fwtmp Command


Manipulates connect-time accounting records by reading binary records in wtmp format from standard input and converting them to formatted ASCII records. You can use the ASCII version to edit bad records.


/usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp [ -i ] [ -c ] [ -X ] [ -L ]


The fwtmp command manipulates the accounting records by reading binary records in wtmp format from standard input and converting them to formatted ASCII records.


Item Description
-i Accepts ASCII records in the utmp format as input.
-c Converts output to utmp formatted binary records.
-ic Converts ASCII utmp formatted input records to binary output records.
-X Prints all available characters of each user name instead of truncating to the first 8 characters.
-L Prints all available characters of each host name instead of truncating to the first 32 characters.


Access Control: These commands should grant execute (x) access only to members of the adm group.


  1. To convert a binary record in wtmp format to an ASCII record called dummy.file, enter:
    /usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp < /var/adm/wtmp > dummy.file
    The content of a binary wtmp file is redirected to a dummy ASCII file.
  2. To convert an ASCII dummy.file to a binary file in wtmp format called /var/adm/wtmp, enter the fwtmp command with the -ic switch:

    /usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp  -ic < dummy.file  > /var/adm/wtmp

    The dummy ASCII file is redirected to a binary wtmp file.


Item Description
/usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp Contains the fwtmp command.
/var/adm/wtmp Contains records of date changes that include an old date and a new date.
/usr/include/utmp.h Contains history records that include a reason, date, and time.