umountall Command


Unmounts groups of dismountable devices or filesystems.


umountall [ -k ] [ -s ] [ -F FileSytemType ] [ -l | -r ]

umountall [ -k ] [ -s ] [ -h Host ]


The umountall command by default unmounts all dismountable file systems or devices except root, /proc, /var and /usr. If the FileSystemType is specified, umountall limits its actions to the file system type specified. There is no guarantee that umountall will unmount busy file systems, even if the -k option is specified.


Item Description
-F FileSystemType Specifies the type of file systems to be dismounted. FileSystemType corresponds to the vfs column printed out by the mount command. All dismountable file systems of the given type will be unmounted. This flag cannot be used in combination with the -h flag.
-h Host Specifies the host node. All file systems remotely mounted from this host will be unmounted.
-k Sends a SIGKILL to each process on the mount point before unmounting. This option internally uses the fuser -k command to kill all the processes running on the mount point. As this option causes each process on the mount point to be killed, the unmount of the mount point does not happen immediately. There is no guarantee that umountall will unmount busy file systems, even if the -k option is specified. An attempt to unmount the mount point will be made only after all the processes using the mount point are killed.
-l Limits the action to local filesystems.
-r Limits the action to remote filesystems.
-s This is a no-operation flag provided for System V compatibility on serializing the unmounts. The serialization of the unmount command is done using -k option by terminating all the associated processes on the mount point.

Exit Status

The command completed successfully.
An error occurred.


Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in AIX® Version 7.1 Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


  1. To unmount all dismountable file systems, enter:
  2. To unmount all dismountable filesystems of type jfs, enter:
    umountall -F jfs
  3. To unmount all dismountable filesystems mounted from host.domain, enter:
    umountall -h host.domain
  4. To unmount all remotely mounted filesystems, enter:
    umountall -r


Item Description
/usr/sbin/umountall Contains the umountall command.