TVX value controls the recovery time from transient ring errors. The value entered must be between 80 nsec and 5,202,000 nsec, in 80-nsec increments. It must also be less than the Max T-REQ attribute. The default value is 2,509,200 nsec.

Allows you to set the local Max T-REQ attribute on the adapter. This is similar in effect to the control exercised by the fddiMAC 51 frame in the 7.2 SMT standard. This command provides indirect local write access to the T-REQ attribute on the adapter. The T-REQ attribute will be set to the maximum supported value that is less than the Max T-REQ value unless ring conditions prevent this. The T-REQ value provides a balance between time between token receptions and time to transmit on token captures, and directly affects ring utilization. The value entered must be between 160 nsec and 165,000,000 nsec, in 80-nsec increments. It must also be greater than the TVX Lower Bound attribute. The default value is 165,000,000 nsec.

Indicates the parameter management frame (PMF) password for the adapter. A nonzero PMF password enables authorization checking by the adapter for all remote change requests. That is, all remote requests must provide this PMF password to change attributes within the adapter. A PMF password of 0x0 disables the authorization checking of the adapter. The PMF password consists of 16 hexadecimal digits (8 bytes) and must be entered with a preceding 0x. All 16 hexadecimal digits, including leading zeros, must be entered. The default value is 0x0.

Indicates the user data to be given to the adapter for use in the SMT management information base (MIB). A maximum of 32 characters can be entered.

Indicates a byte offset into a receive buffer where a data packet received across the network is placed. Valid values range from 0 through 128. The default value is 0.

Indicates the number of receive buffers that can be queued up by the device driver for the application to read. Valid values range from 20 through 150. The default value is 30.

Indicates the number of status blocks that can be queued up by the device driver for the application to read. Valid values range from 3 through 150. The default value is 10.

Setting this attribute to the Yes value causes beacon frames received by the adapter to be passed up to the FDDI device driver. These frames will be passed to the owner of the SMT netid. If you select the No value, the beacon frames received by the adapter are not forwarded to the device driver. The default value is No.

Setting this attribute to the Yes value causes SMT frames received by the adapter to be passed up to the FDDI device driver. These frames will be passed to the owner of the SMT netid. If you select the No value, the SMT frames received by the adapter are not forwarded to the device driver. The default value is No.

Setting this attribute to the Yes value causes Next Station Addressing (NSA) frames received by the adapter to be passed up to the FDDI device driver. These frames will be passed to the owner of the SMT netid. If you select the No value, the NSA frames received by the adapter are not forwarded to the device driver. The default value is No.


Indicates the state to which the device is to be configured when the system is started. This attribute can have a value of Defined, indicating that the device will be left in the defined state and not available for use (offline), or a value of Available, indicating that the device will be configured and available for use (online).

Specifies the maximum number of pseudo-terminals using the AT&T conventions that can be simultaneously connected. The maximum number of PTYs is constrained by system resources.

Specifies the maximum number of pseudo-terminals using the BSD conventions that can be simultaneously connected. A pseudo-terminal includes a pair of control and slave character devices. The /dev/pty[p-zA-Z][0-9a-f] special files are the control pseudo-terminals and the /dev/tty[p-zA-Z][0-9a-f] special files are the slave pseudo-terminals.


RAID is an acronym for redundant array of independent disks. Entering this menu will allow you to configure all aspects of your disk array storage subsystem.

Allows you to service and maintain your RAIDiant disk array router configuration. This includes listing the current configuration of your disk array subsystem (specifically: subsystems, disk array controllers, and associated hdisks) and optionally modifying its parameters.

Select the desired disk array router device from the list.

Allows you to set the frequency at which health checks will occur. Health checks are performed on passive controllers and on active controllers that have no current LUN assignments.

Allowable values for this field are 1 through 9999 seconds.

Allows you to set the frequency at which polled automatic error notification (AEN) request sense commands are issued to the controllers in the selected subsystem. Any detected errors are logged by the system error logger.

Allowable values for this field are 1 through 9999 seconds.

Provides dynamic load balancing in a dual active environment by monitoring the I/O request or data transfer rates and switching LUN ownership between disk array controllers to achieve optimum performance.

Allows you to set the frequency at which load balancing will occur.

Allowable values for this field are 1 through 9999 seconds.

Allows you to service and maintain your RAIDiant disk array controller configuration. This includes listing, adding, removing, or configuring the disk array controllers on your system, and optionally switching the LUN associated with a particular disk group to another disk array controller.

Provides you with a list of drive groups that are currently owned by the selected disk array controller. Execution of this option will cause the selected disk group's ownership to be switched to the other disk array controller associated with this subsystem.

Use this option to check and repair array parity. Array parity is used in RAID Level 1, 3 and 5 logical units to enable data to be reconstructed if a single drive fails. Checking and repairing parity helps insure that you will be able to recover after a drive failure. You should check and repair parity after an abnormal system shutdown.

Guaranteed parity scanning will be initially enabled. This means that a parity check will automatically occur at the following times:

  1. At start of day.
  2. After a board reset if the reset occurred for any of the following reasons:
    1. Change in redundant controller operational modes with forced quiescence.
    2. Change in redundant controller operational roles (Passive to Active) with forced quiescence.
    3. Microcode upload or download with forced quiescence.
    4. Reset initiated over the board serial port.

Provides you with a list of hdisks upon which parity checks can be run.

The file into which the results of the parity check or repair will be stored.

Indicates the way the array controller reads and writes data and parity of the drives.

Valid RAID levels are 0,1,3 and 5.

Note that some product versions will not allow RAID level 3. Refer to your specific product publication for this information.

Specify the block size (in bytes) that will be used by the controller to send data to the host system. The drive block size is 512 bytes.

The block size for RAID levels 0,1 and 5 is 512. The block size for RAID level 3 is 1024 bytes for 3 drives and 2048 bytes for 5 drives.

Note that in later versions, a block size of 512 will be used for all RAID levels.

Specify the desired size of the newly created logical unit in megabytes. The combination of the RAID level and number of drives that you specify determines the total number of megabytes in the logical unit.

For example, a 5-drive RAID 5 logical unit with 2000MB drives (unformatted drive size) has a logical unit size of 8000MB. Four drives are used for data and one for parity in a RAID 5 logical unit (4 X 2000MB = 8000MB).

Specify the number of LUN logical unit number blocks contained in a segment (other than segment 0). This is the number of contiguous blocks that can be written to a single drive before switching to the next drive in the logical unit. It provides the host with a method to tune data striping to the typical I/O request size. The controller determines a minimum and maximum segment size based on available memory and RAID level and adjusts the requested value accordingly. The default segment size is 512 blocks for RAID 0,1 and 5, and 1 block for RAID 3. The maximum segment size that the array controller accepts is 65,535 blocks.

Indicates that the first segment on a drive is segment zero. The default segment zero size is zero blocks. If you change the value of segment zero to anything but zero, the array segments may not be properly aligned on the drives and array performance may decrease.

Specify the amount of time between data reconstruction operations. During this time, the array controller performs I/O system operation. As the delay interval increases, the system performance increases. The recommended value is one-tenth of a second. The maximum value allowed is 255. You can change the delay interval while the array controller is reconstructing data on a drive. This is useful if you want to vary the performance of the array during reconstruction.

Specify the amount of data the array controller reconstructs at a time. The recommended value is 256 blocks. The maximum value is 4,096. You can change the blocks to reconstruct per delay interval while the array controller is reconstructing data on a drive. This is useful if you want to vary the performance of the array during reconstruction.

Allows the selection of spare drives that will become associated with the new SCSI RAID array. A spare drive is a drive that exists within the RAIDiant array subsystem but which is not configured into an existing logical unit. Note that any drives that are specified to be part of this new logical unit will be formatted when this panel is executed. It is recommended that you use the maximum number of drives allowed when you create a logical unit. The guidelines are as follows:

RAID level 0 - Number of drives allowed = 1-10.

RAID level 1 - Number of drives allowed = 2,4,6,8 or 10.

The mirrored pair is created by grouping the 1st and 2nd drive you enter, 3rd and 4th, etc. Drives in a mirrored pair cannot be on the same channel.

RAID level 3 - Number of drives allowed = 3 or 5.

Drives must start on SCSI Channel 1 Drives must not skip channel numbers. The last drive entered is the parity drive.

