Builds an inverted index for a bibliography.
indxbib Database ...
A bibliographic reference is a set of lines, constituting fields of bibliographic information. Each field starts on a line beginning with a % (percent sign), followed by a key letter, then a space character, and finally the contents of the field, which can continue until the next line starting with a % (percent sign). All key letters are ASCII characters.
The indxbib command is a shell script that calls the /usr/lib/refer/mkey and /usr/lib/refer/inv files. The first program, mkey, performs the following operations:
The second program, inv, creates in the working directory an entry file (.ia), a posting file (.ib), and a tag file (.ic).
Item | Description |
/usr/lib/eign | Contains the default list of common words the indxbib command discards while processing. |
Database.ia | Contains the entry file. |
Database.ib | Contains the posting file. |
Database.ic | Contains the tag file. |
Item | Description |
NLSPATH | Refers to a list of directory names where the message catalog files can be found. |