hostmibd Daemon


Starts the hostmibd dpi2 sub-agent daemon as a background process.


hostmibd [-f File] [-d [Level]] [-h Hostname] [-c Community]


The hostmibd command starts the hostmibd dpi2 sub-agent. This command may only be issued by a user with root privileges or by a member of the system group.

The hostmibd daemon complies with the standard Simple Network Management Protocol Distributed Protocl Interface Version 2.0 defined by RFC 1592. It is acting as a dpi2 sub-agent to communicate with the dpi2 agent through dpiPortForTCP.0 ( which is defined in RFC1592 section 3.1.

The Management Information Base (MIB) is defined by RFC 1155. The specific MIB variables hostmibd is managing are defined by RFC 2790. The actual MIB variables managed by hostmibd are the following six subtrees:
  • hrSystem (
  • hrStorage (
  • hrDevice (
  • hrSWRun (
  • hrSWRunPerf (
  • hrSWInstalled (

The hostmibd daemon is normally executed during system startup when /etc/rc.tcpip shell script is called.

The hostmibd daemon should be controlled using the System Resource Controller(SRC). Entering hostmibd at the command line is not recommended.

Use the following SRC commands to manipulate the hostmibd daemon:
Starts a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver.
Stops a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver.
Causes a subsystem or group of subsystems to reread the appropriate configuration file.
Gets the status of a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver. If the user issuing the long status form of the lssrc command is not the root user, no community name information is displayed.


Item Description
-c Community Use specified community name. If -c flag is not specified, the default community name is 'public'.
-d Level Specifies tracing/debug level. The levels are:
  • 0 = Least level
  • 8 = DPI level 1
  • 16 = DPI level 2
  • 32 = Internal level 1
  • 64 = Internal level 2
  • 128 = Internal level 3
Add the numbers for multiple trace levels. The default level is 56 if the -d flag is specified but Level is not specified. If the -d flag is not specified, the default level is 0.
-f File Specifies a non-default configuration file. If the -f flag is not specified, the default configuration file is /etc/hostmibd.conf. See /etc/hostmibd.conf file for information on this file format.
-h Host Send request to specified host. The Host value can be an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a host name. If -h flag is not specified, the default destination host is 'loopback' (


  1. To start the hostmibd daemon, enter a command similar to the following:
    startsrc -s hostmibd -a "-f /tmp/hostmibd.conf"
    This command starts the hostmibd daemon and reads the configuration file from /tmp/hostmibd.conf.
  2. To stop the hostmibd daemon, normally enter:
    stopsrc -s hostmibd
    This command stops the hostmibd daemon. The -s flag specified the subsystem that follows to be stopped.
  3. To get the short status from the hostmbid, enter:
    lssrc -s hostmbid
    This command returns the name of the daemon, the process ID of the daemon, and the state of the daemon (active or inactive).
  4. To get long status from the hostmibd daemon, enter:
    lssrc -ls hostmibd
    If you are the root user, this long form of the status report lists the configuration parameters in /etc/hostmibd.conf.


Item Description
/etc/hostmibd.conf Defines the configuration parameters for hostmibd command.
/etc/mib.defs Defines the Management Information Base (MIB) variables the SNMP agent and manager should recognize and handle.