RAID level 5 - Number of drives allowed = 3 - 5.

Note that some product versions will not allow RAID level 3. Refer to your specific product publication for this information.

If yes is selected, the logical unit will hold a lock on reservations attempted by other hosts. If no is selected, other hosts will be able to utilize this logical unit.

Allows you to customize the depth of the command queue utilized for this logical unit.

The only range of values for this field are 4 or 30. The default value is 4. However, this may be increased to 30 if you are utilizing a fast SCSI adapter.

Indicates the current status of the logical unit. This cannot be changed.

Select the disk array controller or the particular hdisk under which you desire to change a drive status. If a disk array controller is selected, any drive in the subsystem can be chosen. If an hdisk is selected, only those drives associated with that particular hdisk can be chosen.

Identifies the channel number/SCSI ID of the drive you have chosen.

Specify the physical location of the drive you have chosen. The location code values are:

LF - Lower Front

LR - Lower Rear

UF - Upper Front

UR - Upper Rear.

Causes a start unit command to be sent to each optimal status drive associated with the selected disk array controller. Synchronizing drive spindles can offer performance improvements for requests involving multiple drive accesses. The impact of synchronizing the drive spindles is most evident in RAID 3 and degraded mode RAID 5 operations. However, if the drives are of different types, the controller may be unable to successfully synchronize the drive spindles, which may lead to some performance degradation.

Allows you to create, service, and maintain the 7135 Disk Array hdisks for your system.

Specifies the block size of the selected logical unit. This value cannot be changed.

Specifies the block size of the selected logical unit. This value cannot be changed.

Specify the desired size of the new subLUN in megabytes. The number of megabytes still available on the selected logical unit will appear as the default value.

Specifies the segment size of the selected logical unit. This cannot be changed from this menu.

Specifies the segment 0 size of the selected logical unit. This cannot be changed from this menu.

Specifies the RAID level of the logical unit selected above. This cannot be changed from this menu. A change in RAID level will automatically cause a reformat of the drive.

Specifies the current status of the selected logical unit. This cannot be changed from this menu. The possible values are:

OPTIMAL - The logical unit is operating normally. If the logical unit is at RAID level 0, it may not be operating at an optimal performance level even if the LUN Status = Optimal. To determine if there are drive problems, check the status of the particular drives. In the case of parity scan exceptions, run a parity check/repair to bring the logical unit back to OPTIMAL.

DEGRADED - A single drive has failed in a RAID 1, 3 or 5 logical unit, and the unit is now in degraded mode (that is, the array controller is using parity information to reconstruct the data on the failed drive). Replace the failed drive as soon as possible. Check the status of the drives to determine which drive failed. Note that in a RAID 1 or 3 logical unit, this status may also mean that the array has failed and can no longer be used. See your user guide for more information. The status will remain degraded until the new drive is formatted.

DEAD - The logical unit is not functioning. Any data that may have been on the unit is lost. Check status of individual drives.

RECONSTRUCTING -The array controller is reconstructing drive data on the new drive.

Specifies the block size of the selected logical unit. This value cannot be changed. A change in Block Size will automatically cause a reformat of the drive(s) .

Specifies the size of the selected hdisk . This value cannot be changed. A change in Size will automatically cause a reformat of the drive(s).

Specifies the segment size of the selected logical unit. This value cannot be changed. A change in segment size will automatically cause a reformat of the drive.

Specifies the segment 0 size of the selected logical unit. This value cannot be changed. A change in segment 0 size will automatically cause a reformat of the drive(s).


Specifies the interrupt level used by the driver to communicate with the adapter. The value must match the value set when the adapter was last configured using switches 7 and 8 of the second switch block on the adapter and must not conflict with an interrupt level chosen for any other device. Valid values are 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15.

Specifies the interrupt priority used by the driver to communicate with the adapter. Valid value is 2.

Specifies the I/O port address used by the driver to communicate with the adapter. The value must match the value set when the adapter was last configured using switch 9 of the second switch block on the adapter and must not conflict with an I/O port address of any other device in the machine. Valid values range from 0x2A0 to 0x3EA0 (in multiples of +0x400).

Specifies the starting address of the shared memory region used by the driver and the adapter. The size of the region is configurable using the window size value. The value must not conflict with any other memory region chosen for any other ISA device in the machine. Valid values are 0xC0000 through 0xDE0000 (in multiples of +0x2000).

Specifies the size of the shared memory region used by the driver and the adapter. The value must match the value set when the adapter was last configured using switches 10 and 11 of the second switch block on the adapter. Valid value is 0x2000.

Multiprotocol Ports and Adapters

Identifies the logical name of the multiprotocol port.

Indicates the physical port on the adapter card to which the multiprotocol port definition is to apply. The value must be in the range 0 through 3. The port specified also depends on the physical link used, as follows:

Indicates a byte offset into the receive buffer where data packets received by the adapter are placed. Valid values range from 6 through 128. The default value is 92.

Indicates the state to which the device is to be configured when the system is started. This attribute can have a value of Defined, indicating that the device will be left in the defined state and not available for use (offline), or a value of Available, indicating that the device will be configured and available for use (online).

Indicates whether or not the configuration changes being made should be applied only to the database or to both the database and the current device operation. For devices that are in use and cannot be changed, this allows the database to be changed for the device so that the changes take effect the next time the system is rebooted.

2-Port Multiprotocol Adapters

Specify the maximum size of incoming and outgoing data through the device driver. This number is the effective maximum size of the data frames allowed to be transmitted or received. The default value is 4096.

Specify the logical name of the HDLC Network Device Driver.

Specify a byte offset into the receive buffer where data packets received by the adapter are placed. Valid values range from 0 to 128. The default value is 92.

SCSI Initiator

Indicates the size, in bytes, of individual memory buffers which will be used to hold receive data transferred from this initiator device.

Identifies the logical name of the SCSI initiator device. The names are of the form tmscsin to reflect the fact that SCSI target mode instances are created to talk to the device.

Identifies the Predefined device type of the SCSI initiator device.

Indicates the number of memory buffers which will be allocated from system memory to hold data received from this initiator device. Increasing the value of this attribute will generally increase performance in cases where transfers are either large or occur frequently. Increasing this value, however, will decrease the amount of memory available to other programs in the system which may require it, and could ultimately degrade overall system performance.

Indicates the number of memory buffers which will be allocated from system memory to hold data received from this initiator device. Increasing the value of this attribute will generally increase performance in cases where transfers are either large or occur frequently. Increasing this value, however, will decrease the amount of memory available to other programs in the system which may require it, and could ultimately degrade overall system performance.

Displays the SCSI bus electrical alternative that the adapter uses. The possible electrical alternatives are: single-ended and differential. Single-ended and differential SCSI devices are electrically incompatible and cannot be mixed on the same bus. Thus, single-ended devices can be used with single-ended adapters only, and differential devices can be used with differential adapters only.

Specifies whether the controller will negotiate with the device for a 16-bit data transfer width on the SCSI bus. If you specify Yes, (the default value), the controller negotiates for 16-bit data transfers. You can specify Yes even when an 8-bit device is connected through an 8-bit cable to the SCSI connector. The No option sets the data transfer width at 8 bits. You should use the No option when older devices that may not handle the WDTR message properly are connected. The WDTR message is used to detect the data transfer width capabilities of a device.

Specifies whether the adapter will renegotiate with a target SCSI device when the device returns a CHECK CONDITION in the SCSI status phase. Negotiation consists of the adapter and device exchanging messages to agree upon the width and speed for data transfers. If you specify Yes, the negotiation occurs on the next command to the same device after the CHECK CONDITION is received. If you specify No, the adapter does not renegotiate with a device after a CHECK CONDITION.

Indicates the kind of PCI-SCSI I/O processor associated with this device.

Sets the maximum synchronous data transfer rate (SDTR) used by the SCSI controller. The default value for this attribute provides the fastest transfers. A lower value is appropriate in situations where you suspect that the SCSI bus is having problems transferring data due to cable length, termination, or other factors affecting signal quality.

Note: The value of this attribute is in megahertz. The actual throughput for the data transfer also depends upon the number of bytes moved per cycle: Throughput in bytes/second equals bytes/cycle multiplied by cycles/second.

When a transfer uses wide (16-bit) SCSI, 2 bytes are moved per cycle. When a transfer uses narrow (8-bit) SCSI, 1 byte is moved per cycle.

