setkst Command


Sets the entries in the kernel security tables (KST).


setkst [ -q ] [ -b | -t table1, table2,...]


The setkst command reads the security databases and loads the information from the databases into the kernel security tables. By default, all of the security databases are sent to the KST. Alternatively, you can specify a specific database using the -t flag. If only the authorization database is the only one you specified, the role and privileged command databases are updated in the KST because they are dependent on the authorization database.

The setkst command checks the tables before updating the KST. If any severe error in the database is found, the setkst command warns the user by sending message to the stderr, and exits without resetting the KST. If a minor error is found in the database, a warning message is displayed, and the entry is skipped.

The setkst command is only functional if the system is operating in enhanced Role Based Access Control (RBAC) mode. If the system is not in enhanced RBAC mode, the command displays an error message and ends.


Item Description
-b Loads the KST with the information that is stored in the backup binary file on the system. If information in the binary file cannot be loaded, the tables are regenerated from the security databases.
-q Specifies quiet mode. Warning messages that occur are not displayed when the security databases are parsed.
-t table1, table2 Sends the specified security databases to the KST. The parameter for the -t flag is a comma-separated list of security databases. Values for this flag are as follows:
Authorizations database
Role database
Privileged command database
Privileged device database
Domain objects


The setkst command is a privileged command. Only users that have the following authorization can run the command successfully.
Item Description Required to run the command.

Files Accessed

File Mode
/etc/security/authorizations r
/etc/security/privcmds r
/etc/security/privdevs r
/etc/security/roles r
/etc/security/domains r
/etc/security/domobjs r


  1. To send all of the security databases to the KST, enter the following command:
  2. To send the role and privileged command databases to the KST, enter the following command:
    setkst -t role,cmd
  3. To send the domain object and domain databases to the KST, enter the following command:
    setkst -t domobj,dom