Reports the latest installed level (technology level, maintenance level and service pack) of the system.
The oslevel command reports the technology level and service pack of the operating system using a subset of all filesets installed on your system. These filesets include the Base Operating System (BOS), base devices, base printers, and X11.
The oslevel command also prints information about the technology level and service pack, including which filesets are not at a specified technology level or service pack.
Item | Description |
-l Level | Lists filesets that are earlier (less) than the technology level or service pack specified by the Level parameter. |
-f | Forces the oslevel command to rebuild the cache for this operation. |
-g Level | Lists filesets that are later (greater) than the technology level or service pack specified by the Level parameter. |
-q | Lists names of known technology levels (when used with the -r flag) or service packs (when used with the -s flag) that can be specified using the -l or -g flag. |
-r | Applies all flags to technology levels. |
-s | Applies all flags to service packs. The service pack level returned is in the format 6100-00-01-0748, where 6100 refers to base level; 00 refers to technology level 0; 01 refers to service pack 1; and 0748 refers to the yyww build date in year and weeks, in this case, the 48th week of the year 2007. |
output will be similar to the following:
oslevel -r
oslevel -rq
levels returned can be used with the [ -r -l ] or [ -r -g ]
flags, and will be similar to the following: Known Recommended Maintenance Levels
oslevel -r -l 5300-01
oslevel -r -g 5300-01
oslevel -s
oslevel -sq
levels returned can be used with the [ -s -l ] or [ -s -g ]
flags, and will be similar to the following: Known Service Packs
oslevel -s -l 6100-00-01-0748
oslevel -s -g 6100-00-01-0748
Item | Description |
/usr/bin/oslevel | Contains the oslevel command. |