Represents the maximum number of DMA bursts made by the SCSI controller each time it wins the PCI bus. Each burst transfers 4 bytes.

Note: If your controller type is the 53C825, changing of the burst length is not supported. For other controller types, changing the burst length might affect other PCI devices and alter your overall system performance.

Specifies whether Ultra speeds are allowed on a single-ended adapter when an external cable is attached to the adapter. If this option is set to Disable, the data transfer speeds are restricted to a maximum rate of 10 million data cycles per second when an external cable is attached to the adapter. If there is no external cable attached to the adapter, the maximum data transfer speed is 20 million data cycles per second. If this option is set to Enable, the maximum data transfer speed is 20 million data cycles per second, whether or not an external cable is attached to the adapter. If you enable this option, you should ensure that you have met all cabling restrictions for Ultra speeds.


Set the processor ID to a number in the range 1 to 254. Each system in the serial optical link network must have a unique number. The serial optical link is not useable until this attribute is set.

If TCP/IP is being used over the serial optical link, this value must be the same as the low order octet of the IP address with the netmask applied.

A fiber-optic point-to-point link utilizing the Serial Optical Channel Converter.

Makes the Serial Optical Link available to the system.

Note: If your system uses serial optical link to make a direct, point-to-point connection to another system or systems, special conditions apply. You must start interfaces on two systems at approximately, the same time or a method error will occur. If you wish to connect to at least one machine on which the interface has already been started, this is not necessary.

Indicates whether or not the configuration changes being made should be applied only to the database or to both the database and the current device operation. For devices that are in use and cannot be changed this allows the database to be changed for the device so that the changes take effect the next time the system is rebooted.

Indicates the number of receive buffers that can be queued up by the device driver for the application to read. Valid values range from 20 to 150. The default is 30.

Indicates the number of status blocks that can be queued up by the device driver for the application to read. Valid values range from 3 to 20. The default is 5.


Indicates the block size to use when reading or writing the tape. Data is written to tape in blocks of data, with inter-record gaps between blocks. Larger blocks are useful when writing to unformatted tape, because the number of inter-record gaps is reduced across the tape, allowing for more data to be written. A value of 0 indicates variable length blocks. The allowable values and default values vary depending on the tape drive.

Identifies the logical name of the device.

Identifies the predefined device type of the tape drive.

Identifies the type of tape drive interface. This is the same as the predefined device subclass of the device.

Specifies that the tape drive be in compress mode if this attribute value is set to Yes. If this attribute is set, then the drive writes data to the tape in compressed format so that more data fits on a single tape. Setting this attribute to No forces the tape drive to write in native mode (non-compressed). Read operations are not affected by the setting of this attribute. The default setting is Yes. Refer to the specific tape drive SCSI specification to determine if the drive supports data compression.

Setting this attribute to the Yes value indicates an application is notified of write completion after the data has been transferred to the data buffer of the tape drive, but not necessarily after the data is actually written to the tape. If you specify the No value, an application is notified of write completion only after the data is actually written to the tape. Streaming mode cannot be maintained for reading or writing if this attribute is set to the No value. The default value is Yes.

Setting this attribute to the No value writes a regular file mark to tape whenever a file mark needs to be written. Setting this attribute to the Yes value writes an extended file mark. The default value is No.

Setting this attribute to the Yes value instructs the tape drive to retension a tape automatically whenever a tape is inserted or the drive is reset. Retensioning the tape can reduce the occurrence of errors. This action can take several minutes. If you specify the No value, the RETENSION on tape change or reset tape drive does not automatically retension the tape. The default value is Yes.

Sets the density value, as provided by the MODE SELECT parameters of the tape drive, that the tape drive will write when using special files /dev/rmt*, /dev/rmt*.1, /dev/rmt*.2, and /dev/rmt*.3. This value is one byte in length and is represented using decimal notation. Refer to the specific tape drive SCSI specification to obtain this value. For most SCSI tape drives, the default value for this attribute is the value for the drive's high density setting. Setting this value to 0 causes the drive to write with its default density setting.

The following density settings are for the 5.0GB 8mm tape drive:


140 - 5G-byte mode (compression-capable)

20 - 2.3G-byte mode

21 - 5G-byte mode

0 - 5G-byte mode (compression capable)

The following density settings are for the 1.2GB quarter-inch tape drive:


15 - QIC-120

16 - QIC-150

17 - QIC-525

21 - QIC-1000

0 - Default (QIC-1000), or the last density setting used

The following density settings are for the 525MB quarter-inch tape drive:


15 - QIC-120

16 - QIC-150

17 - QIC-525

0 - Default (QIC-525), or the last density setting used

The following density settings are for the 150MB quarter-inch tape drive:


15 - QIC-120

16 - QIC-150

0 - Default (QIC-150), or the last density setting used

The following density settings are for the half-inch 9-track tape drive:


3 - 6250 bits per inch (BPI)

2 - 1600 BPI

0 - Current density (density previously written on tape)

Sets the density value, as provided by the MODE SELECT parameters of the tape drive, that the tape drive will write when using special files /dev/rmt*.4, /dev/rmt*.5, /dev/rmt*.6, and /dev/rmt*.7. This value is one byte in length and is represented using decimal notation. Refer to the specific tape drive SCSI specification to obtain this value. For most SCSI tape drives, the default value for this attribute is the value for the drive's low density setting. Setting this value to 0 causes the drive to write with its default density setting.

The following density settings are for the 5.0GB 8mm tape drive:


140 - 5G-byte mode (compression-capable)

20 - 2.3G-byte mode

0 - 5G-byte mode (compression capable)

The following density settings are for the 1.2GB quarter-inch tape drive:


15 - QIC-120

16 - QIC-150

17 - QIC-525

21 - QIC-1000

0 - Default (QIC-1000), or the last density setting used

The following density settings are for the 525MB quarter-inch tape drive:


15 - QIC-120

16 - QIC-150

17 - QIC-525

0 - Default (QIC-525), or the last density setting used

The following density settings are for the 150MB quarter-inch tape drive:


15 - QIC-120

16 - QIC-150

0 - Default (QIC-150), or the last density setting used

The following density settings are for the half-inch 9-track tape drive:


3 - 6250 bits per inch (BPI)

2 -1600 BPI

0 - Current density (density previously written on tape)

Setting this value to Yes causes the tape drive to be reserved on the SCSI bus while it is open. In a situation where more than one SCSI adapter shares the tape device, this ensures access by a single adapter while the device is open. Some SCSI tape drives do not support the Reserve/Release commands. Refer to the SCSI specification for the specific tape drive.

Specifies the block size required by the tape drive when writing variable length records. Some SCSI tape drives require that a non-zero block size be specified in their Mode Select data even when writing variable length records. The BLOCK SIZE attribute is set to zero to indicate variable length records. Refer to the specific tape drive SCSI specification to determine whether this is required.

Sets the amount of time, in seconds, that the system waits after a command has failed before reissuing the command. The system may reissue a failed command up to four times. This attribute is useful in situations where timeouts by the system need to be controlled.

Sets the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the system allows for a read or write command to complete.

3270 Connection Adapters

Indicates the number of DFT sessions that can be active for this adapter. This adapter can only attach to a 3X74 or equivalent type of control unit. The number must be in the range 1 through 5. The default value is 5.

Identifies the logical name of the adapter.

Indicates the current status of the adapter. Possible values are available, indicating that the adapter is configured in the system and ready to use, and defined, indicating that the adapter is defined to the system but not configured.

Indicates the size, in bytes, of the display session's communication buffer used for communication with the 3X74 control unit. This value must be 8192.

Used for printer sessions if the 3X74 or equivalent control unit is a non-SNA attachment to System390 hosts. This list of addresses is used to verify the printer address list defined by the 3X74 customization. Each entry specifies the 3X74 port assignment address where the coax cable from the 3270 connection adapter card is attached to the control unit. The number is in the range of 0x00 to 0x1F. A value of 0x0100 indicates that no printer session is defined. Unmatched addresses are treated as display sessions and ignored for printer sessions. The port address is available from the System390 access method definition or from the 3X74 customization.

System/370 Host Interface (5088) Adapters

Identifies whether the 5085/86/88 attachment adapter has been configured as a 5085/86 attachment adapter (gsw) or a System/370 host interface adapter (hia).

