mark Command


Creates, modifies, and displays message sequences.


mark [ +Folder ] [ -list ] [ -sequence Name [ Messages... ] [ -add | -delete ] [ -zero | -nozero ] [ -public | -nopublic ] ]


The mark command creates, deletes, adds, and lists messages in a sequence. The mark command by default lists all of the sequences and their messages for the current folder. If you use the -add or -delete flag, you must also use the -sequence flag. When all messages are deleted from a sequence, the mark command removes the sequence name from the folder.

To create a new sequence, enter the -sequence flag with the name of the sequence you want to create. The mark command creates the sequence starting with the current message. By default, the mark command places the sequence in the current folder. If you specify a folder, that folder becomes the current folder.


Item Description
-add Adds messages to a sequence. The -add flag is the default. If you do not specify a message, the mark command uses the current message.
Note: You can only use this flag with the -sequence flag.
-delete Deletes messages from a sequence. If you do not specify a message, the current message is deleted by default.
Note: You can only use this flag with the -sequence flag.
+Folder Specifies the folder to examine.
-help Lists the command syntax, available switches (toggles), and version information.
Note: For MH, the name of this flag must be fully spelled out.
-list Displays the messages in a sequence. By default, the -list flag displays all the sequence names and messages defined for the current folder. To see a specific sequence, use the -sequence flag with the -list flag.
-nopublic Restricts a sequence to your usage. The -nopublic flag does not restrict the messages in the sequence, only the sequence itself. This option is the default if the folder is write-protected from other users.
-nozero Modifies the sequence by adding or deleting only the specified messages. This flag is the default.
-public Makes a sequence available to other users. The -public flag does not make protected messages available, only the sequence itself. This flag is the default if the folder is not write-protected from other users.
-sequence Name Specifies a sequence for the -list, -add, and -delete flags. You cannot use new as a sequence name.
-zero Clears a sequence of all messages except the current message. When the -delete flag is also specified, the -zero flag places all of the messages from the folder into the sequence before deleting any messages.
Messages Specifies messages in a sequence. You can specify more than one message at a time. Messages are identified with following references:
Number of the message
All the messages in a folder
cur or . (period)
Current message (the default)
First message in a folder
Last message in a folder
New messages in a folder
Message following the current message
Message preceding the current message

If the -list flag is used, the default for the Messages parameter is all. Otherwise, the default is the current message.

Profile Entries

The following entry is found in the UserMHDirectory/context file:

Item Description
Current-Folder: Specifies the default current folder.

The following entry is found in the $HOME/.mh_profile file:

Item Description
Path: Specifies the MH directory.


Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in AIX® Version 7.1 Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


  1. To see the list of all sequences defined for the current folder, enter:
    The system displays a message similar to the following:
    cur: 94
    test: 1-3 7 9
    In this example, message 94 is the current message number in the current folder. The message sequence called test includes message numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, and 9.
  2. To see the list of all the sequences defined for the meetings folder, enter:

    mark  +meetings

    The system displays a message similar to the following:
    cur: 5
    dates: 12 15 19
  3. To create a new message sequence called schedule in the current folder, enter:

    mark  -sequence schedule

    The system displays the shell prompt to indicate that the schedule sequence was created. By default, the system adds the current message to the new sequence.
  4. To delete message 10 from the schedule sequence, enter:

    mark  -sequence schedule 10  -delete


Item Description
$HOME/.mh_profile Specifies the MH user profile.
/usr/bin/mark Contains the mark command.