uimx Command


Starts the UIM/X user-interface management system for the X Window System.


uimx  -dir Path ] -file FileName ] -workspace Name ] -xrm Options ]


The uimx command starts the UIM/X user-interface management system for the X Window System. It supports Motif 1.2 and provides a complete programming environment for developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs). UIM/X supports object-oriented programming in both C and C++.

UIM/X saves and loads text files that use the Xt resource syntax to describe interfaces and projects. It can also load UIL files. It generates C, C++, and UIL code. It can also generate makefiles, message catalogs, and resource files for an application.

UIM/X includes a built-in C Interpreter and the following tools and editors:

UIM/X supports two operating modes: Design and Test. In Test mode, the built-in C Interpreter allows you to test the behavior of your application. In Design mode, the C Interpreter validates the code you enter into the various UIM/X editors.

UIM/X provides a convenience library of functions that simplify the task of programming with X and Motif.


Item Description
dir Path Sets UIM/X's current directory to path.
file FileName Loads an existing project, interface, or palette file called FileName. FileName can include an absolute path name, a path name relative to the current directory, or a path name relative to the -dir value.
workspace Name Loads UIM/X into the corresponding CDE workspace called name.
xrm Options Enables you to enter any resource specifications (options) that you would otherwise put in a resource file.


Access Control: Any User

Files Accessed: None


To start UIM/X, enter:



Item Description
/usr/uimx2.8/bin/uimx Contains the uimx command.