Identifies the logical name of the adapter.

Indicates the current status of the adapter. Possible values are available, indicating that the adapter is configured in the system and ready to use, and defined, indicating that the adapter is defined to the system but not configured.

Identifies the logical name of the adapter.

Indicates the number of non-SNA sessions that can be active for this adapter. The number must be in the range of 1 through 16. The default value is 5.

Indicates the size, in bytes, of the host and display session's communication buffer used for file transfers and API-to-API operations. The number must be in the range 4096 through 32688. The default value is 8192.

Specifies the lower boundary of the available System/370 Host Interface Adapter device addresses. The number must be in the range 0 through 15. When the value of this attribute is added to the value of the Number of SESSIONS attribute, the total must be less than or equal to 16.

Indicates the speed of the link in megabits per second. The value of this attribute must be 1 or 2.

M-Audio Capture and Playback Adapters (M-ACPA)

Allows audio data to be recorded and played back. The driver supporting the M-ACPA is a multiplexed character device driver that supports non-blocking I/O. Although each resource available for recording and playback can be used by only one process at a time, multiple processes are allowed to change a restricted set of adapter characteristics by issuing AUDIO_CHANGE ioctl operations on the /dev/acpa#/ctl# file. Up to four adapters can be installed in one system.

Records and plays back audio data at a variety of sampling rates. The available input sources include: high-grain microphone, low-grain microphone, line left, line right, and both lines. The available output destinations include: line out, external speaker, and headphones. Additionally, track volume and balance can be changed.

Indicates the maximum amount of recorded audio data,in seconds, that can be buffered by the device driver when the sampling rate is 5.5 kHz. Valid values range from 1 to 180. The default value is 1. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer. This sampling rate requires 5,760 bytes of storage per second, so lower values increase the amount of available system memory.

Indicates the maximum amount of playback audio data, in seconds, that can be buffered by the device driver when the sampling rate is 5.5 kHz. Valid values range from 1 to 180. The default value is 3. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer. This sampling rate requires 5,760 bytes of storage per second, so lower values increase the amount of available system memory.

Indicates the maximum amount of recorded audio data, in seconds, that can be buffered by the device driver when the sampling rate is 8 kHz. Valid values range from 1 to 30. The default value is 1. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer. This sampling rate requires from 8,000 to 32,000 bytes of storage per second, so lower values increase the amount of available system memory.

Indicates the maximum amount of playback audio data, in seconds, that can be buffered by the device driver when the sampling rate is 8 kHz. Valid values range from 1 to 30. The default value is 3. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer. This sampling rate requires from 8,000 to 32,000 bytes of storage per second, so lower values increase the amount of available system memory.

Indicates the maximum amount of recorded audio data, in seconds, that can be buffered by the device driver when the sampling rate is 11 kHz. Valid values range from 1 to 20. The default value is 1. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer. This sampling rate requires from 11,025 to 44,100 bytes of storage per second, so lower values increase the amount of available system memory.

Indicates the maximum amount of playback audio data, in seconds, that can be buffered by the device driver when the sampling rate is 11 kHz. Valid values range from 1 to 20. The default value is 3. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer. This sampling rate requires from 11,025 to 44,100 bytes of storage per second, so lower values increase the amount of available system memory.

Indicates the maximum amount of recorded audio data, in seconds, that can be buffered by the device driver when the sampling rate is 22 kHz. Valid values range from 1 to 10. The default value is 1. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer. This sampling rate requires from 22,050 to 88,200 bytes of storage per second, so lower values increase the amount of available system memory.

Indicates the maximum amount of playback audio data, in seconds, that can be buffered by the device driver when the sampling rate is 22 kHz. Valid values range from 1 to 10. The default value is 3. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer. This sampling rate requires from 22,050 to 88,200 bytes of storage per second, so lower values increase the amount of available system memory.

Indicates the maximum amount of recorded audio data, in seconds, that can be buffered by the device driver when the sampling rate is 44 kHz. Valid values range from 1 to 5. The default value is 1. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer. This sampling rate requires from 44,100 to 176,400 bytes of storage per second, so lower values increase the amount of available system memory.

Indicates the maximum amount of playback audio data, in seconds, that can be buffered by the device driver when the sampling rate is 44 kHz. Valid values range from 1 to 5. The default value is 3. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer. This sampling rate requires from 44,100 to 176,400 bytes of storage per second, so lower values increase the amount of available system memory.

Indicates the number of requests the application can make that can be queued up by the device driver. Valid values range from 10 to 100. The default value is 50. Lower values reduce the amount of memory that is reserved for this buffer (but will not significantly increase the amount of available system memory).

Identifies the logical name of the adapter.

Provides short text description of the adapter.

Indicates the current status of the adapter. Possible values are available indicating that the adapter is configured in the system and ready to be used, and defined indicating that the adapter is defined to the system, but not configured.


Configured automatically at boot time with default characteristics that typically do not require change. You can change SCSI adapter characteristics, such as an adapter's SCSI ID.

Identifies the logical name of the adapter.

Defines a short text description of the adapter.

Indicates the current status of the adapter. Possible values are available, indicating that the adapter is configured in the system and ready to be used, and defined, indicating that the adapter is defined to the system but not configured.

Specifies the SCSI ID value which the adapter will use when sending SCSI commands as an initiator device, and, if target mode is supported, specifies the SCSI ID the adapter will respond to when acting as a target device. Typically, you will only need to change this value to avoid a conflict or duplication of SCSI IDs among the adapter and other devices on the SCSI bus. Before you cable any new device to the SCSI bus, you should verify that the device's SCSI ID is unique.

Set to Yes only when all internal SCSI devices on this SCSI adapter are attached to some form of secondary power unit that can provide power in the event of loss of primary system power. Internal devices are those devices that are connected to the same power supply as the CPU and the SCSI adapter itself. When set to Yes, the result is that devices on this adapter will continue to run in the event of a battery-backed Early Power-Off Warning (EPOW). The default value for this attribute is No.

Use this attribute to perform long initiator mode SCSI transfers to one or more target devices on the adapter. This function, for example, allows you to read and write multimegabyte record lengths on tape devices. This attribute need only be changed when commands of the desired length fail due to their exceeding the maximum transfer length supported by the SCSI adapter. The maximum transfer length is adapter-dependent and is scaled upward based on the value of this attribute. For adapters that have their Enable TARGET MODE interface attribute set to No, to do an n-byte transfer, the DMA bus memory LENGTH attribute should be set to:

value = 0x102000 + n

For adapters that have their Enable TARGET MODE interface attribute set to Yes, the PERCENTAGE of bus memory DMA area for target mode attribute specifies what percentage of the DMA bus memory LENGTH value is reserved for target mode transfers. Here, to allow an n-byte transfer, the desired value is found from:

value = ( 0x102000 + n ) x ( 100 / ( 100 - tmp ) )

where tmp is the value of the PERCENTAGE of bus memory DMA area for target mode attribute.

Note that changing this attribute affects the maximum initiator mode transfer length allowed to all devices attached to this adapter.

Set this attribute value to Yes to enable the target mode interface on the SCSI adapter. If set to No, the target mode function of the adapter is disabled, and No target mode device instances will be defined or configured on this adapter. Setting the attribute to Yes does not guarantee that target mode will be enabled. The Target Mode interface enabled attribute indicates whether target mode was actually enabled. If target mode is not supported on the adapter, the Enable TARGET MODE interface attribute will be set to No by the configuration method.

Indicates whether target mode is currently enabled. If set to Yes, the adapter is capable of responding as a target device, and target mode device instances can be defined and configured on this adapter. If set to No, the adapter cannot respond as a target device, and no target device instances can be defined or configured on this adapter.

Tells what percentage of the DMA bus memory LENGTH value is reserved for use by the target mode interface. The remainder of the DMA bus memory LENGTH value is reserved for the initiator mode interface. This attribute is only meaningful if the Enable TARGET MODE interface attribute is set to Yes. Change this value if you want to increase or decrease the portion of DMA area available to target mode. For example, it may be useful to decrease the value when you know you will need to make very long initiator mode data transfers.

Identifies the path and name of the file containing the microcode module that was downloaded to the SCSI adapter. If blank, no microcode was downloaded. This can happen in several instances: no microcode file was found which met selection criteria, the file was found but the download operation failed (in which case the adapter may continue to run using on-board microcode), or the adapter does not require downloadable microcode.


