nlssrc Command


Gets the status of a subsystem or a group of subsystems in canonical form.


nlssrc [ -h host] -a

nlssrc [ -h host] -g group_name

nlssrc [ -h host] [-l] [-c] -s subsystem_name

nlssrc [ -h host] [-l] [-c] -p subsystem_pid

The syntax for the first two usages of nlssrc will generate the exact same output as lssrc. The syntax for the last two usages will generate the output in the canonical form as lssrc.


Use the nlssrc command to get the status of a subsystem or a group of subsystems in canonical form. For the AIX® platform, use the nlssrc -c command to get language-independent output for supported subsystems from the lssrc command. The status is displayed in English regardless of the installed language locale. If the -c flag is not present, the nlssrc command will invoke the lssrc command that uses the daemon's locale.


Item Description
-a Lists the current status of all defined subsystems
-c Requests the canonical lssrc output of the supported subsystems.
-g group_name Specifies a group of subsystems to get status for. The command is unsuccessful if the group_name parameter is not contained in the subsystem object class.
-h host Specifies the foreign host on which this status action is requested. The local user must be running as root. The remote system must be configured to accept remote System Resource Controller (SRC) requests. That is, the srcmstr daemon (see /etc/inittab) must be started with the -r flag and the /etc/hosts.equiv file or the .rhosts file must be configured to allow remote requests.
-l Requests that a subsystem send its current status in long form. Long status requires that a status request be sent to the subsystem; it is the responsibility of the subsystem to return the status.
-p subsystem_pid Specifies a particular instance of the subsystem_pid parameter to get status for, or a particular instance of the subsystem to which the status subserver request is to be taken.
-s subsystem_name Specifies a subsystem to get status for. The subsystem_name parameter can be the actual subsystem name or the synonym name for the subsystem. The command is unsuccessful if the subsystem_name parameter is not contained in the subsystem object class.


You do not need root authority to run this command.

Exit Status

Command has run successfully.
Command was not successful.


This command applies to the cthags and cthats subsystems only.

Standard Output

When the -h flag is specified, this command's usage statement is written to standard output.

Standard Error

Error messages are written to standard error (and to the ctsnap.host_name.nnnnnnnn.log file).


  1. To get nlssrc output in English from a subsystem called ctsubsys, enter:
    nlssrc -c -ls ctsubsys
  2. The following example shows the same information in different formats:
    nlssrc -ls ctsubsys (locale-dependent)
    Subsystem  Group     PID   Status
    ctsubsys   ctsubsys  6334  active
    2 locally-connected clients.  Their PIDs:
    15614 23248
    HA Subsystem domain information:
    Domain established by node 5
    Number of groups known locally: 1
                         Number of          Number of local
    Group Name           providers          providers/subscribers
    ha_filesys              7                   1        0
    nlssrc -ls ctsubsys -c (canonical form)
    Number of local clients: 2
    PIDs: 15614 23248
    HA Subsystem domain information:
    Domain established by node 5.
    Number of known local groups: 1
    Group Name: ha_filesys
         Providers: 7
         Local Providers: 1
         Local Subscribers: 0


Contains the nlssrc command


Location of the default directory that contains the output files.
Location of the log file of the command execution, where nnnnnnnn is a timestamp and host_name is the name of the host on which the command is running.
Location of the compressed tar file that contains the collected data, where nnnnnnnn is a timestamp and host_name is the name of the host on which the command is running.