ucfgif Method


Unloads an interface instance from the kernel.


ucfgif-l InterfaceInstance ]


The ucfgif method removes an interface instance from the kernel. To remove the interface instance, the ucfgif method does the following:

  1. Unloads the interface software by calling the /usr/sbin/ifconfig interface detach.
  2. Sets the status flag of the interface instance to defined.
    Note: The ucfgif method is a programming tool and should not be executed from the command line.


Item Description
-l InterfaceInstance Specifies the interface instance to be unconfigured. If no interface name is specified, all configured interface instances are unconfigured.


To remove an interface instance from the kernel, enter the method in the following format:

ucfgif  -l tr0

In this example, the name of the interface instance is tr0.