Specifies the SCSI ID that the adapter will use when sending SCSI commands (as an initiator) out on the internal SCSI bus. This attribute cannot be changed.

Note: Before you cable any new device to the SCSI bus, you should verify that the device's SCSI ID is unique.

Specifies the SCSI ID that the adapter will use when sending SCSI commands (as an initiator) out on the external SCSI bus. If target mode is supported, specifies the SCSI ID the adapter will respond to when acting as a target device. Typically, you will only need to change this value to avoid a conflict or duplication of SCSI IDs between the adapter and other devices on the SCSI bus. The valid range for the SCSI ID is 2 to 7, with the default as 7.

Note: Before you cable any new device to the SCSI bus, you should verify that the device's SCSI ID is unique.

Set to Yes (the default) to enable the controller to negotiate for 16-bit data transfers on the internal SCSI bus. The No option sets the data transfer width at 8 bits. The Yes option can be used when an 8-bit device is connected to the SCSI connector with an 8-bit cable. The controller will detect the 8-bit device and automatically limit data transfers to 8 bits. The No option need only be used if a 16-bit device is cabled to the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Adapter/A or SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide Adapter/A controller with an 8-bit cable.

Sets the maximum synchronous data transfer rate (SDTR) for the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Adapter/A or SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide Adapter/A external port. The maximum value for this attribute is 10MHz, but you can set the value to 5MHz if you suspect that the SCSI bus is having problems transferring data. Reducing the SDTR in many cases recovers operation of the SCSI bus until the problem can be found and corrected.

You should note that the value of this attribute does not necessarily equal the speed of data transfer in megabytes per second. The bus width of the SCSI port must be considered. If you set the attribute to Yes, the 16-bit bus width is enabled, which doubles the rate of the data transfer. The following table lists the data transfer rates for the 5MHz and 10MHz SDTR settings when used with 8-bit and 16-bit bus widths.

SDTR SCSI transfer rate (MB/sec)

Setting (MHz) 8-bit bus width 16-bit bus width



Note: Enabling the wide bus does not ensure 16-bit data transfer; if an 8-bit device is connected, the controller automatically limits transfers to 8 bits.

Indicates the total amount of bus I/O memory space for target mode transfers. It must be a multiple of 4K bytes (0x1000). This attribute value should equal the total amount of buffer space allocated by the Number of target mode RECEIVE BUFFERS of the SCSI Protocol device.

Performs long initiator mode SCSI transfers to one or more target devices on the adapter. This function, for example, allows a user to read and write multimegabyte record lengths on tape devices. This attribute need only be changed when commands of the desired length fail because they exceed the maximum transfer length supported by the SCSI adapter. The maximum transfer length is adapter-dependent and is scaled upward based on the value of this attribute.

Indicates the total number of 4K byte buffers that this device will have available to receive data when acting as a target. Ideally, this value should equal or exceed the sum of the number of buffers requested by each child target mode device. If this value is changed, the Target Mode DMA bus memory LENGTH attribute of the SCSI adapter will also need to be changed

When set to yes, enables the controller to negotiate for 16-bit data transfers on the external SCSI bus. The no option sets the data transfer width at 8 bits. The yes option can be used when an 8-bit device is connected to the SCSI connector with an 8-bit cable. The controller will detect the 8-bit device and automatically limit data transfers to 8 bits. The no option need only be used if a 16-bit device is cabled to the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Adapter/A or SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide Adapter/A controller with an 8-bit cable.

Indicates the maximum number of commands that can be outstanding for the SCSI bus associated with this SCSI protocol device. It may need to be changed if the devices attached to the SCSI bus can accept more commands. The default value is typically sufficient.


Identifies the logical name of the SCSI protocol device.

Specifies the location code format as AA-BB-CC. The AA-BB fields identify the location code of the SCSI adapter that the SCSI protocol is associated with. The individual fields are interpreted as follows:

AA -A value of 00 indicates the adapter card is located in the CPU drawer or system unit, depending on the type of system.

BB - Identifies the I/O bus and slot containing the card. The first digit indicates the I/O bus. It is 0 for the standard I/O bus or 1 for the optional I/O bus. The second digit is the slot on the indicated I/O bus that contains the card. A value of 00 for the BB field indicates the standard SCSI controller.

CC - Identifies the card's SCSI bus that the SCSI protocol device is associated with. A value of 00 indicates the card's internal SCSI bus and a value of 01 indicates the card's external bus.


Allows you to manage the adapters that connect to the ISA bus.

Defines and configures the device in the Customized database. You can also set attributes when adding a device. If the device you wish to add is not listed, the software for that device may not be installed.

Select the desired type of device from the list of predefined device types. Information about the device is presented in three columns: device type, device subclass or interface, and device description. If the device you wish to add is not listed, the software for that device may not be installed.


Indicates the minimum number of kernel processes dedicated to asynchronous I/O processing. Since each kernel process uses memory, this number should not be large when the amount of asynchronous I/O expected is small.

Indicates the maximum number of kernel processes dedicated to asynchronous I/O processing. There can never be more than this many asynchronous I/O requests in progress at one time, so this number limits the possible I/O concurrency.

Indicates the maximum number of asynchronous I/O requests that can be outstanding at one time. This includes requests that are in progress as well as those that are waiting to be started. The maximum number of asynchronous I/O requests cannot be less than the value of AIO_MAX, as defined in the /usr/include/sys/limits.h file, but can be greater. It would be appropriate for a system with a high volume of asynchronous I/O to have a maximum number of asynchronous I/O requests larger than AIO_MAX.

Indicates the priority level of kernel processes dedicated to asynchronous I/O. The lower the priority number, the more favored the process is in scheduling. Concurrency is enhanced by making this number slightly less than the value of PUSER, the priority of a normal user process. It cannot be made lower than the values of PRI_SCHED. PUSER and PRI_SCHED are defined in the /usr/include/sys/pri.h file.

The state to which asynchronous I/O is to be configured during system initialization. The possible values are "defined", which means that the asynchronous I/O is left in the defined state and cannot be used, and "available", which means that asynchronous I/O will be configured and can be used.

Removes the asynchronous I/O extension without deleting its definition from the database. This changes the status from "available" to "defined" and prevents programs that use asynchronous I/O from running. This does not affect the status of the device on the next system reboot. The status at next system reboot is controlled by the "STATE to be configured at system restart" attribute.

Loads the asynchronous I/O extension, which changes the status from "defined" to "available", so that programs that use asynchronous I/O can run. This does not affect the status of the device on the next system reboot. The status at next system reboot is controlled by the "STATE to be configured at system restart" attribute.

TTY Attributes

Identifies the predefined device type of the tty.

Identifies the type of interface. This is the same as the predefined device subclass of the tty device.

The port on an adapter card or asynchronous distribution box to which the tty device is connected. Select the valid connection values for this adapter from the list.

Indicates whether a getty process is to be run on the port to allow user login. The possible values are as follows:

disable - Indicates no getty process is run on the port.

enable - Indicates a getty process is run on the port.

share - Indicates a getty process is run on the port in bi-directional mode. The getty process allows the port to be shared with other programs by waiting for an open of the port to complete before attempting to get a lock on the tty device. If an active process already owns the lock, the getty process lets that process own the tty port until the lock goes away.

delay - Indicates a getty process is run on the port in bi-directional mode. With the delay setting, no login herald is displayed until the getty process receives a keystroke from the user.

Specifies the speed that data is transmitted to and from the device. Possible POSIX BAUD rate settings are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400. For an adapter that allows user-defined speeds, you must enter an integer value, such as 57600. Do not include commas in this integer value. For example, do not enter 57,600. The BAUD rate value must match the value used by the device attached to this port.

Provides a means for detecting errors in the data transmitted to and from the device. The five possible parity settings are odd, even, none, mark, and space. This setting must match the value used by the device.

Indicates the number of bits per character to be transmitted to and from the device. The possible values are 5, 6, 7, and 8. This setting must match the value used by the device.

Indicates the number of stop bits transmitted to and from the device. The possible choices are 1 and 2. This setting must match the value used by the device.

If, during the login process, a user-id is not specified before the given number of seconds, the getty process will advance to the next port setting available in the baud rate entry field. If all settings have been exhausted, the getty process will exit. The getty process will also advance to the next setting before the specified time has elapsed if a framing error occurs as a result of a BREAK on the line or a speed mismatch.

