lpar_netboot Command


Retrieves MAC address and physical location code from network adapters for a partition, or instructs a partition to network boot.


To Retrieve MAC Address:

lpar_netboot -M -n [ -v ] [ -x ] [ -f ] [ -i ] [ -A ] -t ent [ -D -s Speed -d Duplex -S Server -G Gateway -C Client -K subnetmask ] partition_name partition_profile manage_system

To Preform Network Boot:

lpar_netboot [ -v ] [ -x ] [ -f ] [ -i ] [ -g args ] [ -A -D | [ -D ] -l phys_loc | [ -D ] -m maddress ] -t ent -s Speed -d Duplex -S Server -G Gateway -C Client -K subnetmask partition_name partition_profile manage_system


The lpar_netboot command instructs a logical partition to network boot by having the partition send out a bootp request to a server specified with the -S flag. The server can be a NIM server serving SPOT resources or any server serving network boot images.

If the -M and -n flags are specified, the lpar_netboot command returns the Media Access Control address and the physical location code for a particular type of network adapter specified with the -t flag. When the -m flag is specified, lpar_netboot boots a partition using a specific network adapter that matches the specified MAC address. When the -l flag is specified, lpar_netboot boots a partition using a specific physical location code for the network adapter that matches the specified physical location code. The matching MAC address or physical location code is dependent upon the hardware resource allocation in the profile the partition was booted in. The lpar_netboot command also requires arguments for partition name, partition profile (which contains the allocated hardware resources), and the name of the managed system that the partition was defined in.


Item Description
-A Returns all adapters of the given type.
-C Client Specifies the IP address of the machine to network boot.
-D Performs a ping test so the adapter can successfully ping the server specified with the -S flag.
-d Duplex Specifies the duplex setting of the machine specified with the -C flag.
-f Forces a close virtual terminal session for the partition.
-G Gateway Specifies the gateway IP address of the machine specified with the -C flag.
-g args Specifies generic arguments for booting. The -g flag enables you to pass additional argument to the firmware boot command. The -g flag is added for the PXE boot. An example for the -g argument is
-g autoyast=
dhcptimeout=150 install=nfs://
-i Forces an immediate shutdown of the partition.
-K subnetmask Specifies the mask that the gateway should use in determining the appropriate subnetwork for routing. The subnet mask is a set of 4 bytes, as in the Internet address. The subnet mask consists of high bits (1s) corresponding to the bit positions of the network and subnetwork address, and low bits (0s) corresponding to the bit positions of the host address.
-l phys_loc Specifies the physical location code of the network adapter to network boot.
-M Displays the network adapter MAC address and physical location code.
-m maddress Specifies the MAC address of the network adapter to network boot.
-n Instructs the partition to not network boot.
-S Server Specifies the IP address of the machine to retrieve the network boot image during network boot.
-s Speed Specifies the speed setting of the machine specified with the -C flag.
-t ent Specifies the type of adapter for MAC address or physical location code discovery, or for network boot.
-v Displays additional information while the command is running.
-x Displays debug output while the command is running.


Item Description
partition_name Specifies the name of the partition.
partition_profile Specifies the name of the partition profile to use.
managed_system Specifies the name of the managed system on which the partition is defined.

Exit Status

Item Description
0 Successful completion


Access Control: You must have root authority to run the lpar_netboot command.


  1. To retrieve MAC address and physical location code for partition machA with a partition profile machA_prof on a managed system test_sys, type:
    lpar_netboot -M -n -t ent "machA" "machA_prof" "test_sys"
  2. To network boot partition machA with a partition profile machA_prof on a managed system test_sys, type:
          lpar_netboot -t ent -s auto -d auto -S -G -C 
                      "machA" "machA_prof" "test_sys"
  3. To network boot partition machA with a specific MAC address of 00:09:6b:dd:02:e8 and a partition profile machA_prof on a managed system test_sys, type:
          lpar_netboot -t ent -m 00096bdd02e8 -s auto -d auto -S -G 
                       -C "machA" "machA_prof" "test_sys"
  4. To network boot partition machA with a specific physical location code of U1234.121.A123456-P1-T6 and a partition profile machA_prof on a managed system test_sys, type:
          lpar_netboot -t ent -l U1234.121.A123456-P1-T6 -s auto -d auto -S
                       -G -C "machA" "machA_prof" "test_sys"
  5. To perform a ping test and a network boot of partition machA with a partition profile machA_prof on a managed system test_sys, type:
          lpar_netboot -t ent -D -s auto -d auto -S -G -C 
                       "machA" "machA_prof" "test_sys"




Item Description
/usr/sbin/installios Contains the installios command.
/etc/niminfo Contains variables used by NIM.