line Command


Reads one line from the standard input.




The line command copies one line from standard input and writes it to standard output. It returns an exit value of 1 on an end-of-file and always writes at least a new-line character. Use this command within a shell command file to read from the work station.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

Item Description
0 Successful completion.
>0 End-of-file occurred on input.


To read a line from the keyboard and append it to a file, create a script file as follows:

echo 'Enter comments for the log:'
echo ': \c'
line >>log

This shell procedure displays the message:

Enter comments for the log:

and then reads a line of text from the workstation keyboard and adds it to the end of the log. The echo ': \c' command displays a colon prompt. See the echo command for information about the \c escape sequence.