Identifies the type of terminal attached to a port. A variety of applications and system functions are tailored to specific terminal types. Since terminal devices are not typically queried to identify themselves, this attribute is used to set the TERM environment variable.

The term flow control is used to describe the method by which a serial device controls the amount of data being transmitted to itself. The selectable types of flow control used with TTYs are:

The FLOW CONTROL selection must match the device flow control setting in order to prevent data loss.

Possible values: xon, rts, ixany, and none

Default value: xon.

Specifies how to establish the connection. Possible values are: dtropen and wtopen. The default value is dtropen.

The use of dtropen means the system will wait until the EIA signal DTR (Data Terminal Ready) is asserted by the remote device before completing the open (port) request from the application.

The term flow control is used to describe the method by which a serial device controls the amount of data being transmitted to itself. Note that FLOW CONTROL selection must match the device flow control setting in order to prevent data loss. The three types of flow control used with printers are: XON/XOFF, RTS/CTS, and DTR.

XON/XOFF (Transmission ON/Transmission OFF) flow control involves the sending of data transmission control characters along the data stream. For this reason it is often referred to as software flow control.

RTS/CTS (Ready To Send/Clear To Send) is sometimes called pacing or hardware handshaking. The term hardware handshaking comes from the use of cabling and voltages as a method of data transmission control. Unlike XON/XOFF, which sends control characters in the data stream, RTS/CTS uses positive and negative voltages along dedicated pins or wires in the device cabling.

DTR (Data Terminal Ready), another form of hardware flow control, is normally generated by the printer to indicate that it is ready to communicate with the system. This signal is used in conjunction with DSR (Data Set Ready) generated by the system to control data flow.

The FLOW CONTROL selection must match the device flow control setting in order to prevent data loss.

Possible values: xon, dtr, rts, and none

Default value: dtr.

Specifies how to establish the printer connection. Possible values are: dtropen and wtopen. The default value is dtropen.

The use of dtropen means the system will wait until the EIA signal DTR (Data Terminal Ready) is asserted by the remote device before completing the open (port) request from the application.

Specifies parameters used to configure the port after the login procedure is successfully completed. The XON/XOFF parameters are not allowed in this field, but can be changed using the Flow Control to be used field.

Specifies a list of stty command parameters that are valid while attempting to log in to the system. This is normally a subset of the command parameters available at run time (as specified in the STTY attributes for RUN time field) since few processing features are required at the time of login.

Names an optional logger program to be used instead of the operating system's default logger program. This field must be left blank for the default logger program to be used.

Indicates the state to which the device is to be configured when the system is started. It can have a value of defined, indicating that the device will be left in the defined state and not available for use, or a value of available, indicating that the device will be configured and available for use.

Specifies the number of characters to place in the transmit buffer when sending data. Lower values reduce the risk of overrunning the terminal device's receive buffer; however, they increase the system load by generating more transmit interrupts. Higher values reduce the system load, yet increase the risk of overrunning the terminal device's receive buffer. Valid settings for built-in serial I/O, 8-port, and 16-port adapters are from 1 to 16 characters. The default is 16 characters.

Specifies the amount of data allowed in the FIFO before signalling to the device driver that data has been received. Possible values are:

0 - Specifies one character in FIFO

1 - Specifies four characters in FIFO

2 - Specifies eight characters in FIFO

3 - Specifies fourteen characters in FIFO.

Low read trigger values optimize I/O device response time and can improve end-user productivity; however, it can also increase the system load because more interrupts are generated. High values improve throughput, but in special cases can delay display updates during character processing. The default value is 3.

Specifies a list of pushable STREAMS modules. These modules will be pushed at open time in the order in which they are specified. The default value for terminal sessions is: ldterm.

Specifies a list of pushable STREAMS modules. These modules will be pushed at open time in the order in which they are specified. The list of modules must be comma separated, with no spaces. The default value for serial printers is sptr.

Identifies the name of the terminal input map file that describes how to convert extended characters in the data stream to the characters supported by asynchronous terminals. The default value is none. Other possible values are vt220 and ibm3161-C. Still other values are possible if additional input map files have been placed in the /usr/lib/nls/termmap directory. See the setmaps command for additional details.

Identifies the name of the terminal output map file that describes how to convert extended characters in the data stream to the ASCII characters supported by asynchronous terminals. The default value is none. Other possible values are vt220 and ibm3161-C. Still other values are possible if additional output map files have been placed in the /usr/lib/nls/termmap directory. See the setmaps command for additional details.

Identifies the name of the code set map file that describes the code set to be used (single or multibyte codeset, EUC or non-EUC codeset, possible converter modules, etc.).

The code set associated with most languages is a single byte code set (sbcs). These code sets require that every possible displayable element occupy one display position on a terminal. However, some Asian languages, such as Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese, require multibyte code sets, where one displayable element requires multiple byte representation and occupies multiple display positions on a screen.

The default code set map file is sbcs. If your system requires a multibyte code set, select the appropriate alternative. Alternatives are possible only if other code set map files have been placed in the /usr/lib/nls/csmap directory. See the setmaps command for more details.

Indicates whether the inbound data is to be searched for START and STOP characters as a method of allowing workstation devices to control the output they are receiving, and whether STOP and START characters are to be placed in the outbound data stream to attempt to control the output the system is receiving from terminal devices.

Specifies the control codes (or data string) necessary to instruct the attached terminal to send all data received after the string to the printer port and not to the terminal's display.

The transparent print on string is an octal number preceded by a backslash (\) and is specific to the type of terminal in use. Please consult your terminal reference guide for the transparent print on control sequence.

Specifies the octal control codes (or data string) necessary to instruct the attached terminal to exit the transparent printing operation. This string is an octal number preceded by a backslash (\), and is specific to the type of terminal in use. Please consult your terminal reference guide for the transparent print off control sequence.

Specifies the maximum characters per second (cps) rate at which to send characters to the transparent print device. A number just below the average print speed is recommended. If the estimate is too low, printer speed is reduced. If the estimate is too high, the printer performs flow control, which can impair terminal performance. See the printer manual for the valid entry range. The default rate is 100 cps.

Specifies the maximum number of characters to send in one transparent print buffer. Small packets can increase system overhead; large packets can delay display updates when the transparent printer is in use. Consult the printer manual for the valid entry range. The default packet size is 50 characters.

Specifies the size of the transparent printer's input buffer. After a period of inactivity, the device driver bursts the specified number of characters to the transparent printer before slowing to the specified maximum characters-per-second transfer rate. This insulates the printer from the line transfer rate so that it can immediately begin printing at full capacity. Consult the printer documentation to determine the size of the printer's input buffer. The default buffer size is 100 characters.

Ignores the carrier detect signal for this tty port. Typically, carrier detect must be high in order to open a port and it must remain high for as long as the port is open. Possible values are enable (ignore carrier detect) and disable (do not ignore carrier detect). The default value is disable.

Re-maps the RJ-45 connector pinouts from the default 10-pin connector values to the 8-pin connector values. Specify enable for the 8-pin connector values; disable for the 10-pin connector values. The default is disable. Refer to the 128-port asychronous adapter documentation for more information about the pinouts.

Tunes the frequency that packets are sent to the host adapter from the remote async node (RAN) for this tty. Possible values are from 100 to 400. Selecting a larger value (250 and above) results in more characters being sent in a given time period and yields improved performance in cases of continuous raw data input. Smaller values, which result in fewer characters being sent, increased character response time, and increased processor utilization, should be reserved for normal tty activity such as typing and uucp. The default value is 100.

Specifies how many characters to put into the transmit buffer when sending data. Lower values reduce the risk of overrunning the terminal device's receive buffer; however, they increase the system load by generating more transmit interrupts. Higher values reduce the system load, yet increase the risk of overrunning the terminal device's receive buffer. Valid settings for the 64-port adapter are even numbers of characters between 2 and 64. The default is 64 characters.

Determines the frequency that transparent print data is sent to the terminal. Lower values indicate higher frequency and a corresponding higher priority over terminal display data. This can slow the speed of terminal display updates. Possible values are from 0 to 64. The default value is 30.

Recognized on input if the ISIG flag is set. The INTR character generates a SIGINT signal that is sent to all processes in the foreground process group for which the workstation is the controlling workstation. If the ISIG flag is set, the INTR character is discarded when processed.

