piopredef Command


Creates a predefined printer data-stream definition.


piopredef-r ] -d QueueDeviceName -q PrintQueueName -s DataStreamType -t PrinterType


The piopredef command creates a predefined printer data-stream definition from a virtual printer definition. It can be thought of as the inverse of the mkvirprt command, displayed with the chvirprt command, and then specified with the piopredef command to create a predefined definition for the unsupported printer.

The new predefined printer definition can then be specified with a mkvirprt command to generate additional virtual printers for the unsupported printer type on the same computer, or transported to other computers and used there.


Item Description
-d QueueDeviceName Specifies with the QueueDeviceName variable the spooler of the customized virtual printer definition to be used to create the predefined printer definition.
-q PrintQueueName Specifies with the PrintQueueName variable the spooler of the virtual printer definition to be used to create the predefined printer definition.
-r Specifies that if the -s flag and the -t flag specify a predefined printer definition that already exists, the existing one should be replaced.
-s DataStreamType Specifies with the DataStreamType variable the printer for the predefined printer definition to be created. Example data stream types are:
IBM® extended ASCII
Hewlett-Packard GL
Hewlett-Packard PCL
Diablo 630
Texas Instruments 855.
-t PrinterType Specifies the printer type for the predefined printer definition to be created. Examples of existing printer types are: 4201-3, hplj-2, ti2115, and so on.
Note: If no flags are specified, the command syntax is displayed.


To create a new predefined printer definition from an existing virtual printer definition for the virtual printer, enter:

piopredef -d mypro -q proq -s asc -t 9234-2

The attributes for the virtual printer assigned to the mypro queue device on the proq print queue are copied to create a new predefined printer definition for the 9234-2 printer (asc data stream).


Item Description
/etc/piopredef Contains the piopredef command.
/usr/lpd/pio/predef/* Predefined printer data stream attribute files. File names are in the format: PrinterType.DataStreamType.
/var/spool/lpd/pio/@local/custom/* Customized virtual printer attribute files. File names are in the format: PrintQueueName:QueueDeviceName.