lppmgr Command


Manages an existing installp image source.


lppmgr -d DirectoryOrDevice [ -r | -m MoveDirectory ] { [ -x ] [ -X ] [ -l ] [ -u ] [ -b ] [ -k LANG ] } [ -p ] [ -t ] [ -s ] [ -V ] [ -D ]


lppmgr is designed to perform the following functions on an existing installp image source (also known as an lpp_source in the NIM environment):
  1. Remove duplicate updates (-u Flag).
  2. Remove duplicate base levels (-b Flag).
  3. Eliminating updates which are the same level as bases of the same fileset. Such updates can create conflicts that lead to installation failure (-u Flag).
  4. Remove message and locale filesets other than the language you specify (-k Flag).
  5. Remove superseded filesets (-x Flag).
  6. Remove non-system images from a NIM lpp_source resource (-X Flag).

By default, lppmgr will list all images filtered by the above routines. The "-r" flag can be used to remove the filtered images and the "-m" flag can be used to move the images to another location.

Note: lppmgr is not intended to replace bffcreate, install anything, or work with installed filesets. It is also not intended to address any issues other than those aforementioned. Before using the "-X" flag, you should have a good understanding of NIM, system images (known as SIMAGES in NIM), and the workings of a NIM lpp_source resource.


Item Description
-b Causees lppmgr to filter for base level duplicates.
-D Specifies debug mode. This flag is for debugging the lppmgr script.
Note: Debug. This produces a large quantity of output and greatly reduces lppmgr performance. It is not useful for normal operations.
-d DeviceOrDirectory Specifies the device or directory where the installp images reside. Currently this can be any directory, NFS mount point, or cdrom device. If the directory is not writable, you should use the -t flag. If the target of your operation is a NIM lpp_source resource, you should specify the lpp_source location (see the lsnim command). This flag is required for all operations.
-k LANG Keeps only the message and locale images for the language specified by LANG. All other languages are filtered.
-l Lists filtered images only. By default, lppmgr will only list all filtered image files unless the "-r" or "-m" flag is specified. The "-l" flag will override the "-r" or "-m" flag.
-m Directory Moves filtered files to Directory. The location specified by Directory can be any writable directory path. This flag cannot be used with the "-r" flag.
-p Specifies prompt mode. Prompt when moving or removing files.
-r Removes files that have been filtered by lppmgr.
Note: If the prompt flag is not specified (-p), lppmgr will remove all filtered files without further user interaction. This flag cannot be used with the "-m" flag.
-s Prints space usage info. This will print the amount of space a particular fileset is using and the total amount of space in question. Some buffer space is added for file metadata.
-t Specifies that lppmgr will not rebuild the .toc file. This can be useful for having a quick look without having to rebuild the entire .toc file, which can take some time. Also, this is required for read-only devices.
-u Causes lppmgr to filter for duplicate updates and conflicting updates which are the same level as bases of the same fileset.
-V Specifies verbose mode. lppmgr will give more output in certain situations.
-x Causes lppmgr to filter for superseded updates.
-X Filters non-system images from a NIM lpp_source resource.

Exit Status

All lppmgr related operations completed successfully.
An error occurred.


Only the root user can execute lppmgr.


  1. To list all duplicate and conflicting updates in image source directory /myimages, enter:
    lppmgr -d /myimages -u
  2. To remove all duplicate and conflicting updates in image source directory /myimages, enter:
    lppmgr -d /myimages -u -r
  3. To remove all duplicate and conflicting updates, duplicate base levels, and all message/locale filesets other than "en_US" in prompted mode, enter:
    lppmgr -d /myimages -purb -k en_US
  4. To move all superseded update images and non SIMAGES from NIM lpp_source location /lpps/433 to directory /backups, enter:
    lppmgr -d /lpps/433 -x -X -m  /backups


Item Description
/usr/lib/instl/lppmgr Contains the lppmgr command.