gensyms Command


Gathers all the information necessary to run the curt, splat, and tprof commands in off-line mode.


gensyms [-o f F hsgIN] [-k kernel] [-i file] [-b binary[,binary[,...]]] [-S path]


The gensyms command gathers name to address mapping information necessary for the curt, splat, and tprof commands to work in off-line mode. The information gathered includes:
  • the list of all the loaded kernel extension
  • the list of all the loaded shared libraries
  • the list of all the loaded processes
  • for /unix, all kernel extensions, libraries, and all object files corresponding to processes, the output of the stripnm command is collected


Item Description
-b binary Specifies an optional list of binaries for which to find symbols.
-f Suppresses printing of source file names.
-F Collects the device information for physical and logical volumes.
-g Demangles symbol names.
-h Prints help message.
-i file Reads symbols from specified file.
-I Prints binary instructions of symbols.
-k kernel Specifies the name of the kernel image (default /unix).
-N Prints the source line number of symbols.
-o Prints offsets instead of addresses
-s Finds symbols only for files given by the -k and -b flags.
-S path Specifies the search path list; it is used to find binaries.


Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in AIX® Version 7.1 Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


To collect information needed for the tprof command in off-line mode with the profiling of user program test, type:
gensyms > test.syms