pdmkdir Command


Creates partitioned directories.


pdmkdir [ -m Mode ] [ -u Owner ] [ -g Group ] dirname ...


The pdmkdir command creates partitioned directories that you specify using the dirname parameter. Normal users can create partitioned directories if the Discretionary Access Control (DAC), the Mandatory Access Control (MAC) and the Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC) permissions allow the user to create the new directory. Users with the aix.mls.pdir.mkdir authorization can override the DAC, MAC and MIC permissions.


Item Description
-g Group Sets the group of the newly-created directories. You can specify either a group name or group ID. Users with the aix.mls.pdir.mkdir authorization can change the group of the directory to a group that they are not members of.
-m Mode Sets the permission bits for the newly created directories to the value that is specified by the Mode variable. Specify the Mode variable as a numeric value.
-u Owner Sets the owner of the newly created directories. You can specify either the owner name or owner ID. Users with the aix.mls.pdir.mkdir authorization can change the owner of the directory.
Note: The Mode, Owner or Group variable that is set is applied to the partitioned directory and the partitioned subdirectory created based on the processes Sensitivity Level (SL) which ran the command. If another process with a different SL accesses the partitioned directory, the partitioned subdirectory that is created cannot be governed by these flags.


All users can run the pdmkdir command. To successfully perform specific functions, users need the following authorization:

Item Description
aix.mls.pdir.mkdir Required to change the owner or group using the -u or -g flag. This authorization is also required to create directories in a path that ignores the DAC, MAC and MIC permissions of the parent directory.

Exit Status

The pdmkdir command returns the following exit values:

Item Description
0 The command ran successfully and made all requested changes.
>0 An error occurred.


  1. To create a partitioned directory, enter:
    pdmkdir partdir
  2. To create a partitioned directory with the permission "755", user "joe", group "staff", enter:
    pdmkdir –m 755 –u joe –g staff partdir


Item Description
/usr/sbin/pdmkdir Contains the pdmkdir command.