Recognized on input if the ISIG flag is set. The QUIT character generates a SIGQUIT signal that is sent to all processes in the foreground process group for which the workstation is the controlling workstation. If the ISIG flag is set, the INTR character is discarded when processed.

Recognized on input if the ICANON flag is set. The ERASE character erases the character to the left of the cursor. The ERASE character does not erase beyond the beginning of the line, as delimited by an NL, EOL, EOF, or EOL2 character. If the ICANON flag is set, the ERASE character is discarded when processed.

Indicates the KILL special character to be recognized on input if the ICANON flag is set. The KILL character deletes the entire line, as delimited by an NL, EOL, EOF, or EOL2 character. If the ICANON flag is set, the KILL character is discarded when processed.

Indicates the EOF (end of file) special character to be recognized on input if the ICANON flag is set. When the EOF special character is received, all the characters waiting to be read are immediately passed to the process without waiting for a new-line character, and the EOF character is discarded. If the EOF special character is received at the beginning of a line (no characters are waiting), a character count of 0 is returned from the read, representing an end-of-file indication. If the ICANON flag is set, the EOF character is discarded when processed.

Indicates the EOL (end of line) special character to be recognized on input if the ICANON flag is set. The EOL special character is an additional line delimiter, like the EOF special character. It is not normally used.

Indicates the EOL2 (end of line) special character to be recognized on input if the ICANON flag is set. The EOL2 special character is an additional line delimiter, like the EOF special character. It is not normally used.

Indicates the DSUSP (delayed suspend process) special character to be recognized on input if the ISIG character is set. The DSUSP special character, like the SUSP character, generates a SIGTSTP signal; but the signal is sent when a process, in the foreground process group, attempts to read the DSUSP character rather than when the DSUSP character is typed. If ISIG is set, the DSUSP character is discarded when processed.

Indicates the SUSP (suspend process) special character to be recognized on input if the ISIG flag is set. The SUSP character generates a SIGTSTP signal that is sent to all processes in the foreground process group for which the terminal is the controlling terminal. If the ICANON flag is set, the SUSP character is discarded when processed.

Indicates the LNEXT (literal next) special character to be recognized on input if the ICANON flag is set. The LNEXT character causes the special meaning of the next character to be ignored, so that characters (for example, the ERASE character) can be input without being interpreted by the system. If the ICANON and ECHO flags are set, the LNEXT character is replaced by a circumflex-backspace sequence when processed.

Indicates the START special character to be recognized on input if the IXON flag is set. It is transmitted when necessary if the IXOFF flag is set. The START special character can be used to resume output that has been suspended by a STOP character. If the IXON flag is set, the START character is discarded when processed. While output is not suspended, START characters are ignored and discarded.

Indicates the STOP special character to be recognized on input if the IXON flag is set. It is transmitted when necessary if the IXOFF flag is set. The STOP special character is useful in preventing output from disappearing from a terminal before it can be read. If the IXON flag is set, the STOP character is discarded when processed. While output is suspended, STOP characters are ignored and discarded when necessary.

Indicates the WERASE (word erase) special character to be recognized on input if the ICANON flag is set. The WERASE character causes the preceding word to be erased. The WERASE character does not erase beyond the beginning of the line, as delimited by an NL, EOL, EOF, or EOL2 character. If the ICANON flag is set, the WERASE character is discarded when processed.

Indicates the REPRINT special character to be recognized on input if the ICANON flag is set. The REPRINT character reprints all characters, preceded by a new-line character, that have not been read. If the ICANON flag is set, the REPRINT character is discarded when processed.

Indicates the DISCARD special character to be recognized on input if the ICANON flag is set. The DISCARD character causes subsequent output to be discarded until another DISCARD character is typed, more input arrives, or the condition is cleared by a program. If the ICANON flag is set, the DISCARD character is discarded when processed.


Select the desired printer/plotter interface from the list of supported interfaces for the printer/plotter. These values are the same as the printer/plotter subclasses from the device configuration database.

Indicates the port on an adapter card or asynchronous distribution box to which the printer or plotter is connected. The value must be in the range 0 through 7 for an 8-port adapter card, 0 through 15 for a 16-port adapter card, and 0 through 63 for a 64-port adapter card. The standard I/O ports are designated as s1 and s2 for the two serial ports and p for the parallel port.

For parallel printers, select the interface protocol to be used when communicating with the printer. The interface protocol can be standard (single-byte), converged (multibyte), or both, depending on what the selected printer supports. The type of interface used must agree with the interface setting on the printer.

Specifies the number of microseconds that the driver will wait between each character. Normally this should be set to 0. However, a few printers have been found to lose data under certain conditions. If this occurs, increase this value.

Specifies the speed at which data is sent to the printer. The baud rate must be the same as the speed setting on the printer. Typical values are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, and 38400. Actual values vary between printer types. The default setting for most printers is 9600.

Detects errors in the data received by a printer. The parity setting must be the same as the parity setting on the printer. Parity options are odd, even, and none. The default setting for most printers is none.

Specifies the number of bits per character to be sent to the printer. This value must agree with the setting on the printer. The options are 5, 6, 7 and 8. The default value for most printers is 8.

Specifies the number of stop bits sent to the printer. This value must agree with the setting on the printer. The options are 1 and 2. The default value for most printers is 1.

Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, the system waits for an operation to complete on a printer. The value must be greater than 0. The default value is calculated based on the device you selected.

Specifies the state to which the device is configured at system start. Selecting defined indicates that the device should be in the defined state, but not available for use. Selecting available indicates that the device is to be configured and available for use.

Defines the number of lines to be printed before a new page begins. A value of 0 inhibits form feeds. The default value for most printers is 66, which is the number of lines, at 6 lines per inch, that will print on 11-inch paper.

Defines the number of characters to be printed on a line before a new line begins. The value must be greater than 0. The default for most printers is 80 columns.

Defines the number of character spaces to indent before printing on a new line. The value can be from 0 to one less than the number of columns per page. The default for most printers is 0.

Determines how print data is formatted. The options are No and Yes. Selecting No enables the device driver to interpret the print data stream and format the data as described by other printer attributes. Selecting Yes causes the device driver to send the data stream to the printer unmodified. The specific application then sends a final form-feed character. The default setting for most printers is No.

Selecting Yes for this attribute sends backspace characters to the printer. If you select No, the backspace is simulated with a carriage return to the position one space before where the original carriage return would have placed it. For most printers, the default value is Yes. This attribute is ignored if you set the Send all characters to printer UNMODIFIED attribute to the Yes value.

Selecting Yes for this attribute prints the characters received after the specified right margin on the next line, preceded by ... (ellipses). If you select No, the line is truncated at the right margin, and any characters past the right margin are discarded. For most printers, the default value is No. This attribute is ignored if you set the Send all characters to printer UNMODIFIED attribute to the yes value.

Selecting Yes for this attribute sends form-feed characters to the printer. If you select No, a form-feed character is replaced with line-feed characters based on the current line value and the number of lines per page. For most printers, the default value is Yes. This attribute is ignored if you set the Send all characters to printer UNMODIFIED attribute to the Yes value.

Selecting Yes for this attribute sends carriage return characters to the printer. If you select No, each carriage return character is replaced with a line-feed character. For most printers, the default value is Yes. This attribute is ignored if you set the Send all characters to printer UNMODIFIED attribute to the Yes value.

Selecting Yes for this attribute sends line-feed characters to the printer. If you select No, each line-feed character is replaced with a carriage return character. For most printers, the default value is Yes. This attribute is ignored if you set the Send all characters to printer UNMODIFIED attribute to the Yes value.

Selecting Yes for this attribute inserts a carriage-return character into the print data stream after each line-feed character. If you select No, a carriage-return character is not inserted after a line-feed character. For most printers, the default value is Yes. This attribute is ignored if you select Yes for the Send all characters to printer UNMODIFIED attribute.

Selecting Yes for this attribute converts lowercase characters to uppercase. For most printers, the default value is No. This attribute is ignored if you set the Send all characters to printer UNMODIFIED attribute to Yes.

Selecting Yes for this attribute enables eight-position tabs to be simulated using spaces. If you select No, a tab character is replaced with a single space. For most printers, the default value is Yes. This attribute is ignored if you select Yes for the Send all characters to printer UNMODIFIED attribute.

