startwpar Command


Activates a workload partition.


/usr/sbin/startwpar [ -a ] [ -m ] [ -v ] [ -1 [ -R ] | -2 [ -eVAR=values ... ] | | -I ] WparName


The startwpar command activates a workload partition that is defined by the mkwpar command. It includes:
  • Exporting devices from the global environment into the workload partition
  • Mounting the workload partition's file systems
  • Assigning and activating the workload partition's IP addresses
  • Activating the workload partition's WLM class, if any
  • Creating the init command

The startwpar command fails if no workload partition exists with the given name.


Item Description

Phase 1: the loaded state. Specifies the startwpar command to stop before creating or running any process. Only programmatic consumers (consumers with administrative lock) can use this -1 flag.


Phase 2: starts initial processes. If the workload partition is already configured with the startwpar -1 option, use the -2 flag to complete the startup of the workload partition by spawning the registered application (application workload partitions), init (system workload partitions), or the registered alternate init if the workload partition was created with the -c (checkpointable) option of the mkwpar or wparexec commands. The operation context is identical to that of the normal startwpar operation for the type of workload partition that is queried. This option is in contrast with the -I option, whereby the startwpar process is replaced by the workload partition process. Only programmatic consumers can use this -2 flag.


Automatically resolves conflicting static settings if they occurred. Resolvable settings include hostname and network configuration.

-e VAR=values ... Allows customization of the environment available to the initial process created by the startwpar -2 flag. The parameter should be a single argument (appropriately quoted and escaped) in the form of VAR=value ... Only programmatic consumers can use this -e flag.
-I Specifies that the startwpar command to exec the initial process for the workload partition: /usr/lib/wpars/wparinit for system workload partitions, and /usr/lib/wpars/vinit for application workload partitions. The alternate init command, if registered, is never run through this flag. The process is created and run through exec, and replaces the startwpar process. This is in contrast to the -2 flag, whereby the initial process is run in its usual context. Only programmatic consumers can use this -I flag.
-m Specifies that the workload partition should be started in maintenance mode. Networks that are associated with the workload partitionworkload partition are not configured, so the only access to the workload partition is from the global system. Do not use the -m flag to configure workload partitions with NFS file systems.
-R When used with the -1 flag, the -R flag specifies that the workload partition is to be configured for restart rather than fresh start. Only programmatic consumers can use this -R flag.
-v Specifies to show verbose output.


Item Description
VAR=values ... Values that can be interpreted into the -e flag as a single argument by the shell. It can contain punctuations, spaces and so on.
WparName The name of the workload partition to be started.


Access Control: Only the root user can run this command.

Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in AIX® Version 7.1 Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


To start the workload partition called roy, enter:
startwpar roy

Related Information

The chwpar, clogin, lswpar, mkwpar,rc.wpars, rebootwpar, rmwpar, stopwpar Command, syncroot Command,syncwpar Command and the wparexec command.

The devexports file in AIX Version 7.1 Files Reference.

The Trusted AIX in AIX Version 7.1 Security.

The RBAC in AIX Version 7.1 Security.