Mails event information generated by the event response resource manager (ERRM) to a specified user ID.
enotifyevent [-h] [user-ID]
notifyevent [-h] [user-ID]
The enotifyevent script always return messages in English. The language in which the messages of the notifyevent script are returned depend on the locale settings.
These scripts capture event information that is posted by the event response resource manager (ERRM) in environment variables that are generated by the ERRM when an event occurs. These scripts can be used as actions that are run by an event response resource. They can also be used as templates to create other user-defined actions.
Event information is returned about the ERRM environment variables, and also includes the following:
In AIX®, these scripts use the mail command to send event information to the specified user ID. When a user ID is specified, it is assumed to be valid, and it is used without verifying it. If a user ID is not specified, the user who is running the command is used as the default.
user-ID is the optional ID of the user to whom the event information will be mailed. If user-ID is not specified, the user who is running the command is used as the default.
For AIX, the log_file is treated as a circular log and has a fixed size of 64KB. When log_file is full, new entries are written over the oldest existing entries.
For other platforms, the size of the log_file is not limited, and it will not overwrite itself. The file size will increase indefinitely unless the administrator periodically removes entries.
If log_file already exists, event information is appended to it. If log_file does not exist, it is created so that event information can be written to it.
When the -h flag is specified, the script's usage statement is written to standard output.
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/notifyevent user1
Event reported at Sun Mar 26 16:38:03 2002
Condition Name: /var space used
Severity: Warning
Event Type: Event
Expression: PercentTotUsed>90
Resource Name: /var
Resource Class Name: IBM.FileSystem
Data Type: CT_UINT32
Data Value: 91