Selecting Yes for this attribute indicates the printer device driver does not wait for printer operations beyond the time specified in the Printer TIME OUT period attribute. After waiting the full amount of time on an uncompleted operation, the driver returns an error to the application. This allows the application to obtain the printer status and display an error message, if desired. This situation typically occurs when the printer is taken offline or runs out of paper. If you select No, the printer device driver waits until either the error condition is cleared or a cancel signal is received. For most printers, the default value is No.

Identifies the logical name of the printer or plotter.

Full core enablement dumps more of the program data, which can result in very large core files. The limits should be adjusted accordingly, and relevant filesystems should have enough space.

Specifies the name of the routine (including the directory name) that is involked by the Configuration Manager to configure the adapters.

Graphics display adapters

Specifies the number used by Xserver and 3D graphic libraries to identify and dynamically load adapter-specific service modules.

Specifies the name of the display adapter model.

Specifies the background color, in RGB format, used by the lft. The first two hexadecimal digits specify the intensity of the red component. The next two digits specify the intensity of the green component, and the last two digits specify the intensity of the blue component. Intensity is specified in 256 steps with zero meaning "none" and FF meaning "maximum."

Specifies a color not currently used by the lft.

Specifies the foreground color, in RGB format, used by the lft.

Indicates the display mnemonic associated with the selected display the LFT will be moved to. The lsdisp command will show the mnemonics of all available displays.


Indicates the total amount of TCEs (Translation Control Entries) to be reserved for target mode transfers. This attribute value should equal the total amount of receive buffer space allocated for all target mode instances using this adapter.

FC Adapter Device Driver

The following menus apply to the FC Adapter Device Driver.

The following menus apply to the FC SCSI Device Driver that interfaces to the FC Adapter Device Driver.

Indicates the maximum transfer size (in bytes) of requests. The default value is typically sufficient for all disk activity. Some tape applications may require a larger value.

Indicates the maximum number of commands that can be outstanding at the FC adapter. It may need to be changed if the devices attached to the adapter can accept more comands. The default value is typically sufficient.

Identifies the logical name of the FC SCSI protocol device.

Specifies the SCSI ID value that the adapter will use when sending SCSI commands as an initiator device.

Indicates how the FC adapter is connected to other FC devices. The following values are possible:
none Indicates the adapter does not know how it is connected or that it may not be connected to anything.
pt_to_pt Indicates the adapter is connected point to point, for example, directly to, another FC device.
switch Indicates the adapter is connected to an FC switch.
al Indicates the adapter is connected in an Arbitrated Loop.

When the "Connection TYPE of the adapter" is "switch", specifies the largest SCSI ID supported on that switch. Devices at a larger SCSI ID on that switch will not be configured. The correct value of this attribute is determined by the number of pt_to_pt on the switch. For example, a switch with 16 pt_to_pt should have a value of 16.

Specifies the adapter's preferred Arbitrated Loop Physical Address (AL_PA) when the adapter is connected in an Arbitrated Loop. When an Arbitrated Loop is initialized, the adapter requests that its AL_PA be set to the preferred AL_PA. If no other device requests the preferred AL_PA, it is assigned to the adapter.

When more than one device requests the same preferred AL_PA, the rules of Arbitrated Loop Initialization assigns the preferred AL_PA to one device and gives each of the other devices another AL_PA value. If multiple adapters (initiators) are used on the same Arbitrated Loop, it is recommended that each adapter have a unique preferred AL_PA, otherwise the Arbitrated Loop could be prone to excessive error recovery.

Specifies the SCSI ID value this device will use when receiving and responding to SCSI commands.

Specifies the Logical Unit ID value this device will use together with the SCSI ID when sending and receiving SCSI commands.

Specifies a user created label that identifies the physical location of this device.

Specifies the device's Fibre Channel unique world wide name. A world wide name is unique for a given target, but is the same for all luns in the same target.

Indicates the number of transmit requests that the device driver can queue for transmission. Valid values range from 512 through 2048. The default value is 512.

TCPIP Gigabit Ethernet adapter

Setting this attribute to "Yes" indicates that frames up to 9018 bytes in length can be transmitted on this adapter. If you specify "No", the maximum size of frames transmitted is 1518 bytes. The default value is "No". Frames up to 9018 bytes in length can always be received on this adapter.

Indicates the number of mbufs to be used exclusively with this adapter. These mbufs are used for receiving frames. They are 4096 bytes long if you specify "Yes" for "Transmit Jumbo Frames". Otherwise, they are 2048 bytes long.

Valid values range from 256 through 2048. The default value is 768. The adapter has a receive queue of 512 entries. Each entry describes an mbuf where a frame (or part of a frame) will be received. The device driver attempts to obtain an mbuf for the receive queue from this receive buffer pool. If the pool is empty, the device driver attempts to obtain an mbuf from the system buffer pool. After a frame is received, the mbuf containing the frame is passed to the user of that frame. A replacement mbuf will be obtained for the adapter receive queue. Thus more than 512 mbufs are in use at any given time. The output of the "entstat -d ent0" program contains statistics concerning the use of this buffer pool. Using mbufs from this pool improves the performance of the adapter with a possible increase in system network memory usage.

Setting this attribute to "Yes" indicates that the adapter should calculate the checksum for received TCP frames. If you specify "No", the checksum will be calculated by the appropriate software. The default value is "Yes". Note: The mbuf describing a frame to be transmitted contains a flag that specifies whether the adapter should calculate the checksum for the frame.

Big Bend ATM adapter

The beginning of the adapter I/O space. This adapter requires 32K bytes of I/O space.

The beginning of the adapter memory space. This adapter requires 32K bytes of memory space.

Specifies whether to use the adapter's Media Access Control (MAC) address. If the value is "No", the alternate address is used.

The unique physical address used as the Media Access Control(MAC) address when the adapter's MAC address is not used.

The number of VC's that are guaranteed to be available to users. You can set this number between 5 and 1024. The default value is 64.

The maximum number of VC's that can be open at one time on the driver. You can set this number between 5 and 2048. The default value is 1024.

The maximum number of 4K mbuf that the driver can pre-map. You can specify between 0 and 14000. If the specified value is 0, the driver sets the value to 1% of the mbuf wall, or 800, depending on which is greater.

The receive buffer garbage collection interval, specified in seconds.

Specifies whether the adapter should provide the SONET clock. SONET provides a high bandwidth "pipe" that supports this ATM adapter on an optical fibre network. When set to 1, the SONET clock is provided. When set to 0, the clock is not provided.

Flipper Adapter

Identifies the logical name of the FC Network protocol device.

The following SMIT menus apply to the FC Network Device Driver that interfaces to the FC Adapter Device Driver.

Activates an FC SCSI protocol device to enable SCSI operations on the FC adapter. An FC SCSI protocol device is in the "Available" state when it is activated.

Deactivates an FC SCSI protocol device and disables SCSI operations on the FC adapter. An FC SCSI protocol device is in the "Defined" state when it is deactivated.

Activates an FC network protocol device to enable network (TCP/IP) operations on the FC adapter. The FC network protocol device is in the "Available" state when it is activated.

Deactivates an FC network protocol device and disables network (TCP/IP) operations on the FC adapter. The FC network protocol device is in the "Defined" state when it is deactivated.

Fibre Channel (FC) is an integrated channel and network technology that allows concurrent communications between hosts, storage subsystems, and other peripherals that use SCSI, IP, and other protocols.

The Fibre Channel Class of service used when this FC adapter is attached to an FC switch.

Class 2 is a highly reliable communication mechanism in which all sent data is acknowledged. However, the additional acknowledgement can reduce overall data rate because the acknowledgement uses a portion of the bandwidth.

Class 3 is a communication mechanism in which there are no acknowledgements of sent data. Class 3 can give higher data rates than Class 2.

Do not change this attribute if you are not familiar with Fibre Channel and the Fibre Channel switches and devices being used.

Press Enter or Cancel to return to the application.

The Link Initialization protocol is used the first time this FC adapter is opened. Settings for this attribute are as follows:

Do not change this attribute if you are not familiar with Fibre Channel and the switches and Fibre Channel devices being used.

Fibre Channel

The device's Fibre Channel node name. The node name is unique for targets in different enclosures and is usually the world-wide name of one of the targets in that enclosure. Nodes are the same for all LUN's in the same target.